NPP: is there a safe dose for use w fin?


New Member
Hi guys

TLDR: I’d like to add a small dose of NPP just to aid w hint lube during 8-10w cycle

Wondering if anyone can opine on lowest dose one would take of NPP just to aid With joint lubrication ?

running 500 of test-p (daily pIn) plus 50mg daily winny as a cutting/recomp

I’ve been reading how NPP and deca are really tough on your hair if you’re predisposed to MPB and you’re taking fin

i am on fin plus have been using RU58841 ever since starting winny So far sides are ok w win. (Win depo injections )

Would a low dose NPP be Ok along with fin, given I use RU58841?

if it weren’t for my hair I’d have prob opted for lower test and higher NPP but would still like the NPP for the joints , if it’s doable. Coming off test isn’t really an option cuz I’m on doctor prescribed TRT anyway (primary hypogonadism), and as soon as I’m off cycle I’ll throttle the test down tot he RX level. (Test cyp)

Thanks for any feedback. Much appreciated.