Hey all,
Been lurking for years, made an account some ~year ago, and now I guess I'm posting? Funny how that happens. Just wake up one day and decide to write. Probably means I should be busier with other things in life but alas, here I am.
A bit about me:
30 year old former D1 college athlete at a top 5 school (academic...not SEC football). First pin was about 10 years ago, maybe a bit less.
Have used almost every compound, but not quite ALL of them.
Went from a chubby fat 250ish in the beginning of college to 280 at what I would consider my peak physique (not leanest, just what i think is my best overall but obviously just my opinion). Out of radical transparency, I'll show my before pics. I do have pics along the way I don't mind sharing, but don't feel like putting a bunch up unless people are actually interested. Don't push AAS doses high anymore because I've really enjoyed getting into cycling (a bicycle, not steroids, lol), and the added muscle / gear burden wrecks my ability to compete with myself on time trials due to the hit to endurance.
I suck at cycling relatively speaking, just FYI, but it's a lot of fun to blow through trails and streets at 3am around where I live; fantastic riding areas and no cars given the time I ride.
Recently came off gear for 7 months in order to get my wife pregnant. Tried HCG, HMG and everything I possibly could while on TRT dose of test but I could not get my sperm count to budge after 7 months of mega dosing fertility drugs.
Hopped off Jan 29 2024. First pin back August 29 2024. Wife is 11 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. Sperm count went from 0, to 62 million per ml. Forget all the morphology stats but can get those if someone is actually interested.
The 7 months I was off gear was some of the toughest months of my life - and I didn't even realize how shitty I felt as it came on so slow. Would be happy to elaborate here if anyone has interest. I stayed on 16iu of GH daily during that time to try and keep the hard earned muscle I had built. It was working really well. Until I fell off the wagon and went down a dark path for 2 months. Dug myself out, got my shit back together.
At the end of the day, I am a PED enthusiast. I love experiments. I love trying new things. I love everything there is about this lifestyle. I expect that it will take years off of my life, but at this point in time, I am OK with that trade off. As I get older, I get more conservative, especially with a baby on the way.
So these days, I'm running 30mg test p / 50mg mast p / 8iu GH daily; trying to keep water retention down for cycling purposes while also still looking pretty good. Obviously GH isnt helping but that's not something I'm willing to reduce just yet.
Here's to humanizing myself a bit on this forum. It appears I may have had a rough start. I am a very strong headed and opinionated dude, but also very reasonable and respectful as long as there is reciprocity. I don't take kindly to condescension, personal attacks, or just general ill intent towards me.
Anyhow, that's a bit about me, TrenboloneTax. I am an open book, and 100% transparent. You can feel free to ask me anything and I will answer.
Been lurking for years, made an account some ~year ago, and now I guess I'm posting? Funny how that happens. Just wake up one day and decide to write. Probably means I should be busier with other things in life but alas, here I am.
A bit about me:
30 year old former D1 college athlete at a top 5 school (academic...not SEC football). First pin was about 10 years ago, maybe a bit less.
Have used almost every compound, but not quite ALL of them.
Went from a chubby fat 250ish in the beginning of college to 280 at what I would consider my peak physique (not leanest, just what i think is my best overall but obviously just my opinion). Out of radical transparency, I'll show my before pics. I do have pics along the way I don't mind sharing, but don't feel like putting a bunch up unless people are actually interested. Don't push AAS doses high anymore because I've really enjoyed getting into cycling (a bicycle, not steroids, lol), and the added muscle / gear burden wrecks my ability to compete with myself on time trials due to the hit to endurance.
I suck at cycling relatively speaking, just FYI, but it's a lot of fun to blow through trails and streets at 3am around where I live; fantastic riding areas and no cars given the time I ride.
Recently came off gear for 7 months in order to get my wife pregnant. Tried HCG, HMG and everything I possibly could while on TRT dose of test but I could not get my sperm count to budge after 7 months of mega dosing fertility drugs.
Hopped off Jan 29 2024. First pin back August 29 2024. Wife is 11 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. Sperm count went from 0, to 62 million per ml. Forget all the morphology stats but can get those if someone is actually interested.
The 7 months I was off gear was some of the toughest months of my life - and I didn't even realize how shitty I felt as it came on so slow. Would be happy to elaborate here if anyone has interest. I stayed on 16iu of GH daily during that time to try and keep the hard earned muscle I had built. It was working really well. Until I fell off the wagon and went down a dark path for 2 months. Dug myself out, got my shit back together.
At the end of the day, I am a PED enthusiast. I love experiments. I love trying new things. I love everything there is about this lifestyle. I expect that it will take years off of my life, but at this point in time, I am OK with that trade off. As I get older, I get more conservative, especially with a baby on the way.
So these days, I'm running 30mg test p / 50mg mast p / 8iu GH daily; trying to keep water retention down for cycling purposes while also still looking pretty good. Obviously GH isnt helping but that's not something I'm willing to reduce just yet.
Here's to humanizing myself a bit on this forum. It appears I may have had a rough start. I am a very strong headed and opinionated dude, but also very reasonable and respectful as long as there is reciprocity. I don't take kindly to condescension, personal attacks, or just general ill intent towards me.
Anyhow, that's a bit about me, TrenboloneTax. I am an open book, and 100% transparent. You can feel free to ask me anything and I will answer.