

New Member
Whats up everyone! Newbie to the site. I'm 46, married, 4 kids... stay in shape, most of the time. Getting started back up again, after having tendinitis in both elbows. Tried a BPC-157/TB-500 protocol, which helped with everday movement, but not with lifting. Went 4 months off. Lost some mass and strength. I guess i could keep doing cardio, but EFF THAT, I hate cardio, unless you're referring to time spent with my wife... love that cardio and still manage that 2-3 x a week. Started easing back in with light weights/bands... so far, so good. Hoping to be back to pushing real weight buy May/June! Here for a good community, good communication, hopefully some smack talk and to further my general knowledge
Thanks for reading
Whats up everyone! Newbie to the site. I'm 46, married, 4 kids... stay in shape, most of the time. Getting started back up again, after having tendinitis in both elbows. Tried a BPC-157/TB-500 protocol, which helped with everday movement, but not with lifting. Went 4 months off. Lost some mass and strength. I guess i could keep doing cardio, but EFF THAT, I hate cardio, unless you're referring to time spent with my wife... love that cardio and still manage that 2-3 x a week. Started easing back in with light weights/bands... so far, so good. Hoping to be back to pushing real weight buy May/June! Here for a good community, good communication, hopefully some smack talk and to further my general knowledge
Thanks for reading
Welcome to Meso and the ole man joint pain club!
Thanks! But it sounds like I am already a member of "ole man joint pain" club. Id show you my card, but my shoulders too tight to reach my wallet right now!