New USA domestic - Opseclabs!


Good Evening Meso! I'm very proud to be able to post this today, as this
has been quite literally in one way, shape, or fourm been a few years in
the making. I am coming forward to all of you today to announce that I am
going to begin my venture openly source. I am aware it's not Friday. I am
aware many of you are going to criticize some aspects of how I go about
this. I am aware that this won't be easy, that I will need to earn every
little bit of my reputation, that I am going to have to devote most of my
time & effort to this, and that naturally this is going to be extremely
difficult for me not only to prove myself but to earn the trust of the
fourm on a level that sources have in this past. However, that's what makes
this fourm hands down absolutely fantastic and the best community to learn
from in my opinion and experience - and I am prepared for every little bit
that comes along with this. So, here goes everything.

About me: I'm not going to sit here and lie to the masses that ive been a
gym rat my whole life, having and everlasting knowledge of everything
fitness and everything about chemistry/compounds/shipping/etc. I started my
journey between 5-6 years ago as an extremely overweight and unhealthy
person seeking selfconfidance and purpose. I relied heavily upon this fourm
(yes I used to be a member for years and have decided to give that up) for
information and guidance in the fitness world as I had no idea what I was
doing. Obviously, after alot of reading and learning, and loosing a
significant amount of weight very quickly, I was hooked. Then gear changed
everything allowing me to reach my goals faster and push myself harder than
ever. Struggling in my personal life after around a year I started home
brewing due to financial issues. In short, I've been doing this
specifically for about four years. Brewing became my hobby - I love every
second of it - and I take pride in my product. Throughout the last four
years my knowledge, skill, ability, awareness, and methods have drastically
grown (some of you to thank). To wrap this section up after some hardship
in life I lost the time, finances, and luxury of being able to spend hours
on this fourm participating in this community as a member and havent been
active for roughly a year. Now, I have nothing but time, and have decided
to change my lifestyle as well as attempt to give back in some small way to
a community that helped me mold me into the man I am today. There is not
much competition in the injectable and oral game (at least like their is
with hgh) in terms of price and quality. I am going to change that.

My process:
I always start my process after putting on my lab equipment by sanitizing
absolutely every area of my workspace, crimping machine, stove top set up,
vaccume filter, oil containers and outer layer of packaged raws with 95+
alcohol. This right off the bat ensures that no unwanted bacteria will be
getting into my product or any of my clients. Once everything is clean and
sterile - I open my glassware, stirrers, syringes, vials, caps, stoppers,
BA, BB, EO, and filter heads which all come shipped sterile. Then I weigh
my raws, make my measurements, and begin blending oils. I almost
exclusively have used a 60/40 blend of GSO and MCT. The reason for doing so
is the absorbtion rate and viscosity of my product. I like to have a
product that is thin and easy to use, however doesn't cause PIP from
absorbing into the muscle too quickly. I understand this is not everyone's
preference and also use just plain old GSO. I begin to slowly heat the oil
after, just above the melting point of whatever compound I am currently
working with. While the oil is rising in temp, I measure, my BA/BB and add.
Once desired temp is reached - time for raws. I mix until
I can see no trace of said hormones in the solution. Then I let stand to
cool. Once cooled, I filter twice with the vaccume pump through a .22
micron, and add to vials. Then stopper cap and crimp them all. All of my
injectables are made at a 10% over dose ratio to ensure accurate dosing as
raws are not 100% pure. Also no - I don't use panda.
For orals I upkeep the same type of work environment (yes still wearing lab
gear because I wouldn't want someone's sweat in my anadrol). I use protien
powder as the filler with the raws, size 0 caps. All of my orals come at an
8% overdose. I feel it to be important for you to know what goes in your body so I hope that was a good description.

Anabolic Lab Donations:
I have literally exaughsted my finances just to pull this off (hence not
waiting until Friday). The first three orders I get will be donated to
Anabolic Lab - along with a weekly donation.

Pictures/who am I?
Unfortunately - I cannot do either. Photos have digital info stored in the
that can be extracted and can compromise me and my saftey. I'm sorry, but I
will have to prove myself the hard way. Photos could be faked easily and if
I wanted to wrong anyone I could easily throw together a photo with the
paper and date with vials full of nothing. With or without it leaves the
same questions to be answered. I am going to have to again earn that
reputation and I apologise in advance but compromising my security is not
the way.

I have a network worked out that will not be discussed. However it's in
place. So things don't break and rattle vials are wrapped and vac sealed.
Mylar packages for the orals. You pay shipping which is 7.50 - priority

First month no minimum then 100 dollar minimum. Orders over 150 free
products of 30 dollar value. Testosterone line will be by 2 get 1 free.

