New Member


New Member
New Member/Aging Single Father still passionate athlete working on shifting my lifestyle back to focusing more on my health and love for the gym. Life has a way of getting in the way of that sometime. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community. Been on trt for awhile now and not happy at all with the gel, blood work, nor results anymore. My goals here are just to continue the journey of lifelong learning, research, sharing, and if I might be able to offer any insight that might contribute to the well-being of even one person that would be more than fullfilling to make it all worthwhile.
God bless you brother. I can't imagine being a single dad. I have 2 girls. 1 who's severely developmentally delayed & autistic; the other, who is 5 years younger, is super intelligent(the crossroad of their learning abilities was tough).

The light bulb hit me a few years ago & I go to the gym at least every other day @ 5am.
God bless you brother. I can't imagine being a single dad. I have 2 girls. 1 who's severely developmentally delayed & autistic; the other, who is 5 years younger, is super intelligent(the crossroad of their learning abilities was tough).

The light bulb hit me a few years ago & I go to the gym at least every other day @ 5am.
Thank you for taking the time to say that. My daughter is Autistic as well actually. She's 6 years old and definitely the best thing to ever happen to me. Unfortunately, her mother is not in the picture at all whatsoever and it's been tough rasing a little girl alone, and it's been a struggle financially as I lost everything right before she was born and she requires constant supervision and support as you well know my friend. I wouldn't change it for the world though. Well, except to improve financially but that's all of us. Thanks again for making my day brother it means a lot!!!
If you need any advice on how to navigate the school system with IEPs or things to help make her learning easier, you hit me up. I will help as much as I can brother. We only get through the hard times by reaching out. I got your back if you need help later.

This might not be what this specific forum is about, but that's OK. Send me a dm sometime if needed & we'll talk off site.
