"New Member"

Hey all,

Been lurking for years, made an account some ~year ago, and now I guess I'm posting? Funny how that happens. Just wake up one day and decide to write. Probably means I should be busier with other things in life but alas, here I am.

A bit about me:

30 year old former D1 college athlete at a top 5 school (academic...not SEC football). First pin was about 10 years ago, maybe a bit less.

Have used almost every compound, but not quite ALL of them.

Went from a chubby fat 250ish in the beginning of college to 280 at what I would consider my peak physique (not leanest, just what i think is my best overall but obviously just my opinion). Out of radical transparency, I'll show my before pics. I do have pics along the way I don't mind sharing, but don't feel like putting a bunch up unless people are actually interested. Don't push AAS doses high anymore because I've really enjoyed getting into cycling (a bicycle, not steroids, lol), and the added muscle / gear burden wrecks my ability to compete with myself on time trials due to the hit to endurance.

I suck at cycling relatively speaking, just FYI, but it's a lot of fun to blow through trails and streets at 3am around where I live; fantastic riding areas and no cars given the time I ride.

Recently came off gear for 7 months in order to get my wife pregnant. Tried HCG, HMG and everything I possibly could while on TRT dose of test but I could not get my sperm count to budge after 7 months of mega dosing fertility drugs.

Hopped off Jan 29 2024. First pin back August 29 2024. Wife is 11 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. Sperm count went from 0, to 62 million per ml. Forget all the morphology stats but can get those if someone is actually interested.

The 7 months I was off gear was some of the toughest months of my life - and I didn't even realize how shitty I felt as it came on so slow. Would be happy to elaborate here if anyone has interest. I stayed on 16iu of GH daily during that time to try and keep the hard earned muscle I had built. It was working really well. Until I fell off the wagon and went down a dark path for 2 months. Dug myself out, got my shit back together.

At the end of the day, I am a PED enthusiast. I love experiments. I love trying new things. I love everything there is about this lifestyle. I expect that it will take years off of my life, but at this point in time, I am OK with that trade off. As I get older, I get more conservative, especially with a baby on the way.

So these days, I'm running 30mg test p / 50mg mast p / 8iu GH daily; trying to keep water retention down for cycling purposes while also still looking pretty good. Obviously GH isnt helping but that's not something I'm willing to reduce just yet.

Here's to humanizing myself a bit on this forum. It appears I may have had a rough start. I am a very strong headed and opinionated dude, but also very reasonable and respectful as long as there is reciprocity. I don't take kindly to condescension, personal attacks, or just general ill intent towards me.

Anyhow, that's a bit about me, TrenboloneTax. I am an open book, and 100% transparent. You can feel free to ask me anything and I will answer.


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    front mirror shot march 2024 - 2 months no aas.webp
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Hey all,

Been lurking for years, made an account some ~year ago, and now I guess I'm posting? Funny how that happens. Just wake up one day and decide to write. Probably means I should be busier with other things in life but alas, here I am.

A bit about me:

30 year old former D1 college athlete at a top 5 school (academic...not SEC football). First pin was about 10 years ago, maybe a bit less.

Have used almost every compound, but not quite ALL of them.

Went from a chubby fat 250ish in the beginning of college to 280 at what I would consider my peak physique (not leanest, just what i think is my best overall but obviously just my opinion). Out of radical transparency, I'll show my before pics. I do have pics along the way I don't mind sharing, but don't feel like putting a bunch up unless people are actually interested. Don't push AAS doses high anymore because I've really enjoyed getting into cycling (a bicycle, not steroids, lol), and the added muscle / gear burden wrecks my ability to compete with myself on time trials due to the hit to endurance.

I suck at cycling relatively speaking, just FYI, but it's a lot of fun to blow through trails and streets at 3am around where I live; fantastic riding areas and no cars given the time I ride.

Recently came off gear for 7 months in order to get my wife pregnant. Tried HCG, HMG and everything I possibly could while on TRT dose of test but I could not get my sperm count to budge after 7 months of mega dosing fertility drugs.

