Nylon / PVDF bottle top filters with BA / BB resistant housing (polypropylene or ...?) - brands, models & where to buy?


Well-known Member
@Jet Labs
@Liska - no idea what kind of filter set-up you use, but tagging you regardless due to your brewing experience
@ Anyone else who can help!

Guys - all of the Nylon or PVDF bottle tops I’ve found so far have (USP Level 6) polystyrene housings, which is listed on numerous sites as being incompatible with BA. Finding sterile .22 Nylon or PVDF bottle tops with polypropylene housings has so far proved frustratingly fruitless.

There seems to be quite a few guys on here using the dominant brand on Alibaba, the cheap ‘n cheerful Sorfa Life Sciences Nylon / PVDF bottle tops with polystyrene housings without issues (2% ish BA maybe not a problem for polystyrene?), but I’m cautious & tbh would much rather go with a Western product (& polypropylene housing) if possible.

Can you guys share what make & model of bottle tops you’re using & ideally a supplier? I’m sure there’s a lot of members here who would appreciate the input & not just myself as this topic comes up pretty regularly.

US / Canada / UK / EU / China - wherever!
Zap cap nylon

Cheers for your input mate.

After I read your post I realised I’d totally misunderstood something I’d read regarding polystyrene housings as there are no sterile Zap Caps with anything other than polystyrene housings, yet obviously they’re fine as you & loads of other brewers use them. I realised it’s just the filter membrane material that’s important & not the housing also.
