New to MESO


New Member
Just a quick introduction.

I am 45 y/o at 6'4” and weigh in between 250's-265ish lbs with abs visible pretty much year round.
I have been lifting for the better part of 27 years... I run a very clean diet most of the year and even in the months that my diet is not as clean; I still strive to eat and make healthy choices.

At the age of 23, I entered my first amateur bodybuilding competition taking first place in open bodybuilding. I havent competed since as this was an early life bucket list item and I have not decided if I will compete again, however, I still run a cycle or two a year and maintain a healthy life style so that if I decide to I am ready. When I am not on a cycle, I am on TRT which includes 200 mg/Test Cyp./wk, This make post cycle a breeze.
My diet typically consists of Chicken, Fish, Shrimp and Steak (lean) for 3- 4 meals per day with, broccoli, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, green beans, and a carb, even with my evening meal. My meals are dependent on whether I am cutting or bulking and the only fluctuation is the volume that I take in and the addition of increased carbs while bulking to push my calories up.

I have tried a bunch of labs over the years, at least 20 plus. Seen and heard everything. The game has changed a lot over the past 20 years ( i am a long time member of several boards), came here to share thoughts and ideas, always trying to add value and avoiding the drama and petty B.S, that unfortunately many of these forums have been over run by. Very few have maintained a solid member base with good bro's. Im hoping some of the things i hear about this place wont affect me in anyway.
Thanks bro. I hear its a lot of bickering and flaming going on. Guys from my other boards are saying they are constantly banning users here for trolling and shit like that.

It would only affect me because i would have to waste time scrolling through a thread to find posts that are relevant.Im old school bro, not a keyboard toughguy or a know it all, if i learn something new thats great, if someone disagrees with me thats fine too. No feelings involved.