norditropin simplexx 30mg 1.5ml dosage with a 1ml needle


New Member

Hopefully someone can give me some sound guidance on what I should be pulling on an insulin needle to administer the desired IU

The needle I have is a 1.0ml needle starting at 0.1 with 5 smaller increments up to 0.2 and continues up to 1.0ml

What the best way to work out where to pull on the needle to what IU need.

I want to start of at 3 IU going up to 4 IU.

One other question I have is at what dose do I need to start splitting my IU I take?

Last one, has anyone used this product and if so what was your experience.
Your cartridge has 150 ius of fluid with 30ius of gh in that fluid. 150/30 = 5.
In every 5ius of fluid you draw from that cartridge you have 1iu of gh.
So the .1 on your syringe = 2ius of gh. Halfway between the 1 and 2 is 3ius.
.2 on the syringe = 4ius.
you better go to their website , your pen starts at 0 then 0.1 0.2 0.3 ect when you get to 1 that is one mg, their are 3 iu to a mg so at 1 you are 3 iu , just like seros their vials are 6mg =18iu
you turn the dial on your pen all the way past 0.9 to 1 and you are at 3iu. use your pen turn it to 1 you will get 10 shots , look at your pen the dial says mg I mg =3iu
Hold on Spartacus. I misread your post. I thought you had 30 iu cartridges refills and not the pens.

If you have the pens then disregard what I wrote.
I thought you were using a syringe to draw out the gh from the refill cartridge. I've had to do this with the genotropin refills since I don't have the pen.

Like Ironwill said, go to the website for directions.

I may have not come across that clear in what I was asking so I can see where the confusion has come from.

The product I have is
Norditropin SimpleXx 10 mg/1,5 ml - 30 I.U. Refil cartridges with no pen to administer the shot.

I have a pack of insulin needles as described above.