Noob seeking advice


Hey guys,

little background:
age: 28
weight: 165
height: 5'7
bf: 8-9% (can see core veins and deep cuts)
Been lifting, wrestling, swimming since 14ish

Doing my first cycle @ 250mg of test c twice a week. Have pharma adex, nolva on hand. All 4 vials of gear (10ml of test c) came crashed in mail, but heated it in saucepan and it became crystal clear. The UGL lab I ordered from only uses BA and BB and GSO (idk if any of this info will help on advice for reducing pip)

I want some advice on proper injection technique as everywhere I read gives differing advice. I injected 1cc in each glute 3.5 days apart so far using a 1inch-25g needle and 3ml syringe. The first time I got bad virgin pip/test flu. Second time I (2 days ago) I injected in other glute and everything was great until the next day, I could barely walk, today its worse (feels like a horse kicked me, kept me up all night). I think its my injection technique. It is really hard for me to turn and inject my own ass for 1-2 minutes without shaking/moving, I can imagine the needle is ripping my muscles up.

My oil seems to be veryyyy thick, it takes 1-2 minutes to inject 1cc. I think this is contributing to pip because its hard to keep a steady hand for 1-2 minutes. And yes im pushing hard to get oil in. Should I try to warm oil to help it slide in faster & what is the best technique to keep a steady hand?

I seem to be alot hornier, aggressive in gym, and my nipples got hard after second injection (was gone overnight used 0.25 mg of adex), so gear seems to have hormones in it atleast haha. I had low-normal range t levels before cycle so this makes sense to me.
Try a bigger gauge needle. Gear may still be crashed or causing issue. But I inject with a 22g. Always fast and smooth no pain. When thick 500mg/ml stuff comes out in seconds. Shouldn't take more than 10seconds to empty the syringe. In slow out slow.
I use 25g 1 inch needle. I assume people do not apply as much pressure to the plunger. I have also used multiple brands/pharma with no issues. Takes less than a minute for 3ml. Also what is your gluteal? Ventral or dorsal? For me, it's right below my iliac crest.

If I stand up and where my arms sit at my side is my injection spot. You can also try doing delt. It's not as hard as you think it is.
25g 1in is more than sufficient for IM with GSO. Take a coffee cup, Put 1/2in of water in it and microwave it for 30 seconds. Then take it out and let your vial sit in it for a few minutes. It will flow much much faster.

Alternatively you can order a coffee cup warmer on Amazon for $20 and use that to warm your vials prior to injection. Inject slow (medical literature suggests 10 seconds per 1ml maximum speed). I inject 1ml in about 40 seconds.

You may be getting pip also because your muscle is flexed while your injecting into it. It’s important to relax the muscle you are injecting into. If I’m doing quads I sit, if I’m doing VGs I lay on the opposite side I’m injecting, delts I just stand but keep my arm at my side completely relaxed.

Don’t inject glutes, It’s too difficult to do on your own accurately and someone who is not experienced may hit their sciatic nerve. And trust me that will hurt for a very very very long time
I use 25g 1 inch needle. I assume people do not apply as much pressure to the plunger. I have also used multiple brands/pharma with no issues. Takes less than a minute for 3ml. Also what is your gluteal? Ventral or dorsal? For me, it's right below my iliac crest.

If I stand up and where my arms sit at my side is my injection spot. You can also try doing delt. It's not as hard as you think it is.
You must have really short arms bruh, My palm is almost 1/3 of the way down my quad using that technique you described.
You must have really short arms bruh, My palm is almost 1/3 of the way down my quad using that technique you described.
Sorry. Meant to say my around my forearm and elbow.

Either way. My arm is running alongside the injection path
25g 1in is more than sufficient for IM with GSO. Take a coffee cup, Put 1/2in of water in it and microwave it for 30 seconds. Then take it out and let your vial sit in it for a few minutes. It will flow much much faster.

Alternatively you can order a coffee cup warmer on Amazon for $20 and use that to warm your vials prior to injection. Inject slow (medical literature suggests 10 seconds per 1ml maximum speed). I inject 1ml in about 40 seconds.

You may be getting pip also because your muscle is flexed while your injecting into it. It’s important to relax the muscle you are injecting into. If I’m doing quads I sit, if I’m doing VGs I lay on the opposite side I’m injecting, delts I just stand but keep my arm at my side completely relaxed.

Don’t inject glutes, It’s too difficult to do on your own accurately and someone who is not experienced may hit their sciatic nerve. And trust me that will hurt for a very very very long time
That’s a good point about muscles not flexed
Quads is one of my go to regular spots and 100% painless. I feel like a lot of people that complain about injecting quads either do it standing up or with the knee bent and quad flexed and that’s gonna hurt
Try a bigger gauge needle. Gear may still be crashed or causing issue. But I inject with a 22g. Always fast and smooth no pain. When thick 500mg/ml stuff comes out in seconds. Shouldn't take more than 10seconds to empty the syringe. In slow out slow.
Fuck 22g harpoons. Just heat up the oil and 25-27g is zero issue
Like others have said…beat up the oil as you’re prepping the injection site etc…or take a hot shower for a few minutes that’s one times helps too. I use 25g 1” needles and have had zero problems. Research the z-track method as well that will help a lot with making sure you don’t get oil to ooze out or bleeding. Make sure you go in and out with the needle at 90° and try not to shake or move the needle all around while you’re injecting. If you’re able to…having someone do your injections is nice lol. I have my wife hit my delts and occasionally my glutes. Just nice because I can just relax and not be bending around all weird lol.
Hey guys,

little background:
age: 28
weight: 165
height: 5'7
bf: 8-9% (can see core veins and deep cuts)
Been lifting, wrestling, swimming since 14ish

