New member post.


New Member
Title says it, new member. I’m 32 years old, on Dr. prescribed TRT. I lifted from 09-13, got injured(back, military). Got out of the service, fucked around and didn’t take care of myself, was prescribed tons of different meds, and just had a shitty QOL. Started lifting again in 2016, but then I got Covid and it went down hill. Lost taste and smell, lost all appetite, stopped eating because of it. With me not eating nearly enough calories, I dropped from 240(about 18 percent BF) to 210(about 14-16 BF skin fold test shows). I stopped working out about 6 months after because I was malnourished, and everything fell apart again. Got tested for low T, was 114 total, 4 free. Doc put me on 50 mg atrevis topical, and all it did was shut down the very little I produced. I started taking 150mg daily of the Atrevis, and it’s great, problem is that my doc will probably cut me when I tell him I upped it(I refuse to lie when it comes to my health). My goal here is to start self medicating T with bloods every 2-3 months. The last week or so all I have done is pour over the threads and soak in all the info I can. I appreciate the all the knowledge this community puts out, and look forward to possibly contributing in some way in the future.