newbie or return to roids?


New Member
I used Testosterone Propionate and Deca Durabolin 8 years ago for more than a year, with short breaks.

Now, I would like to restart again: am I considered to be a newbie to roids, or does my body "remember" the previous dosage and progesss so that I should start with a higher dosage of Testosterone? - this would be my question

(First, I would like to introduce testosterone to my body as it is regarded the safest elementary tool for muscle building)
Post some better pictures but based on your avatar I'd say you could make great gains without roids, you look small.

Also, what is your natural T level? I assume you've had it tested since you're considering steroids.
Post some better pictures but based on your avatar I'd say you could make great gains without roids, you look small.

Also, what is your natural T level? I assume you've had it tested since you're considering steroids.
It is a pic which I took some days ago... So it's quite valid, without any filters. Do I look small or could I make great gains without roids? These 2 are a bit contradictory... I might not get the irony, sorry...

I haven't tested my testo level yet... I will post new pics, thanks:)
Thanks for the advice, but I have been consistently training for many years now. I have a very strict coach I closely keep even the grams of macros on a daily basis, so I have the background to start- I guess.
I know my limit as a natural already.... Now, we are trying to max out the compound lifts as a natural, but then I wish to start my cylcle
No one is doubting your past and merits, what is important is are you at this very moment locked in in such a way that you would actually benefit adding in all the gear? Which it sounds like you might be but putting these compounds in your body is always your choice.

I don't think enough emphasis placed on what just 200mg/week can do. Or even less if you are coming from an androgen deficit. But beyond that, I think it would be good to get locked in on injection management, routine blood work, and approaching this from the perspective of longevity before you want to blast. Knowing if you need estrogen control is definitely less fun on 500mg than just 200mg.

I think I am just over explaining "approach it like an educated noob" if you want to.

Good luck on your PRs, with or without gear.
This is my current shape as a natural (who used last time back in 2014)


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No one is doubting your past and merits, what is important is are you at this very moment locked in in such a way that you would actually benefit adding in all the gear? Which it sounds like you might be but putting these compounds in your body is always your choice.

I don't think enough emphasis placed on what just 200mg/week can do. Or even less if you are coming from an androgen deficit. But beyond that, I think it would be good to get locked in on injection management, routine blood work, and approaching this from the perspective of longevity before you want to blast. Knowing if you need estrogen control is definitely less fun on 500mg than just 200mg.

I think I am just over explaining "approach it like an educated noob" if you want to.

Good luck on your PRs, with or without gear.
Sorry, I might have misunderstood you... Now, I am collecting infos only. I have a great coach and I guess he will be super careful to set my dosage, to keep my estrogen level at a healthy level, etc. I am just too curious and interested in this topic, that's why I wanna collect as much info as possible... It sounds wiser to start at a lower dose, I must agree on that
This is my current shape as a natural (who used last time back in 2014)
So it makes it 10 years as now is year 2024. In OP you said 8 years ago.

All right, so of course muscle memory is real and if you use steroids again and provide enough training stimulus, then supplement with adequate diet your body will get to it's previous size and you will pack size quicker than otherwise.

I would worry much more about sustaining/maintaining gains long term and have a plan. To me temporary blowing up in size and then reverting back is just a waste of my time. So my advice is don't slack and keep going once your cycle is over. This lifestyle is 365 days a year not just look good for the summer and get soft and lazy after that. You get the point. Good luck and time to put in the work bro.
I haven't stopped lifting, I just stopped using roids.
I am 173 cm, 80 kg, around 12-14 % body fat, 40 years old
You’re 40, get your bloods done check if you’re healthy enough to blast, have a baseline for future reference.

Make a decision if you want to use drugs and proceed. You have a coach which is already an huge advantage to most of us here.

If I am in your shoes, take testosterone only so you can see how you react, get bloods done again in a month to check your estrogen and adjust if needed.