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62 YO male who has been on TRT for about 10 years. Have never been quite satisfied with the results. (I'm looking for sense of well being, sleep, fat loss, libido, etc.... I am not a bodybuilder but do workout at the gym 4-6 times per week.) I've learned that SHBG has been binding up my free T for most of this time. Have tried all of the natty suggestions (boron, etc.) with no success. I inject .5ml of test cyp twice weekly and inject .25ml HcG twice weekly.

Looking for a solution. I'm pretty sure that solution is mesterolone (proviron) but I understand that the bayer brand is difficult to come by and I don't know about the quality of the other brands that are available. Nevertheless, I'd like to give it a few cycles to see. Also, I am in the U.S. and I understand that it is "not available" from a US supplier. So, I'm looking for a legit distributor that can send me what I need "for my personal use".

Thanks for any guidance!
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