New Member/Old Gym Rat


New Member
Hey Team,
I'm 46 y/o, 6' 2" 275 pounds and live in the NYC area. Currently at 16% BF. Been lifting for many years. Using gear for last 5 years. Gear is expensive and I'm looking for a guide or checklist to home-brew my own stuff. Hopefully I came to the right place...
Hey Team,
I'm 46 y/o, 6' 2" 275 pounds and live in the NYC area. Currently at 16% BF. Been lifting for many years. Using gear for last 5 years. Gear is expensive and I'm looking for a guide or checklist to home-brew my own stuff. Hopefully I came to the right place...
Some home brewers around. Probably get faster answers searching for threads already discussing the topic. I buy finished product, much easier.
