Oil loss using syringe/needles;

Am I the only one who doesnt count shots? When its gone its gone. Pop the top on the next and lets go.

Well fuck, I suppose you inject with solid gold needles too. Lol. Oops, sorry, no disrespect. I’m sure you have a person that prepares and does the injections. Brings the solid gold needle on a silver tray. ;)
These guys are rediculous - anyone who been doin this for just a few months can see that not every vial is exactly the same fill give or take Ive ordered from at least 25 diff labs and all of them were extremely close in the amount in vial- and now here goes this retarted bald guy - always complains about this and that - fukin bunch of real loosers on this meso
These guys are rediculous - anyone who been doin this for just a few months can see that not every vial is exactly the same fill give or take Ive ordered from at least 25 diff labs and all of them were extremely close in the amount in vial- and now here goes this retarted bald guy - always complains about this and that - fukin bunch of real loosers on this meso
Loosers lol.

It doesn't take a loser to point out that it's not uncommon for a vial to be slightly short.
These guys are rediculous - anyone who been doin this for just a few months can see that not every vial is exactly the same fill give or take Ive ordered from at least 25 diff labs and all of them were extremely close in the amount in vial- and now here goes this retarted bald guy - always complains about this and that - fukin bunch of real loosers on this meso

So why do you stay here? We’re all losers and I’m a big “retart” (the word is retarded) and it makes you soooooo angry. Why do people listen to me and not someone of your obvious self-importance? Go to a different board man. Nobody respects you here. All of your posts are little beta boy digs at the guys here. Go find some like-minded guys.

I’ve been here a little over 4 years. I’m not going anywhere.
Well fuck, I suppose you inject with solid gold needles too. Lol. Oops, sorry, no disrespect. I’m sure you have a person that prepares and does the injections. Brings the solid gold needle on a silver tray. ;)
I actually use a gun to do the injections like in a bond movie. But yes. That gun is 48 carat gold. But the tray sir. Is platinum. Darn peasants and their silver.
Maybe its just that ive b/c for so damn long that its just a normal thing to run out. I spent the first 4 years as a dummy buying off a local guy for 100 bucks per vile of test c 200. So even if im shorted im still ahead bwcause i perceive said gears worth at 100. Plus i trust my source. I mean. Im injecting oil that he mixed with shit into my body. Having 10ml in there is about the fourth thing on my list of concerns. I will probably monitor the amount thats in this primo though. If i ever dick w it.
These guys are rediculous - anyone who been doin this for just a few months can see that not every vial is exactly the same fill give or take Ive ordered from at least 25 diff labs and all of them were extremely close in the amount in vial- and now here goes this retarted bald guy - always complains about this and that - fukin bunch of real loosers on this meso
You’re so edgy. How can I be more like you?