No reaction to HCG. Help

Hcg has me feeling great in my first week of pct, no crash whatsoever. I agree both protocols will work but I'd have to say this is as close to seamless as it'll get. I'll really know when I drop hcg and continue SERMs. Bloodwork to follow
If you run it properly on cycle you wont require it during recovery. Not arguing, just stating a fact.

I like to run HCG on cycle and during few weeks into my PCT. It's works well for me and my HPTA recovers back to baseline.

Do you have factual data that supports HCG is not necessary during PCT if used properly on cycle? Not arguing but I'm always receptive to a learning opportunity.
There is overwhelming factual data supporting the fact that hCG prevents testicular atrophy. And because of that supporting data, my question to the masses is simply this; if you could prevent a cold, or cure it afterwards, what would you choose?

Not attempting to sway you one way another, just supporting my opinion and provoking thought. Often, the KISS method is overlooked.
I don't doubt that HCG prevents testicular atrophy, that's why I run it on cycle. I was looking for supporting data that HCG is not necessary during PCT to aid a successful recovery.
I get that theory for short esters. But if you're running long esters.... Wouldn't you want to jumpstart you HPTA during the down time your waiting to start PCT (after last pin of long ester like test Cyp)?
Neither. I dont try to start my HPTA until my supra physical level of testosterone has returned to a level consistent with beginning recovery. For me this includes a properly dosed AI and hCG on cycle - long or short esters are irrelevant for this protocol.

Sorry, yes i DO run my hCG up to about 4 days before i begin recovery. (i just re read your question)
Neither. I dont try to start my HPTA until my supra physical level of testosterone has returned to a level consistent with beginning recovery. For me this includes a properly dosed AI and hCG on cycle - long or short esters are irrelevant for this protocol.

Sorry, yes i DO run my hCG up to about 4 days before i begin recovery. (i just re read your question)

Northern you seem to be pretty knowledgeable .... Have you ran a 19Nor such as NPP/Deca before?

If so what meds did you choose for PCT?
I had difficulties controlling erections (deca dik) and the fact that other oils provide the same, if not better, results sans the unwanted and often difficult side effects.

Detection time is of no concern to me. And recovery is similar to tren. So again, no biggie.