Obligatory new member post


New Member
Hey guys,
Been a long time since I've been around this scene. 15 or 20 years so I feel like a dink again.
In my 20s and early 30s I would cycle with no issues. Decided to lay off, have kids, be responsible. starting to feel time catch up. I dropped from 226 to 170 naturally. Have been looking at trt due to low motivation etc. The labs I got all look great except it didn't list the free test or shbg which is a pain. My total T was 805. The trt thread at a different board shredded me for considering it. Then I thought about it ... fuck them. It's about how I feel. If I cycled in my 20s and currently have an 805 I can bounce back if I try it. Anyway, felt the need to reintroduce myself.