Noob - considering first cycle


New Member
Age: early thirties
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lb
Body fat: 19% (dexa)

I've been training on and off for a long time. I've been doing Crossfit consistently for the past 3 years. I feel like I've plateaued. I don't really make any gains unless I start eating more, but then I gain bodyfat.

I will be going in to do my blood work soon to figure out my baseline.

Goal: I don't necessary want to become huge, but I'd like to see what I would look like with a little more mass and low body fat. I feel like my window to peak physique is starting to close due to various injuries from BJJ (hips, knees, etc) and life commitments.

Non-goals: I'd like to minimize sides such as hair loss, out of range lipids, inferility, high blood pressure, etc.

I am doing some research on test only cycle (w/ PCT) or possibly primo cycle (but it seems this might be hard to source since it can be faked?).
I would do pre cycle blood work, 4-6 weeks in, and post-cycle blood work.

I don't really want to mess with HGH, tren, etc.

I have several questions:
1. Is it even worth doing a cycle? I have pretty modest goals, and I would want to keep my test within high end of normal range.
2. What are some cons I should be considering?
3. Will I lose my gains post-cycle?
3. What would be your recommendation for a cycle?
Your goals and concerns aren't compatible with cycling. Start thinking in terms of "generous" TRT. Everything falls into place if you do this.

A high normal testosterone will support modestly more growth. Because side effects scale with dosage, you will not need to worry about pronounced BP increases, lipid changes, hair loss, etc. You also won't incur the health burden that requires going off cycle, so you don't need to worry about PCT or losing any of the muscle you accrue.

You will likely have to manage fertility medically, though, if you wanna have kids.

Get your bloodwork, start at something like 150 mg/week, and check your blood again in 6-8 weeks. I would suggest injecting smaller amounts more frequently to further mitigate side effects... MWF or every other day. This will prevent aromatization, which you kinda need to keep an eye on when your bodyfat creeps up a bit.
Age: early thirties
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lb
Body fat: 19% (dexa)

I've been training on and off for a long time. I've been doing Crossfit consistently for the past 3 years. I feel like I've plateaued. I don't really make any gains unless I start eating more, but then I gain bodyfat.

I will be going in to do my blood work soon to figure out my baseline.

Goal: I don't necessary want to become huge, but I'd like to see what I would look like with a little more mass and low body fat. I feel like my window to peak physique is starting to close due to various injuries from BJJ (hips, knees, etc) and life commitments.

Non-goals: I'd like to minimize sides such as hair loss, out of range lipids, inferility, high blood pressure, etc.

I am doing some research on test only cycle (w/ PCT) or possibly primo cycle (but it seems this might be hard to source since it can be faked?).
I would do pre cycle blood work, 4-6 weeks in, and post-cycle blood work.

I don't really want to mess with HGH, tren, etc.

I have several questions:
1. Is it even worth doing a cycle? I have pretty modest goals, and I would want to keep my test within high end of normal range.
2. What are some cons I should be considering?
3. Will I lose my gains post-cycle?
3. What would be your recommendation for a cycle?
1. That's a tough question to answer. Noone here knows if any of these gains are worth what we have coming to us in terms of health consequences. We don't know if we're going to be completely fine, have some minor organ trouble, or if we're next in line for a massive stroke. If I'm going to be fine, I'd say yeah it's definitely worth it. If I'm going to drop dead at 45 from a heart attack, I'd say nah it's probably not worth it. You get my point.
2. Your balls might not work properly afterwards. If you can't accept the possibility of staying on testosterone replacement then don't dabble.
3. Most likely, especially if you're not going to be training as hard in the future due to the injuries you mentioned.
3. Do 250mg per week for 12 weeks. Check your blood work, pay attention to your body so you can learn how the hormone changes feel. Don't expect dramatic changes in your physique. You might find it gives you the edge youre looking for to get over the plateau. If 250mg isn't doing it for you, you can always take more next time. And there is always a next time.
Is it even worth doing a cycle? I have pretty modest goals, and I would want to keep my test within high end of normal range.
2. What are some cons I should be considering?
3. Will I lose my gains post-cycle?
3. What would be your recommendation for a cycle?
You have over 20yrs of opinions here.
Age: early thirties
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lb
Body fat: 19% (dexa)

I've been training on and off for a long time. I've been doing Crossfit consistently for the past 3 years. I feel like I've plateaued. I don't really make any gains unless I start eating more, but then I gain bodyfat.

I will be going in to do my blood work soon to figure out my baseline.

Goal: I don't necessary want to become huge, but I'd like to see what I would look like with a little more mass and low body fat. I feel like my window to peak physique is starting to close due to various injuries from BJJ (hips, knees, etc) and life commitments.

Non-goals: I'd like to minimize sides such as hair loss, out of range lipids, inferility, high blood pressure, etc.

I am doing some research on test only cycle (w/ PCT) or possibly primo cycle (but it seems this might be hard to source since it can be faked?).
I would do pre cycle blood work, 4-6 weeks in, and post-cycle blood work.

I don't really want to mess with HGH, tren, etc.

I have several questions:
1. Is it even worth doing a cycle? I have pretty modest goals, and I would want to keep my test within high end of normal range.
2. What are some cons I should be considering?
3. Will I lose my gains post-cycle?
3. What would be your recommendation for a cycle?
1. Cut first. Get to 15% or lower and then yes, it might be worth it.
2. Hair loss, high BP, poor post cycle recovery causing low testosterone for life, acne, lots of potential downsides
3. You’ll lose some amount, yes. How much depends on how well PCT goes, how well you manage to eat and train to hold on to muscle, etc
4. Test only, 500mg is a good dose for a first cycle. It balances risk and reward well. If you have baseline low testosterone then that changes things entirely. Don’t make any decisions until you’ve had blood work.