Hopped off Jan 29 2024. First pin back August 29 2024. Wife is 11 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. Sperm count went from 0, to 62 million per ml. Forget all the morphology stats but can get those if someone is actually interested.

The 7 months I was off gear was some of the toughest months of my life - and I didn't even realize how shitty I felt as it came on so slow. Would be happy to elaborate here if anyone has interest. I stayed on 16iu of GH daily during that time to try and keep the hard earned muscle I had built. It was working really well. Until I fell off the wagon and went down a dark path for 2 months. Dug myself out, got my shit back together.

At the end of the day, I am a PED enthusiast. I love experiments. I love trying new things. I love everything there is about this lifestyle. I expect that it will take years off of my life, but at this point in time, I am OK with that trade off. As I get older, I get more conservative, especially with a baby on the way.

So these days, I'm running 30mg test p / 50mg mast p / 8iu GH daily; trying to keep water retention down for cycling purposes while also still looking pretty good. Obviously GH isnt helping but that's not something I'm willing to reduce just yet.

Here's to humanizing myself a bit on this forum. It appears I may have had a rough start. I am a very strong headed and opinionated dude, but also very reasonable and respectful as long as there is reciprocity. I don't take kindly to condescension, personal attacks, or just general ill intent towards me.

Anyhow, that's a bit about me, TrenboloneTax. I am an open book, and 100% transparent. You can feel free to ask me anything and I will answer.
Hell yeah Brother!! Welcome to Meso. Great intro.

And damn it, another one of you triggering the shit out of me with your massive delts! WELL DONE and much continued success.

Congratulations on the new addition and best wishes.
Hell yeah Brother!! Welcome to Meso. Great intro.

And damn it, another one of you triggering the shit out of me with your massive delts! WELL DONE and much continued success.

Congratulations on the new addition and best wishes.
Thanks, Readalot. A lot of your posts on excelmale were quite informative for me, as they are here too.

I really do appreciate your level headedness in this online anonymous world and trying to stay goal oriented.

I would like to apologize to a couple of people because after some reflection and introspection, I realize I was just bored looking to debate / push buttons - not all of my comments were intended that way, but it is quite obvious which ones were.

I am a master of self sabotage, but I also tend to be pretty egoless and willing to admit my wrongs. So, here we go with a public apology:


I owe the both of you an apology for how I conducted myself yesterday and today. I hastily made inflammatory comments towards the two of you when it was not warranted. There is no excuse for some of my word choice or actions. I don't have anything personally against either of you, and I wish to take back my derogatory statements / button pushing / egging on.

My hope is that we all can be mature adults (not just you guys, but everyone here at meso - i know, a pipe dream), and have civil discourse despite differing opinions. Ultimately, I believe we are all here for a similar reason - we may just have differences on some minute points (e.g., thoroughness of testing). My opinion stems from my own individual risk tolerance, which is only applicable to me. I acknowledge that the more testing the better, and the more thorough testing, the better.

So, please consider this my sincere and public apology. I hope that we can move past what transpired the last 24 hours and unite towards a common goal, despite there being minute difference in opinion regarding harm reduction.
Thanks, Readalot. A lot of your posts on excelmale were quite informative for me, as they are here too.

I really do appreciate your level headedness in this online anonymous world and trying to stay goal oriented.

I would like to apologize to a couple of people because after some reflection and introspection, I realize I was just bored looking to debate / push buttons - not all of my comments were intended that way, but it is quite obvious which ones were.

I am a master of self sabotage, but I also tend to be pretty egoless and willing to admit my wrongs. So, here we go with a public apology:


I owe the both of you an apology for how I conducted myself yesterday and today. I hastily made inflammatory comments towards the two of you when it was not warranted. There is no excuse for some of my word choice or actions. I don't have anything personally against either of you, and I wish to take back my derogatory statements / button pushing / egging on.

My hope is that we all can be mature adults (not just you guys, but everyone here at meso - i know, a pipe dream), and have civil discourse despite differing opinions. Ultimately, I believe we are all here for a similar reason - we may just have differences on some minute points (e.g., thoroughness of testing). My opinion stems from my own individual risk tolerance, which is only applicable to me. I acknowledge that the more testing the better, and the more thorough testing, the better.

