New to AAS but not PEDs


I've been into fitness and health on and off for about 15 years, life and family happens. Went back on track for the last 3+ years pretty solid. Lost 50 lbs naturally and maintained ~20% BF.

Began using PEDs for the last year to keep a lean weight and increase muscle mass, currently down to 13% BF. I have considered steroids mostly as a TRT and after months of back and forth, that's the route I'm currently comfortable taking. Still plan to wait another 2 months to make sure everything is in order.

During that time, I'll be spending time on Meso as I recently discovered this site and make sure my plan is the right fit for me.

Open to all advice.
Which PEDs?
Different peptides, to my knowledge they're considered PEDs, maybe I'm wrong.

I've used Ipa/CJC/Serm, other times I've subbed Serm for Tesa. I've used GLP1 along with AOD, those results have been great. That's really the extent of it, nothing too wild.

I take things slow, I like to research as much as possible before diving in.
I take it you're north of 35?

TRT will make an excellent complement to your regime. Its impact, once dialed in, will surpass the cumulative effect of them all.
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Yes! That's exactly the point. I'm planning to get tested to see where my levels are at and take the right amount to get around 1000 ng/dl free test.

I'm waiting for the holidays and got a few work trips after the new year. Once all of that is done with, I can focus on getting on a good regime.

I'm pretty excited about it and your response got me even more motivated to make it happen
Yes! That's exactly the point. I'm planning to get tested to see where my levels are at and take the right amount to get around 1000 ng/dl free test.

I'm waiting for the holidays and got a few work trips after the new year. Once all of that is done with, I can focus on getting on a good regime.

I'm pretty excited about it and your response got me even more motivated to make it happen
I think you mean total test. That would be an absurd amount of free test.
Yea definitely meant total. On the other hand... how wild would it be to get that as free test. Just kidding, probably would kill someone.