New member


Hi everyone. New member. Im 50 years old. i was a college athlete and have vacillated between being fit and not since.

The combination of Covid , work, family demands and laziness led to the worst shape of my life and pre-diabetic blood sugar levels. I have been working pretty hard at it for 9 months but age has been catching up and had a few minor but progress sapping workout injuries. I’ve been less injured since April and rededicated myself to working out and diet. In may I started taking tirzepatide and not only has the weight / fat melted off but Ive felt the benefit of the hormone changes it makes, particularly a vast reduction in inflammation with much improvement in flexibility, cardio and sleep and I have added muscle. I’ve dropped 35 lbs this year and gotten stronger thru lifting.

I’ve been using a calorie and macro tracker since may and been working on getting my protein up which has helped enormously In terms of muscle and satiety. I’ve made the change to injecting compound tirzepatide, I prefer it to the pen actually and the ability to tailor the dose. I’m interested in getting lyophilized tirz from QSC. I have friends who have reported good results with TRT and hgh. Given the incredible results I’ve had with tirz beyond just the appetite suppression I’m interested in the potential of additional hormone therapies and want to learn more about it and doing it safely (and cost effectively) here.

Among my first questions are what is the recommended path to getting blood work done (testosterone and anything else)? Thank you in advance. I’m looking forward to being part of the community, learning and making more progress.
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