NPP or Deca cycle

Ive ran both deca and npp

No wrong way if you decide either or , at the end of the day everyone on here is correct and by what i mean is “ everyone is different” some respond better to other drugs and so on .

Both will put on some size

TEST 500 mg
Deca 400 mg
Dbol “find your smooth spot ” daily or working out days only

Shoot twice a week TUESDAY AND THURSDAY
SO ONE cc of each vial test and deca dosed at 250 test and or deca dosed at 200 mg

sometimes where you pin the liquid gets absorved faster dont be dissapointed if you pin and the liquid takes long time to come out , “trial and error”
Suggest buying a small portable heater “specially since its cold right now”
Once you have the oil in the needle face needle ponting up so no liquid leaks out heating up your oil “ smoother to go in your body” the timing on that depends on how warm you want it you gotta realize our body is warm our pee comes out 92 to 98 F hot . Your injecting a thick oil inside you so you can decide how this would help or not and no it doesnt get hot enough to start messing with the brew . Just warm enough for comfort and easier.

Arimidex 0.5 mg wednesday after the injection and friday after injection IYKYK

If you start to feel sides try increasing to 1 mg the day after . BUT I THINK YOUR FINE AT 0.5 mg to start day after injections .

But for this cycle thats all you need ! Goodluck .
This was my favorite cycle . Gained alot of weight.
Cant say NPP is MY fav because i didnt notice alot of size from it ran it also pretty high 450 mg weekly .
Like i said its all trial and error , find what you like my friend . Suggested only twice injections a week since your trying to avoid frequently shooting
This will be my next cycle test/npp mabey hgh instead of dbol not sure yet
For what it's worth, for me, npp blows deca out of the water. Deca always causes bedroom issues. Npp ed equals zero issues for me.

100mg test p, 100mg mast p, 100mg npp ed injections plus 12.5mg aromasin eod has been amazing! Zero sides. I'd image eod injections would be pretty close to the same. Daily injects aren't bad if you have enough injection sites to rotate thru. If I do get pip it lasts a few hrs to a day max. I basically don't notice pip anymore. I've just learned to ignore it or I've just become acclimated.

"100mg test p, 100mg mast p, 100mg npp"

Brother I am pretty sure this is the dream stack. Mast fixes all the mental issues of npp.

How are the androgenic sides?
Npp over deca for me. It just work different and better. Everything is much more smooth and sides are mild. Probably the only aas I have used where ester makes a night and day difference. Nandrolone phenyl propionate deserves it's own separate space, being just a shorter ester deca is not my experience at all with it.
Npp over deca for me. It just work different and better. Everything is much more smooth and sides are mild. Probably the only aas I have used where ester makes a night and day difference. Nandrolone phenyl propionate deserves it's own separate space, being just a shorter ester deca is not my experience at all with it.
what was your experience from npp? Joint relief, good gains, feel good? im considering adding some npp to my hgh/test cyp bulking cycle i am researching for this fall