So, please consider this my sincere and public apology. I hope that we can move past what transpired the last 24 hours and unite towards a common goal, despite there being minute difference in opinion regarding harm reduction.

I hope that we can move past what transpired the last 24 hours and unite towards a common goal, despite there being minute difference in opinion regarding harm reduction.
Revenge Of The Sith Evil Laugh GIF by Star Wars


But seriously Brother, HELLUVA post!
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Thanks, Readalot. A lot of your posts on excelmale were quite informative for me, as they are here too.

I really do appreciate your level headedness in this online anonymous world and trying to stay goal oriented.

I would like to apologize to a couple of people because after some reflection and introspection, I realize I was just bored looking to debate / push buttons - not all of my comments were intended that way, but it is quite obvious which ones were.

I am a master of self sabotage, but I also tend to be pretty egoless and willing to admit my wrongs. So, here we go with a public apology:


I owe the both of you an apology for how I conducted myself yesterday and today. I hastily made inflammatory comments towards the two of you when it was not warranted. There is no excuse for some of my word choice or actions. I don't have anything personally against either of you, and I wish to take back my derogatory statements / button pushing / egging on.

My hope is that we all can be mature adults (not just you guys, but everyone here at meso - i know, a pipe dream), and have civil discourse despite differing opinions. Ultimately, I believe we are all here for a similar reason - we may just have differences on some minute points (e.g., thoroughness of testing). My opinion stems from my own individual risk tolerance, which is only applicable to me. I acknowledge that the more testing the better, and the more thorough testing, the better.

So, please consider this my sincere and public apology. I hope that we can move past what transpired the last 24 hours and unite towards a common goal, despite there being minute difference in opinion regarding harm reduction.

I replied to you on that thread, earlier, and it was clear to see you were all on the same page, just different attitude towards it, as I wrote.
That's it.
We can see your heart is in a good place and you are here for the right reasons.
Your apology is a mature and kind thing to do.
You will be fine.

Congratulations to you and your wife.
Now you have to start planning for the second one, though, because 1 by herself will get bored, lonely and too spoilt...
And after the second, 3 is the magic number, I reckon.
I replied to you on that thread, earlier, and it was clear to see you were all on the same page, just different attitude towards it, as I wrote.
That's it.
We can see your heart is in a good place and you are here for the right reasons.
Your apology is a mature and kind thing to do.
You will be fine.

Congratulations to you and your wife.
Now you have to start planning for the second one, though, because 1 by herself will get bored, lonely and too spoilt...
And after the second, 3 is the magic number, I reckon.
I remember your reply on that thread, and I too thought we were on a more similar page than dissimilar page. As far as I’m concerned, it’s all water under the bridge now.

Thank you! I am the last of my name, and my wife wants to have…as many as possible lol. She says 4, I say 2, so we’ll probably compromise on 4. LOL. Jokes aside, 3 would be a perfect amount. I was an only child, so I would definitely look forward to having multiple children.
absolutely beauty of an intro. Would honestly be nice to have this pinned as an example of how to establish a bit of a character to give others something to go off of.

Beats the usual introductory posts along the lines of “anyone hear of xyz lab”, “this gears totaly bunk dudddeee”, “what’s the best steroid for muscle brah”, “here’s my pro caliber cycle to pair well with my disordered diet and rehabilitation like training intensity”
absolutely beauty of an intro. Would honestly be nice to have this pinned as an example of how to establish a bit of a character to give others something to go off of.

Beats the usual introductory posts along the lines of “anyone hear of xyz lab”, “this gears totaly bunk dudddeee”, “what’s the best steroid for muscle brah”, “here’s my pro caliber cycle to pair well with my disordered diet and rehabilitation like training intensity”
Wow. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting that positive of a response. I didn’t even look at any other intro posts…just wrote what I thought was a relevant mini bio. Thanks for that, man.

