New to TRT


New Member
Hey guys,
I've been snooping around here and a couple other forums for a while now. 36 years old and about a year ago started looking into TRT due to the typical symptoms (energy, drive, not wanting to fuck etc.). Pcp clocked me at 330 total and 8 free. Still wouldn't do shit for me. Anyways started working out again (first time regularly since I got of the military a decade ago), and while I enjoy working out and the body fat I've lost so far, still not seeing anywhere near the progress I had when I was lifting when I was younger. Finally went to a Clinic/Specialists and they reran all my test this time at 312/6. Everything looks good as far as them prescribing but the first 2 consultations alone was like 1600 out of pocket. Not sure what the prices will be yet for Test/hcg, or if they will make me try to take clomid first or not but I get the feeling they may be trying to drag my wallet through the wringer. Anyways, decided I'd take this into my own hands and through a bunch of reading discovered this board. As of now thinking of doing 120-200 mg of test cyp a week, with 250 IU hcg e3.5d, with aromasin on hand for possible e2 sides (high body fat+hcg) and nolvadex on hand for if I want/need to come off. Really looking for feedback on my plan and to hopefully learn some stuff from the guys on here who have been at this a while.
Imo, Don't overcomplicate things too soon with HCG. Start at 100mg per week, 33mg mon wed Fri. If you want to do true trt the goal should be that you don't even need ai. Do that for a 6 weeks and get bloods see where your test and e2 is and adjust from there.
Have patience. It doesn't change things overnight.

If the clinics dished out this advise they wouldn't make money.

Not medical advice.
Start low like sushak said and work your way up in 6 week increments. Once you get the TRT dialed in then begin to look into other things.
Imo, Don't overcomplicate things too soon with HCG. Start at 100mg per week, 33mg mon wed Fri. If you want to do true trt the goal should be that you don't even need ai. Do that for a 6 weeks and get bloods see where your test and e2 is and adjust from there.
Have patience. It doesn't change things overnight.

If the clinics dished out this advise they wouldn't make money.

Not medical advice.
Thanks for the info. When could I start thinking about HCG? Kind of worried about atrophy with the "boys". Is it get my dose down first then try adding it? And if I do that, is it possible me needing to step down the dosage from having the extra natural Test? Or are you just recommending not to do HCG at all? Sorry for all the questions, just really would like to keep my options open if possible. Don't have kids nor do they seem likely at this point but would like to keep the option open, granted if its TRT or fertitlity at this point id choose the TRT.
I've been on for 3 or 4 months now no noticable change with the boys. It's not an instant thing. You can introduce Hcg at a later point once youre dialled in with just the t then you can make adjustments to accommodate the Hcg.
I've had a vasectomy so fertility doesn't enter the equation for me.
That seems excessively expensive, maybe it’s your area? My clinic was like $99 for a consult and about that each month afterwards. My balls shrank very quickly which didn’t cause me any issues until about a year in. Started getting some pain periodically on the left side. Dr prescribed clomiphene, within a week I was back to 100%. Idk if it was just the atrophy that was causing pain or maybe that little fella got a little twisted up down there? Either way, I got a small increase in size and the pain is gone, I’ll take it.
Good luck