Alright guys so here's the report from analyzer, even tho it's no good because of a screw up on my part. I'll be sending samples in glass vials and he will retest but it'll probably take a couple weeks. Also here is what he said
4.9 min: testosterone propionate
6.0 min: nandrolone phenylpropionate
10.3 min: nandrolone decanoate
Every peak in chromatogram represent one compound. Different compounds have different retention times (x-axis of the graph). Heights of those peaks (or areas under them) are proportional to their quantity. The higher amount of some compound is present in the sample, the bigger peak at particular retention time is observed. Peak at 2.2 min is coming from chloroform which I use as a solvent to dissolve samples. Peak at 2.9 min is coming from benzyl benoate which is present in theamples and rest of the peaks I listed in previous mail. There ara also some minor peaks of unknown compounds, but they probably come from plastic bags or oils.
I tested your samples, however there is a problem.
There definitely must be some kind of cross contamination between samples. I detected nandrolone decanoate, nandrolone phenylpropionate and testosterone propionate in all samples.
Their ratio in each sample is different, so I presume this come from accidental cross contamination.
Most likely scenario is that some kind of diffusion of hormones through the bags walls occurred. I have received many samples in similar bags and I have never observed any contamination, so probably these baggies were made of some low quality material which allowed this transfer.
Based on ratios, sample 1 was most likely phenyl, sample 2 deca and sample 3 test propionate. Good news are I didn't detect any other hormones, just BB.