Noob questions


New Member
Got my blood work but still too new to understand it all. Can anyone give me advice on what you see from my blood work? I feel good but sex drive had fallen. This is at the end of a 400 mg a week test E cycle with Proviron. I appreciate any help!


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How long after the cycle were these taken? What were the ranges?
What were you on at the time of bloodwork? All I'm seeing as that your e2 is a little lower than you probably want it, which could explain your low libido. What you'd do about it depends on whether you've transitioned to low dose testosterone or if you're transitioning off.
200 a week test E. Transitioning to low does test. Any concerns on sbgh being low and free androgen index being high?
I see yeah. It's common for SHBG to be lower and free testosterone high while on a replacement dose, even if total testosterone is within normal range. You can pretty much assume that you'll have elevated free testosterone with total test above normal range. It isn't necessarily a problem, but you're probably more likely to have issues over the long run than if you ran it lower. It's very common to run testosterone indefinitely at the levels you currently have. Many men prefer one or the other, either within normal limits or somewhat elevated. It's worth trying both if you intend to use testosterone for a long time.

Are you on any other drugs, such as an AI?
No not currently. I have arimidex and nolvadex on hand. Only taken arimidex a few times during the cycle when my right nip was itchy.
Did the low shbg kill my sex drive? I was wanting it constantly but then it went to nothing. I stopped the Proviron and have gained it back. I think I was taking too much Proviron.
I think that the low-ish estrogen is a more likely cause but I couldn't say. Too much proviron can have that effect, but in my experience it would be accompanied with other issues if so. Usually it increases desire. You could try taking some now and see what effect it has if you're curious. This kind of thing is common when transitioning on and off cycle.