I do think it would be nice to get to know a little bit of background about the person behind the screen name, y’know? Probably result in less stupid arguments and a overall better community.
Welcome bro!
Hey all,

Been lurking for years, made an account some ~year ago, and now I guess I'm posting? Funny how that happens. Just wake up one day and decide to write. Probably means I should be busier with other things in life but alas, here I am.

A bit about me:

30 year old former D1 college athlete at a top 5 school (academic...not SEC football). First pin was about 10 years ago, maybe a bit less.

Have used almost every compound, but not quite ALL of them.

Went from a chubby fat 250ish in the beginning of college to 280 at what I would consider my peak physique (not leanest, just what i think is my best overall but obviously just my opinion). Out of radical transparency, I'll show my before pics. I do have pics along the way I don't mind sharing, but don't feel like putting a bunch up unless people are actually interested. Don't push AAS doses high anymore because I've really enjoyed getting into cycling (a bicycle, not steroids, lol), and the added muscle / gear burden wrecks my ability to compete with myself on time trials due to the hit to endurance.

I suck at cycling relatively speaking, just FYI, but it's a lot of fun to blow through trails and streets at 3am around where I live; fantastic riding areas and no cars given the time I ride.

Recently came off gear for 7 months in order to get my wife pregnant. Tried HCG, HMG and everything I possibly could while on TRT dose of test but I could not get my sperm count to budge after 7 months of mega dosing fertility drugs.

Hopped off Jan 29 2024. First pin back August 29 2024. Wife is 11 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. Sperm count went from 0, to 62 million per ml. Forget all the morphology stats but can get those if someone is actually interested.

The 7 months I was off gear was some of the toughest months of my life - and I didn't even realize how shitty I felt as it came on so slow. Would be happy to elaborate here if anyone has interest. I stayed on 16iu of GH daily during that time to try and keep the hard earned muscle I had built. It was working really well. Until I fell off the wagon and went down a dark path for 2 months. Dug myself out, got my shit back together.

At the end of the day, I am a PED enthusiast. I love experiments. I love trying new things. I love everything there is about this lifestyle. I expect that it will take years off of my life, but at this point in time, I am OK with that trade off. As I get older, I get more conservative, especially with a baby on the way.

So these days, I'm running 30mg test p / 50mg mast p / 8iu GH daily; trying to keep water retention down for cycling purposes while also still looking pretty good. Obviously GH isnt helping but that's not something I'm willing to reduce just yet.

Here's to humanizing myself a bit on this forum. It appears I may have had a rough start. I am a very strong headed and opinionated dude, but also very reasonable and respectful as long as there is reciprocity. I don't take kindly to condescension, personal attacks, or just general ill intent towards me.

Anyhow, that's a bit about me, TrenboloneTax. I am an open book, and 100% transparent. You can feel free to ask me anything and I will answer.
Welcome bro. I am 33 and a little ahead of you on the children front, ages 5 and 7. Kids will change your life over the next few years in ways I lack colorful enough adjectives to describe. But even if I could, it would not resonate with you right now, but it will soon. Trust me.

I think you will find a home here with like minded folks, so you are in the right place. I have learned more here than I could ever hope to give back in my contributions, and met some really cool people along the way. I just started a new cycle literally today after time off+ PCT. 250 test + 200 Hex + HGH, so you caught me on a good day!

Looking forward to heating all about your progress.
Welcome bro!

Welcome bro. I am 33 and a little ahead of you on the children front, ages 5 and 7. Kids will change your life over the next few years in ways I lack colorful enough adjectives to describe. But even if I could, it would not resonate with you right now, but it will soon. Trust me.

I think you will find a home here with like minded folks, so you are in the right place. I have learned more here than I could ever hope to give back in my contributions, and met some really cool people along the way. I just started a new cycle literally today after time off+ PCT. 250 test + 200 Hex + HGH, so you caught me on a good day!

Looking forward to heating all about your progress.
Hey brotha, thanks for the welcome! I know they’re going to turn life upside down!

We just had our 11 week appointment and I heard the heart beat for the first time…really hit me in the feels. Then when my wife and I went to get a poke bowl afterwards, she left the table to use the restroom and I definitely had “a moment.” Teared up like a mofo just thinking about everything and how incredible it is.

