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New Member
I've been lurking here for a few months and have bought a stock pile of Cypionate for my TRT 160mg a week. I have now started playing with Anavar and am thinking of adding Primo and do a mini cycle 400mg of cyp/primo.
Thanks for all the info I've learned in the forums.
I suggest just upping the test if you never cycled before. Yes Var and Primo are "safer" compounds but I'd run a 250- 500 test blast first. Then your next blast maybe add some anavar or Primo not both.

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I suggest just upping the test if you never cycled before. Yes Var and Primo are "safer" compounds but I'd run a 250- 500 test blast first. Then your next blast maybe add some anavar or Primo not both.

Welcome to the page
Thanks for the info, would you run a E2 blocker or just use it if you start getting symptoms?
I'm 5'11 220 about 20% body fat.
At 20% your not going to see alot from Primo or Anavar in my opinion.. Others may think differently but to be honest until your around a true 12% I tell people not to play with anything other than Test and HGH.. Drop to 12% then you know training and diet is on point.. After this then blow up Lean..
At 20% your not going to see alot from Primo or Anavar in my opinion.. Others may think differently but to be honest until your around a true 12% I tell people not to play with anything other than Test and HGH.. Drop to 12% then you know training and diet is on point.. After this then blow up Lean..
How long would you recommend I blast Test for before resetting back to my trt doseage for a bit? Like 3 months?
There would be nothing wrong with having a 3 month blast given bloods are regular and you can mitigate things going off your bloodwork..

Start with say 500mg weekly and if everything's going smooth just add a little more to keep the gains going..
If you’re dedicating yourself to the game, then I’d definitely just up the test. Run your test high with no added compounds, then add primo with your next cycle or the one after. Right now, you can get away with less and still see good results.
Prioritise good sleep and nail the diet according to your goals and you’ll be making all the right decisions. Wish I did when I first started.

If you’re worried about catching the sides late, then run a SERM and keep an AI on hand. I’ve had good results with Raloxifene. As a SERM, it will not reduce the total blood plasma levels of estrogen in the body.
Aromatisation will still happen. This means you will retain water all the same, contributing to your strength gains, but monitor serum levels closely, so you can introduce the AI if necessary. This way you should negate the unwanted sides, like gyno and your hairline receding. Raloxifene is by far better than Nolva/Tamoxifen, imo. There’s studies to back it’s more promising effectiveness in countering these estrogenic side effects.
I'll take a look at Raloxifene, my clinic have me arimidex but I havent been taking it since I haven't had any high estrogen symptoms on my trt doseage so I've just been stockpiling them. Crazy that sleep is still important even though you're on gear but I guess it makes sense. Hairline isnt in issue I'm as smooth as a babys bottom, but gyno would be bad. How often are you guys getting your blood looked at while on a cycle? With trt my clinic only has me do it twice a year and then I have been doing 2 more on top of that through privatemdlabs.
Ended up coming off the blast a little early to get bloods for the clinic. Went from 225 to 216 bloods were done on trt dose 70mg twice a week with a 8 day gap from last shot
Primo can crash your E2 levels. But you could manage this by getting blood tests every 3-4 weeks if you wanted to try and dial the ratio in.