New to the Rabbit Hole


New Member
Stats: 190Ib, 6'3, age20
Good day everyone,
I'm interested in steroids to improve my athletic performance in college sports. I'm new to steroids but not to drugs so I have already done two days worth of research on steroids and which compounds I want.
To give a background on myself I am quite fit, tall and toned (visible 6 pack) which has allowed me to excell at sports such as sprinting, basketball and soccer. Since late high-school I've started playing football however now that I'm at a college level I've realised I need to pack on some pounds so to speak. Luckily it's off season so I can start to bulk up.
My prospective cycle:
DIANABOL - starting with 10mg per day then increasing by 5mg every week for 5 weeks. Dianabol should allow me to bulk up however I note that a proportion of that will be water weight due to Dianabol estrogen properties.
NOLVADEX - I will use this as my estrogen control. 20mg/day. I know I know some of you might disagree and say use AI instead, however Dianabol already increases blood pressure and cholesterol and so adding AI which could further increase blood pressure and cholesterol is above my risk level
CLOMID - I am going to use clomid 50mg/day for 40 days. As this will be my first cycle I don't know how much much natural test production will be reduced by so to make sure it returns to normal I will adopt this aggressive PCT.

I believe in proper research to keep oneself safe and healthy. I see steroids as a means to an end and one college and I no longer compete I will stop steroid use.

You say you believe in proper research but only done 2 days of research and already want to start taking gear. And your protocol already shows lack of research, oral only.. no test as base, so you gonna suppress your natural test and have nothing to replace it. Have temporary water weight gain and strength all g.onna be gone after you stop dbol. Should also do bloodwork before the cycle so after PCT you know if you even recovered. At 20yo that's so young to mess up all your hormones for temporary bloat.

You say you believe in proper research but only done 2 days of research and already want to start taking gear. And your protocol already shows lack of research, oral only.. no test as base, so you gonna suppress your natural test and have nothing to replace it. Have temporary water weight gain and strength all g.onna be gone after you stop dbol. Should also do bloodwork before the cycle so after PCT you know if you even recovered. At 20yo that's so young to mess up all your hormones for temporary bloat.
It's been a week since I wrote my original post and I have since then incorporated testosterone into my planned cycle.
Dianabol depending on sources can suppression natural test by 54% - 69% so it's imperative to include test within my cycle.