She’s got type 1 diabetes so as soon as she got pregnant we made the joint decision that she was going to quit her job to focus 100% effort on creating an optimal environment to grow our child. In her role as a scientist in the lab all the time, it’s tough to be on top of managing her blood sugar. The lack of dual income hurts a bit, but I know it’s the right decision for us.

There is nothing more important in my life right now than providing for her and our future child, and ensuring that we do absolutely everything in our power for our little girl.

The cycle you’re on sounds awesome, brotha. I would really love to microdose tren, but am so afraid of progestins really fucking my fertility up, despite the HCG + HMG I’m on to try and maintain.

My “progress” will probably be different than others here. I got as big as I’ll ever get already. Now my goal is to shred down and keep gym performance high while simultaneously improving my cycling times. Only hitting gym 4x per week, 40 minutes per session. I’m really on maintenance mode which is super weird for me.
Heyy, welcome and congrats on the pregnancy!
You're huge, would be a dream to look like you..
Since you're an open book I've got some questions for you:
What's your height?
What was your biggest cycle?
What would you say was your most effective cycle?
Also got more pics?
Respectfully mirin', again welcome! :)
Heyy, welcome and congrats on the pregnancy!
You're huge, would be a dream to look like you..
Since you're an open book I've got some questions for you:
What's your height?
What was your biggest cycle?
What would you say was your most effective cycle?
Also got more pics?
Respectfully mirin', again welcome! :)
Thanks for the kind words!

I’m 6’3”

My biggest cycle ever was 1.25g test, 800 primo, 700 tren, 800 mast, 16iu GH. With 75mg anavar + 50mg winstrol thrown in. It was something close to this. I honestly lost track of how much I was injecting. I just kept pushing more and more and throwing more stuff in. It was dumb; I did not take advantage of the doses like I could have. Couldn’t sleep, poor appetite, etc. I was honestly just pushing drugs to push drugs with no real goal in mind. I learned a great lesson. I didn’t even look my best then. It’s embarrassing looking back on it.

My most effective cycle for putting on muscle was 2g test + 800 primo + 16iu GH. I attribute this to actually being able to sleep, eat, and function like a normal human being with a very clear goal in mind.

I do have more pics. I have random pics over the last 10 years. I even have pictures from when I looked like a piece of shit after getting off of AAS, stopping training for 2 months, and eating over 100 pints of ice cream while abusing stimulants.

I will be happy to share them all. I will dig a bunch up later today and post them in this thread. I definitely don’t remember what I was taking in all of them.

What I can say though, is I exclusively used testosterone for the first 4 years of blasting. I’m a huge proponent of using test as the base and then adding in another compound to fill up the mg. In the last several years, I’ve become a huge fan of GH due to the lack of impact it has on my health markers.
Thanks for the kind words!

I’m 6’3”

My biggest cycle ever was 1.25g test, 800 primo, 700 tren, 800 mast, 16iu GH. With 75mg anavar + 50mg winstrol thrown in. It was something close to this. I honestly lost track of how much I was injecting. I just kept pushing more and more and throwing more stuff in. It was dumb; I did not take advantage of the doses like I could have. Couldn’t sleep, poor appetite, etc. I was honestly just pushing drugs to push drugs with no real goal in mind. I learned a great lesson. I didn’t even look my best then. It’s embarrassing looking back on it.

My most effective cycle for putting on muscle was 2g test + 800 primo + 16iu GH. I attribute this to actually being able to sleep, eat, and function like a normal human being with a very clear goal in mind.

I do have more pics. I have random pics over the last 10 years. I even have pictures from when I looked like a piece of shit after getting off of AAS, stopping training for 2 months, and eating over 100 pints of ice cream while abusing stimulants.

I will be happy to share them all. I will dig a bunch up later today and post them in this thread. I definitely don’t remember what I was taking in all of them.

What I can say though, is I exclusively used testosterone for the first 4 years of blasting. I’m a huge proponent of using test as the base and then adding in another compound to fill up the mg. In the last several years, I’ve become a huge fan of GH due to the lack of impact it has on my health markers.
Great insights thanks! Looking forward to seeing more from you :cool:
Thanks, Readalot. A lot of your posts on excelmale were quite informative for me, as they are here too.

