New Member


New Member
Hi y'all,

I'm excited to have found this forum. I liked seeing the rules posted for this community. I liked reading through the comments to get a feel that people here are real and not a bot. I liked how it took a second to be reviewed and approved before becoming a member.

I am relatively new to this genre of health. I began with Sustanon 250, Testoviron Depot, and now on Testosterone Cypionate. I have not been as satisfied on the product given to me at the clinics (Test-C). I haven't felt as good and it is far too expensive. After several months of personal experience now, I think I know what does and does not work for me. I am interested to be part of the community to see and hear about the experiences of others.

I am currently really only interested in testosterone and maybe some HcG.

Glad to be here.