NPP Cycle - Do you need Caber after cycle?

Hey guys,

I'm taking NPP in my cycle along with test, primo, Adex and Caber. Being that NPP is detectable after a very long time, is it necessary to continue the Caber after cycle to prevent Prolactin increase resulting in ED?

Thank you

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And Dopamine agonists are not warranted DURING a 19Nor cycle either.

It's concocted bro-science that has permeated PED forums for so long it's proven impossible to eradicate.

Next time someone suggests otherwise
ask them for their proof, and when they say "bloods" ask to see them.

What you will find is the association
bt 19Nor and prolactin is nothing more than a rumor being parroted from one forum to another, based on "bloods" that don't exist!

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And Dopamine agonists are not warranted DURING a 19Nor cycle either.

It's concocted bro-science that has permeated PED forums for so long it's proven impossible to eradicate.

Next time someone suggests otherwise
ask them for their proof, and when they say "bloods" ask to see them.

What you will find is the association
bt 19Nor and prolactin is nothing more than a rumor being parroted from one forum to another, based on "bloods" that don't exist!

Just out of curiosity, is there any problem with taking an SNRI and a 19nor together?
Not that I'm aware of BUT since not all SSRIs are created equal
investigate your specific combination for "drug interactions" on Google.
You can also call any pharmacy bc that's A LOT of what they MUST DO, before dispensing any meds------ ensuring no drug interactions exist!
And Dopamine agonists are not warranted DURING a 19Nor cycle either.

It's concocted bro-science that has permeated PED forums for so long it's proven impossible to eradicate.

Next time someone suggests otherwise
ask them for their proof, and when they say "bloods" ask to see them.

What you will find is the association
bt 19Nor and prolactin is nothing more than a rumor being parroted from one forum to another, based on "bloods" that don't exist!


Just the person I was looking for.

So there is no evidence to support Nandrolones and increased prolactin levels? What of the infamous "Deca dick"? Or is that only caused by HPTA shut down?

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Higher prolactin levels---and having high enough of all 4 hormones required to produce milk and require Dopamine agonists (caber) is two different things.

deca dick-- yeah shuts down testosterone production, so if you don't have enough t to supplement u get the effects of low T....

Other than low T, deca dick is just a side effect for some.... is it the prolactin or the e2, or something else? Who knows nobody gets blood work:)

Control the e2 and the damn thing won't stay down