How to order:
Email including - Shipping info, products, total price, means of payment.

Payment is Bitcoin primarily. I will accept cash in mail or Western Union
for the old schoolers - this will require a long standing meso member to
vouch for you.


***All lab tests will be paid for upon result with $200 store credit. First
5 only please! Lol

Finally. The product line. Priced as aggressively as you will feel.


TEST E 300 - $25
TEST C 250 - $25
SUS 250 - $30
TPP - $10
EQ 300 - $25
TREN ACE 100 - $30
TREN E 200 - $40
DECA 300 - $35
NPP 100 - $25
MASTERON E 200 - $40
MAST A 100 - $30
MENT 100 - $55


Anadrol 25/Dbol 25 -$25
Test Base 50 - $20
TREN base 50 - $30


ANADROL 25 - $30
DBOL 25 - $20
WINNY 25 - $25
ANAVAR 25 - $35
ANAVAR 10 - $20

PCT 50 Pack Caps

Adex 1 - $20
Aromasin 12.5 $30
Nolva 25 - $25
Clomid 25 - $25


Saizen 126 IU kit w/packaging - 650 including overnight shipping. Stock -

Thank you all!
Soon as I get home I have a slew of questions heading your way.

But if you can’t wipe a simple photo why would anybody trust you with their info! More to come but I want this answered first.

@OPSECLABS I know @Mighty-mouse is definitely going to ask specific questions on how you make your caps. So before he gets home, how about you post a write-up on how you do that?

I have a couple questions too:

What do you use to sterilize your glassware and vials?

What material are your stoppers?

Do your labels have batch numbers?

How do you know your raws are any good if you haven’t tested them. Blindly 8 to 10% overdose is kind of a hack way to do it now.

What filters do you use and why do you “double-filter”? A lot of recent failed attempts at sourcing have “double-filtered”

You mention “stove top setup” is that literal?

If you’ve read MESO anytime in the past 2 years you’d notice that we always always always ask a new UGL to test their products. You’ve ignored this. Why would anyone want to take a chance when they can easily purchase tested products from other sources. You would know this is a biggie.

Good luck. It’s not the best start here and I have no doubt the product testing is going to be the single biggest self-stopper for you.

That and as I mentioned, you’re very similar to a couple failed recent UGL attempts. I have a strong feeling that this is your 2nd 3rd or 4th attempt here. That’s the real reason for your hesitation to post pictures. I look forward to this though.
Pictures/who am I?
Unfortunately - I cannot do either. Photos have digital info stored in the
that can be extracted and can compromise me and my saftey.

It’s 2020 man... erasing digital metadata from photos is literally as easy as downloading an app... not an excuse

what’s up with the formatting? It’s like you copy and pasted it from a word doc.
Just use an exit eraser and post pics

I’d like to see what you mean by “put on your lab equipment “ means

Intro was pretty sloppy kinda like the way I post lol

Compared to sym seems like a well educated masters in whatever wears dockers type guy while I get a, hmm.. have had the same socks on for 3 days kinda vibe


weekly donations? Damn son knock yourself out lol



Ment 100 for $55? Bye bye liar boii

Proceeds to accept WU and CIM as a domestic based lab.

No lab testing
No pics.

Bro... this is an absolute trash intro.

I'm supposed to just TRUST a random internet drug dealer to have interests at heart?

BBBG literally posted why Meso is so hard on sources...
Read that...
Go back to work earn some money.(Or suck dicks for it...w/e I dint judge)

Get testing...
Buy a burn phone.
Buy a burn laptop.
Download an app that scrubs picture info and post it.

Why the fuck is it always mouth breathing retards that try to source ans not normal people?
I've done private deals with members in the past who needed me to do cim. I wanted to give those specific members their tilt of the hat and let them know if verified it can be done again. Yeah, wasn't too good of me to forget about a donation to Anabolic labs I'll admit but once you see the banner that will be that. This shit costed me thousands and I'm not a high roller, if any normal people want to put all of their money into this and do it, go ahead. I fucking love this shit. So until then I'll be mouth breathing.

Im going to try to get copies of the tests an old distributer of mine in FL had done, and have something in the works in the mean time anyway plus any members willing to do so. I needed to get things rolling for many reasons. None of which any of you will care for. As I said - I want you all to be hard on me. Just don't expect a spineless response.

I still could care quite less about the picture deal too. There have been plenty of source good and terrible alike to not do so. Don't like my intro? Don't buy. Once I prove myself? I'll be glad to take your order.

Why the hell has cdn not buttered my popcorn yet?