Doing my first cycle @ 250mg of test c twice a week. Have pharma adex, nolva on hand. All 4 vials of gear (10ml of test c) came crashed in mail, but heated it in saucepan and it became crystal clear. The UGL lab I ordered from only uses BA and BB and GSO (idk if any of this info will help on advice for reducing pip)

I want some advice on proper injection technique as everywhere I read gives differing advice. I injected 1cc in each glute 3.5 days apart so far using a 1inch-25g needle and 3ml syringe. The first time I got bad virgin pip/test flu. Second time I (2 days ago) I injected in other glute and everything was great until the next day, I could barely walk, today its worse (feels like a horse kicked me, kept me up all night). I think its my injection technique. It is really hard for me to turn and inject my own ass for 1-2 minutes without shaking/moving, I can imagine the needle is ripping my muscles up.

My oil seems to be veryyyy thick, it takes 1-2 minutes to inject 1cc. I think this is contributing to pip because its hard to keep a steady hand for 1-2 minutes. And yes im pushing hard to get oil in. Should I try to warm oil to help it slide in faster & what is the best technique to keep a steady hand?

I seem to be alot hornier, aggressive in gym, and my nipples got hard after second injection (was gone overnight used 0.25 mg of adex), so gear seems to have hormones in it atleast haha. I had low-normal range t levels before cycle so this makes sense to me.
If the oil is hell thicc, try carefully heating it up with a blow dryer or something. The MCT I use is fine with the 27g needles I use but I used to fill the syringe and stick it under my hot laptop for a few mins to warm it up before injection. It would cut the oil viscosity in half.
Just saying when you all get any vaccine or anything they use a 22ga needle. If you look up the instruction sheet laid out by the drug makers and usually the standardized papers that regulate how specific injections are to be administered almost all say use a 22g.
Not saying you gotta but imho I have had worse pain from bending a 27 from a flinch. If done right you don't even feel a 22 from a 30.
Just saying when you all get any vaccine or anything they use a 22ga needle. If you look up the instruction sheet laid out by the drug makers and usually the standardized papers that regulate how specific injections are to be administered almost all say use a 22g.
Not saying you gotta but imho I have had worse pain from bending a 27 from a flinch. If done right you don't even feel a 22 from a 30.
I don’t think most people are concerned with it hurting, It’s the fact it will quickly develop scar tissue regularly using a 22g needle. That’s why most guys use insulin syringes to inject practically everything. Vaccines are not given as regularly as AAS injections, Even on test u.
Yeah I just feel more pain and issue trying to force out oil. I doubt a 22 will make any much more scar tissue if inserted smooth vs a 25 or 27. The slight shaking tearing at the tip trying to plung thick oil will probably do more damage.
But this is a harpoon
This is a splinter at best
Have a fever/headache/fatigue and injection site is worse than this morning and is swollen. My last injection did the same thing to me but I thought it was just virgin pip and test flu. I am not using this gear again, I ordered from another source that is more popular (Goodlyfe), curious to see if different carrier oil (CSO) and different ratio of BA/BB will make a difference. Horrible Virgin pip/bad injection practice is one thing, getting a fever, headache and fatigue tells me that this oil might be giving me a bad reaction (I stupidly ordered from a newer source on meso). Good thing test c is a long ester, I think I’ll b fine if I skip an injection and wait for new gear.
It's probably going to hurt no matter what you inject. Delts seem to be the least painful for most people, glutes and quads crippled me. It took 8 months of injecting quads to get crippling pip to go away. You can solve the issue by doing tiny injections in several different spots. I know it seems weird and is a higher risk for infection, but isn't that crippling pip the worst shit ever? It can take you out. Can't work, can't workout. Make it stop. Just go .25ml in 4 places. Once you've hit that spot a few times you can increase the amount you're putting there as the muscle gets used to it
Yeah I just feel more pain and issue trying to force out oil. I doubt a 22 will make any much more scar tissue if inserted smooth vs a 25 or 27. The slight shaking tearing at the tip trying to plung thick oil will probably do more damage.
But this is a harpoon
View attachment 165705View attachment 165706
This is a splinter at best
I definitely got scar tissue in my quad from pinning with a 25g for 3 years in my quads. I can HEAR the scar tissue when I hit it with a needle. I respectfully disagree. I have been using a 29g for 4 years pinning everything and I have no additional scar tissue
It's probably going to hurt no matter what you inject. Delts seem to be the least painful for most people, glutes and quads crippled me. It took 8 months of injecting quads to get crippling pip to go away. You can solve the issue by doing tiny injections in several different spots. I know it seems weird and is a higher risk for infection, but isn't that crippling pip the worst shit ever? It can take you out. Can't work, can't workout. Make it stop. Just go .25ml in 4 places. Once you've hit that spot a few times you can increase the amount you're putting there as the muscle gets used to it
good idea that makes alot of sense