Npp mental sides


Never felt like this at all. Tren causes me sleep issues, but I was highly abusing it and starving, so I don't even know if it would do the same with enough calories and low doses, but nandrolone? Only deca dick, which is promptly cured by more testosterone (inject test prop, and it is working again that evening). 2:1 ratio always works. When nandrolone goes higher, problems with performance in the bedroom result.
How long do mental sides from NPP usually take to notice? First time adding npp to my testosterone blast. I'm on day 15 off adding 300mg npp to my 1g testosterone blast. I dont feel any mental side at all yet. I was wanting to add in more npp but I started out slow first to see if i'd get any sides. Never ran deca, tren or npp until now trying the npp for my first time. So far so good.
with me it is within a week. depression, paranoia, etc. tried running NPP at least three separate times. even at 20-30 mg daily.

what made a difference for me was reigning in my e2.

so now i run my cycles with 175-200 test, as a base. not more. with that i've gone back to NPP and titrated to 400-500. minimum dose for me, to experience joint pain relief, was 350, but sweet spot for gains was 400. (200 test, 300 primo, 400 NPP).

I applied the same formula to deca, but with deca i ran a high dose of mast. zero mental sides, great mood, great libido, and zero bloat. started feeling deca at week 3, at six weeks i felt it fully kick in, and i think it peaked at 8 weeks. 600 mg on 200 test and 800 mast-e (i find mast e having much weaker mental boost than mast p, so if i was running mast p i'd prob be around 525 per week, by comparison).

i should also mention that i run telmisartan 80mg and nebivolol 5mg on cycle, telmisartan primarily for hemacotcit control. these, for me, are great at BP control, something i would not mess around with when running 19nors.
Well the only sides I have so far is night sweats and dreams but I get those with trt and HGH anyway. I don't have any deca dick or anything... if anything my libido is through the roof.. but you know my estrogen is in check because I use Arimidex. I usually keep my estrogen below 50.
I bet if you give them unlabeled vials with test,EQ, NPP to run for a cycle only a handfull of people would come across mental issues. Placebo plays a huge role in this, if that many guys saying "i tried nandrolone and i got depressed" then your biased when you try it.
Yes, totally agree.

You did?

What, like after your boyfriend pounded you in the ass you wanted him to stay and cuddle for a while? Play with your nipples?

What the hell?

Anybody else reporting feeling more lazy and feminine when using NPP?
Jesus Fucking Christ, what next from the placebo-burdened whiners!!
Jesus Fucking Christ, what next from the placebo-burdened whiners!!
I used nandrolone before people considered it to have sides other than deca dick. 10 years ago, 7 years ago and 5 years ago. I never had had deca dick.

Many reputable people report mental side effects from nandrolone, is it so hard to believe that another 19nor like tren would also have mental effects?

Do you think hormones don't affect the brain?

Calling this "whining" is ignorant

People need to be aware of this commonly reported side effect, so they don't get in a mental funk during their cycle, brush it off and continue and experience the consequences of it.

I don't want to hear anything about "well back in my day no one had this"

because back then, people also took nolvadex instead of a.i, took dumb pct and gear protocols,. Dbol only cycles.and never got bloodwork. people were such a hormonal wreck the term "roid rage" was coined
Not to mention there was more of a "tough guy" mentality and stigma surrounding steroids that people didn't talk about these things.

oh but youre so cool , everyone else is a baby.

youre definitely not compensating
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Nandrolone's effects on dopamine re-up take are real. Some get more effected some less. But it's there.

On the other hand, if you take a handful of other drugs that effect mood, maybe nandrolone does dick squat on an already fucked up system
like the opposite of tren but the jealousy is still there.
instead of anger its sadness
instead of aggression its insecurity
instead of lifting hard its kind of going through the motions

it doesn't feel like a masculine drug to me, i don't remember much about DHN or potential amplification of estrogenic or perceived estrogenic sides but thats what it felt like to me.

trens mental sides are well known and the agitation is easy to spot, but i think nandrolone is more insidious and can cause depression in a lot of people.
Well said, 100% accurate description.

On tren i felt motivated as fuck and ready to take on the world. It was raw aggression and dominance. On deca i felt like a bitch. It's a night and day difference for me personally.

I don't give a shit what others think, im just sharing my own experience. Why do people get so butthurt that their favorite drug isn't everyones favorite lol
I used nandrolone before people considered it to have sides other than deca dick. 10 years ago, 7 years ago and 5 years ago. I never had had deca dick.

Many reputable people report mental side effects from nandrolone, is it so hard to believe that another 19nor like tren would also have mental effects?

Do you think hormones don't affect the brain?

Calling this "whining" is ignorant

People need to be aware of this commonly reported side effect, so they don't get in a mental funk during their cycle, brush it off and continue and experience the consequences of it.

I don't want to hear anything about "well back in my day no one had this"

because back then, people also took nolvadex instead of a.i, took dumb pct and gear protocols,. Dbol only cycles.and never got bloodwork. people were such a hormonal wreck the term "roid rage" was coined
Not to mention there was more of a "tough guy" mentality and stigma surrounding steroids that people didn't talk about these things.

oh but youre so cool , everyone else is a baby.

youre definitely not compensating
LOL!!! This is exactly what I'm talking about. Just grab a Kleenix and dab away the tears. And then say, "it's only a movie, it's only a movie." Then go back to your crayons.
LOL!!! This is exactly what I'm talking about. Just grab a Kleenix and dab away the tears. And then say, "it's only a movie, it's only a movie." Then go back to your crayons.
My first cycle of nandrolone I was pretty young, I didn't have any mental side effects from nandrolone, atleast any that I was aware of. When I grew up and my brain fully developed, I noticed mental side effects. The prefrontal cortex finishes developing around age 25.


Maybe this can give us insight into why you dont experience mental side effects from nandrolone.
Any tips on how much NPP to start with?

I have a few vials of 150mg/ml and was thinking two injections a week, but not sure if 300mg a week is too high to start with?

It really varies from person to person, one person's answer might not work for you.

Start off low with say 150mg a week for a few weeks then slowly increase

I've had zero issues on 600mg test and 300mg npp, even had no issues with deca at 400mg.