Non-surgical recovery possible with full thickness tendon tear?


New Member
I have an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon this week so of course I'll ask him but wanted opinions on the possibility of recovering non-surgically from a tendon injury. MRI showed a large (about 3 cm) full thickness tear in the middle of the supraspinatus tendon. Let's say I blast that area with BPC and TB daily, throw in GHK-Cu and HGH, is there even a remote possibility that I'll make a recovery without surgery? From what I read that area has very little blood flow so organic repairs are pretty much impossible, but curious if anyone has personal or anecdotal stories to contradict that.

I'm pretty much resigned to needing surgery to get back to 100%, but if I can get to even 75% on my own maybe I'll try for that.
It won't reattach if it's a complete tear. The muscle will atrophy, the longer surgical delay is the more the muscle will atrophy.
Sorry man, you're gonna be out a bit.
I have an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon this week so of course I'll ask him but wanted opinions on the possibility of recovering non-surgically from a tendon injury. MRI showed a large (about 3 cm) full thickness tear in the middle of the supraspinatus tendon. Let's say I blast that area with BPC and TB daily, throw in GHK-Cu and HGH, is there even a remote possibility that I'll make a recovery without surgery? From what I read that area has very little blood flow so organic repairs are pretty much impossible, but curious if anyone has personal or anecdotal stories to contradict that.

I'm pretty much resigned to needing surgery to get back to 100%, but if I can get to even 75% on my own maybe I'll try for that.
You will not recover from a non surgical tendon reattatchment, you need to get it reattched to be able to do things like you once did…why would you not want to do the surgery, the weakness accompainied by a tear and the strength and swelling is not going to be helpful
is there even a remote possibility that I'll make a recovery without surgery?
No, the mechanics of it just wont work out. The torn edges aren't going to hold themselves together and align via the power of chemistry unfortunately.
No. A large tear and especially a full tear need to be surgically repaired. Get the surgery ASAP and use the healing compounds after during the recovery/rehab. DON'T do heavy lifting until the doctor clears you to do so. Re injuring something that has been repaired is usually way worse than the initial injury. Time to practice patience. Good luck and speedy recovery sir!
I have an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon this week so of course I'll ask him but wanted opinions on the possibility of recovering non-surgically from a tendon injury. MRI showed a large (about 3 cm) full thickness tear in the middle of the supraspinatus tendon. Let's say I blast that area with BPC and TB daily, throw in GHK-Cu and HGH, is there even a remote possibility that I'll make a recovery without surgery? From what I read that area has very little blood flow so organic repairs are pretty much impossible, but curious if anyone has personal or anecdotal stories to contradict that.

I'm pretty much resigned to needing surgery to get back to 100%, but if I can get to even 75% on my own maybe I'll try for that.
No. Sadly. Surgery with TB and BPC/HGH. This is why I will never bench 500+ again. Partial detachment of posterior delt at tendon and waited. Do NOT wait on this
Thanks for the input gents. I haven't spoken with the doctor yet, but I received the MRI results online and it said the full thickness tear was at the midportion of the tendon, which leads me to believe it's still attached to the bone on one end and muscle on the other. But yeah, I know I'm kidding myself when I think it can heal on its own. I'll likely save up my peptide stash for post-surgery recovery. Being out of the gym that long is going to suck!