Newbie - stack reco appreciated!


New Member
Hey there,

New here and to roids but been training natural for a few years now with a mix of weightlifting/crossfit and swimming.
I’m a 39 yo Male 5’9 190lbs and want to get stronger and leaner ( don’t we all)
I wanted to do my first cycle:
- 400mg/week of testosterone cypionate
- 30mg / day of anavar ( 20 before training and 10 before bed)
And run a pct with arimidex.
I’m gonna do my blood test this week and will do one after my 12 weeks cycle!

Does this look good to you pros? Any tips or things you see and think like “ nah you shouldn’t do that?” Any tips welcome!

I would say just take all the anavar pre workout. Other than that nothing big. Are you planning on running the var the whole time or off and on or just at the end?

no major red flags about your compounds or dosages though. just make sure you have the pct stuff on hand before you start. May end up needing the arimidex early
why take anavar? if its very first cycle why not just do test to see how your body responds? So your body gets used to compounds slowly but surely this is why in the end you see people taking insane amounts of juice. just keep this in mind.
why take anavar? if its very first cycle why not just do test to see how your body responds? So your body gets used to compounds slowly but surely this is why in the end you see people taking insane amounts of juice. just keep this in mind.
Thanks man! Yeah no particular reason.. just through my research I thought this could be a good starting point. I have ages extra pounds of fat I wanna get rid off and anavar seems to be helpful for that too
everyone here that has any knowledge will agree and say strictly test first cycle also do bloodwork 4 weeks in to find out how your body is handling the test you might be high aromatize and need ai or high pro lactin
Yep I’m doing a blood test before starting and one 4 weeks in to check my levels. Thanks!
I probably wouldn't bother with the Anavar but see how it goes if you want.. You will probably be suffering from heartburn and digestive issues after a week or so.. Orals no good.. No appetite.. No gains..

Stick to the Test only and see how you react.. Too many people think gear is gunna be some magic in a bottle.. I had a client recently stated on 600mg Test weekly and was making great gains.. Realistic gains.. Cos he didn't have a chiseled six pack and huge boulder delts after 2 cycles he started throwing Dbol and Anavar in on top of upping the Test to a Gram.. Said nothing to me about it until now he comes to me with a limp dick and looks worse than when he started..

Sorry I start rant on this one haha
I have ages extra pounds of fat I wanna get rid off and anavar seems to be helpful for that too

Drugs don’t make fat disappear.

You should do yourself a MASSIVE favor and start your first cycle from a very lean place.

1. Lowers the chance of sides. Side which you’ve never experienced and will be recognizing, dealing with, and treating for the first time.

2. More gains. Body is primed to grow. More room for fat (you’re gonna gain some).

3. Just gonna make the cut harder and longer. Harder longer cuts as a natty probably suck.

4. Health.

5. You’re never gonna have such a successful cycle as your first more than likely. Make it count. Don’t waste those newbie gains with something as dumb as a ReCoMp bRo

I’m also very much pro test only first cycle.
Also, have ALL your pct drugs AND plan on how and when to use them before you start your cycle. Please don’t be one of those annoying people who come back here with a post that reads “PCT starts next week. What should I order and how much should I take?”

Go into this with a clear plan from start to finish and nail that plan. That includes having diet and gym in order before you start. Not “once I’m on I’ll start”.
yea dude if your not lean i wouldn't run a high cycle now if you feel like your having problems losing fat because you need trt then shoot for a clinic and find out your blood levels. @BossJamie84
Not yet ready to cycle. Plenty of gains yet to be made in the gym. Lack of basic knowledge when it comes to training and nutrition.


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