NPP Pinning Schedule

I had ordered some insulin syringes and my order got screwed up, so it hasn't even shipped yet. I have 25g pins for now that I've been using for my Test...I will probably pin with those for the time being. What kind of gains did you see with 210/week?

For me, just right.
But I'm not a bodybuilder either.

210 a week will help with lean muscle repair and recomp after a cut. But it's not going to pack on pounds.

In my opinion nano is good for repair and recomp and cosmetics.

But nothing is better than straight testosterone for performance.

Depends on your goals. I'll run npp for about 8 weeks and bump test up to 5 to 600 and it gets me right back up. Then I can go back down to trt for 6-8 months with very little loss.
For those that use NPP, what is your pinning schedule like? I am considering 200mg/week and wondering if I should pin 100mg twice a week, or pin 50mg EOD. Have not run short ester, so I don't know how long the stretch between injections should be.
I always did everyday.. eod was a pain in the ass for me to remember.. and anything less then that I personally wasn't wasn't fan of..
And since I usually use test prop it work great.. if I'm pinning 1 or compounds ..I usually end up pinning everything everyday except EQ ..
Didn't notice any gains at 200/week?
A little more fullness for sure. When I was much younger I ran a cycle with 600 test, 400 NPP, and I think 50mg TBol. I had ran much higher dosages but these three compounds just clicked for me. Results were outstanding. I always thought the NPP ignited this cycle.
A little more fullness for sure. When I was much younger I ran a cycle with 600 test, 400 NPP, and I think 50mg TBol. I had ran much higher dosages but these three compounds just clicked for me. Results were outstanding. I always thought the NPP ignited this cycle.
I'm on 450mg Test right now...was hoping 200 NPP would give a little more oomph. I may increase dosage if 200 isn't doing much.
I'm on 450mg Test right now...was hoping 200 NPP would give a little more oomph. I may increase dosage if 200 isn't doing much.
I think you’ll notice some fullness and cosmetic effects. I wish I ran it lower my first time and then up it just to really see the difference. I will my next time.

I ran 375 mg a week and the fullness and round look it gave me was insane on top of mast. It felt awesome in the gym too. Strength exploded. I didn’t go from a 300 to 400 bench or anything it just made the reps smooth like butter. Added an extra working set to everything.
I think you’ll notice some fullness and cosmetic effects. I wish I ran it lower my first time and then up it just to really see the difference. I will my next time.

I ran 375 mg a week and the fullness and round look it gave me was insane on top of mast. It felt awesome in the gym too. Strength exploded. I didn’t go from a 300 to 400 bench or anything it just made the reps smooth like butter. Added an extra working set to everything.
I just feel no progress lately, so just want a bit of a bump to get over the top and hopefully gain about 15 pounds. I can always adjust dosage if 200 isn't doing much.
I just feel no progress lately, so just want a bit of a bump to get over the top and hopefully gain about 15 pounds. I can always adjust dosage if 200 isn't doing much.
I’d do 200 and up cals 300-500 a week and see what happens than. If you’re mid cycle I wouldn’t expect a true 15 lbs. mostly just intramuscular fullness.
OP, EOD or ED is always the answer.

But nothing is better than straight testosterone for performance.

Plenty of compounds are better than test for performance. Test is a necessary base, but most orals are far better for strength. MG for MG, test is absolute dogshit for strength compared to anavar. For endurance and workload, you don't even need an AAS to outperform test, cardarine destroys it.
OP, EOD or ED is always the answer.

Plenty of compounds are better than test for performance. Test is a necessary base, but most orals are far better for strength. MG for MG, test is absolute dogshit for strength compared to anavar. For endurance and workload, you don't even need an AAS to outperform test, cardarine destroys it.
Test has been good at 450mg/week. Have seen results, but I think another compound like NPP would be a greater benefit.
OP, EOD or ED is always the answer.

Plenty of compounds are better than test for performance. Test is a necessary base, but most orals are far better for strength. MG for MG, test is absolute dogshit for strength compared to anavar. For endurance and workload, you don't even need an AAS to outperform test, cardarine destroys it.
I don't use orals anymore. Haven't in years. So I won't argue.

But, in terms of performance, there are few scenarios I can think of, where a proper testosterone regimen with an AI doesn't equal or surpass anything else a guy can take.

But i digress here, I'm not talking about bodybuilding aesthetic appearances or building bulk and vascularity and definition, like powerlifting. I'm talking about athletic performance like boxing/fighting/wrestling. I do understand that bodybuilding requires a different approach to training and gear use. I say this because although you bodybuilding guys may be the majority here, not all of us are here for bodybuilding gear knowledge.

I'll admit that anavar, turinobol and others can compliment testosterone very well. But in terms of a single compound giving MG per MG performance. I still have the opinion that nothing beats testosterone used correctly.

But that's just my opinion. Testosterone propinate has long been used by itself many times by athletes to gain performance. In fact it is likely the most common performance enhancing drug used.

Outside of bodybuilding that is.
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I don't use orals anymore. Haven't in years. So I won't argue.

But, in terms of performance, there are few scenarios I can think of, where a proper testosterone regimen with an AI doesn't equal or surpass anything else a guy can take.

But i digress here, I'm not talking about bodybuilding aesthetic appearances or building bulk and vascularity and definition, like powerlifting. I'm talking about athletic performance like boxing/fighting/wrestling. I do understand that bodybuilding requires a different approach to training and gear use. I say this because although you bodybuilding guys may be the majority here, not all of us are here for bodybuilding gear knowledge.

I'll admit that anavar, turinobol and others can compliment testosterone very well. But in terms of a single compound giving MG per MG performance. I still have the opinion that nothing beats testosterone used correctly.

But that's just my opinion. Testosterone propinate has long been used by itself many times by athletes to gain performance. In fact it is likely the most common performance enhancing drug used.

Outside of bodybuilding that is.
I disagree man. Test is rarely used for performance in sports with weight classes, where guys are regularly tested. Look at what guys are popping for in combat sports, it's orals. Granted, test is bioidentical, so I'm sure alot of guys are using test undetected, but in terms of dirty samples, I don't think I've seen a single guy in mma pop for test outside of the TRT days when it was legal.

And over 30 athletes popped for cardarine at the Beijing Olympics alone. Cardarine will do more for athletic performance in a sport that requires intense conditioning than any amount of test you can add, and combat sports are horribly taxing on the cardiovascular system.

Test would do far more to hinder someone's performance in boxing or wrestling, once you get to the higher dosages, than help. It's a useful base, but cardarine gives enough of a boost in cardiovascular capacity that it's a clear winner.

Further, things like cheque drops and halotestin are widely used in combat sports, for the aggression inducing effects.
We used test p + winstrol when cutting weight.
300mg test prop a week plus 25-50mg winstrol a day.
Gave good performance boost!
This was back in 2008-2010 things might have changed from then in the kick boxing scene !
We used test p + winstrol when cutting weight.
300mg test prop a week plus 25-50mg winstrol a day.
Gave good performance boost!
This was back in 2008-2010 things might have changed from then in the kick boxing scene !
Same here.
In wrestling competition in the 90s , test prop was the primary compound just about everyone used to cut. And everyone had to cut.

Some people used testosterone propionate exclusively. But it was in everyone's regimen.

I guess things have changed.