New member questions


New Member
Currently on TRT as follows:

age 58
Body fat 17%

Test cypionate 200mg week x 2 pins per week
Deca 150 mg week x 2 pins per week
CJC 1295 w/DAC and ipamorelin .20 mcg ED

Protein intake 220grams a day
Fat 150 grams a day
Carbs 100-150
Carbs low due to type 2 diabetes.

Looking to add a couple different compounds to trim body fat down to 10-12%.

Starting Anavar 20 mg a day 10 mg x2 daily. Also looking at adding primo and dropping the deca. What are thoughts on this doing to change things up a bit and allow me to get a little trimmer while still keeping my muscle and maybe improve mass. If I left anything out it was not intentional and apologize.

Test cypionate 200mg week x 2 pins per week
Deca 150 mg week x 2 pins per week
CJC 1295 w/DAC and ipamorelin .20 mcg ED
That’s your TRT? Not sure id consider that a TRT protocol per se… seems more like a bridge or cruise….

Someone else can chime in but no need to add anavar on top of all that now.

200mg of test a week, plus primo if you wanted to add that in… or 200mg test and deca 150mg a week is really all you should need.. that should do the trick for you
That’s your TRT? Not sure id consider that a TRT protocol per se… seems more like a bridge or cruise….

Someone else can chime in but no need to add anavar on top of all that now.

200mg of test a week, plus primo if you wanted to add that in… or 200mg test and deca 150mg a week is really all you should need.. that should do the trick for you
Thanks you sir I appreciate your feedback. What dosing of the primo 100-150 per week split into two pins?

Thanks Dw!
Thanks you sir I appreciate your feedback. What dosing of the primo 100-150 per week split into two pins?

Thanks Dw!
I am not sure about primo boss… never ran it …

But any compound I ever ran I just did it two times a week with a consistent schedule.

When I ran test and Npp. I did injections Sunday and Wednesday… Sunday morning… Wednesday night…

Hopefully some promo experts chime in here and help you out
I am not sure about primo boss… never ran it …

But any compound I ever ran I just did it two times a week with a consistent schedule.

When I ran test and Npp. I did injections Sunday and Wednesday… Sunday morning… Wednesday night…

Hopefully some promo experts chime in here and help you out
You injected Npp two times a week is all ? Should be injected more often per week.
You injected Npp two times a week is all ? Should be injected more often per week.
Yes correct 2x a week…. I have done it EOD before… I never felt a difference between 2x and EOD… so to keep my pinning schedule easier I just stuck with 2x a week with my test injections
That’s your TRT? Not sure id consider that a TRT protocol per se… seems more like a bridge or cruise….

Someone else can chime in but no need to add anavar on top of all that now.

200mg of test a week, plus primo if you wanted to add that in… or 200mg test and deca 150mg a week is really all you should need.. that should do the trick for you
Ramping up your steroid doses is going to do nothing but make you hungry. Thats the opposite of what you want when trying to cut bodyfat. This is why most cutting cycles fail. 200-250mg test is enough to keep muscle.

When people start to cut calories and lose glycogen in the muscles, they panic and think they’re losing muscle. Trust the process. If you feel deflated, you’re only a couple bowls of cereal away from being pumped up.

I know it’s not a fun answer. Consider Tirzepatide if you absolutely need to add something novel.