I really do appreciate your level headedness in this online anonymous world and trying to stay goal oriented.

I would like to apologize to a couple of people because after some reflection and introspection, I realize I was just bored looking to debate / push buttons - not all of my comments were intended that way, but it is quite obvious which ones were.

I am a master of self sabotage, but I also tend to be pretty egoless and willing to admit my wrongs. So, here we go with a public apology:


I owe the both of you an apology for how I conducted myself yesterday and today. I hastily made inflammatory comments towards the two of you when it was not warranted. There is no excuse for some of my word choice or actions. I don't have anything personally against either of you, and I wish to take back my derogatory statements / button pushing / egging on.

My hope is that we all can be mature adults (not just you guys, but everyone here at meso - i know, a pipe dream), and have civil discourse despite differing opinions. Ultimately, I believe we are all here for a similar reason - we may just have differences on some minute points (e.g., thoroughness of testing). My opinion stems from my own individual risk tolerance, which is only applicable to me. I acknowledge that the more testing the better, and the more thorough testing, the better.

So, please consider this my sincere and public apology. I hope that we can move past what transpired the last 24 hours and unite towards a common goal, despite there being minute difference in opinion regarding harm reduction.
All good man. Welcome! There's a lot of great information here, so I hope you find what you're looking for and share some cool stuff with us!
All good man. Welcome! There's a lot of great information here, so I hope you find what you're looking for and share some cool stuff with us!
Thanks dude. While life has been wonderful in some ways to me lately, I’ve kinda been getting kicked in the balls recently, and I think I was looking for a fight to get my mind off stuff.

Appreciate you accepting the apology. I hope to be able to give back as I have learned and benefited so much from this forum.
Heyy, welcome and congrats on the pregnancy!
You're huge, would be a dream to look like you..
Since you're an open book I've got some questions for you:
What's your height?
What was your biggest cycle?
What would you say was your most effective cycle?
Also got more pics?
Respectfully mirin', again welcome! :)

View: https://imgur.com/a/remsvaj

I apologize for the unorganized photo dump, but I dug through my photos and I just don't feel like spending the time indicating what year for each of them. I think y'all will be able to tell the general progression. Peak physique for me was actually in early 2023....and I was wrong, that is when I was running the most gear ever and did look my best, in my opinion lol. But I've looked similarly with a lot less.

Off AAS photos right when I finished up being a piece of shit (eating over 100 pints, abusing stims for 2 months, zero lifting for 2 months, zero AAS for 6 months) are the ones with the BBQ behind me on the deck.

Current physique as of today back on for like 1.3 months on what I would consider pretty mild... is me in the super wallpapered bathroom with my shirt on the sinkboard.
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View: https://imgur.com/a/remsvaj

I apologize for the unorganized photo dump, but I dug through my photos and I just don't feel like spending the time indicating what year for each of them. I think y'all will be able to tell the general progression. Peak physique for me was actually in early 2023....and I was wrong, that is when I was running the most gear ever and did look my best, in my opinion lol. But I've looked similarly with a lot less.

Off AAS photos right when I finished up being a piece of shit (eating over 100 pints, abusing stims for 2 months, zero lifting for 2 months, zero AAS for 6 months) are the ones with the BBQ behind me on the deck.

Current physique as of today back on for like 1.3 months on what I would consider pretty mild... is me in the super wallpapered bathroom with my shirt on the sinkboard.

Think the Imgur link can be seen? didn't want to upload all those attachments...idk just feels weird on a forum to do that so made an album on imgur. If that's not kosher, someone please let me know? Have never really done this. In other words "it's my first time be gentle pls"
Think the Imgur link can be seen? didn't want to upload all those attachments...idk just feels weird on a forum to do that so made an album on imgur. If that's not kosher, someone please let me know? Have never really done this. In other words "it's my first time be gentle pls"
Man. Wtf. The Imgur link worked for me yesterday. They’re really gonna make me do a photo dump on this forum…okay. Here it goes.