On BAC Waters and @ JIM


10+ Year Member
I seem to recall a discussion eons back which involved bacteriostatic waters, and I was pretty ignorant not understanding that there are a buch of different ingredients that can be added to steryl water to make it "Bacteriostatic". So there is..:

1. Bacteriostatic water with BA (Benzyl Alcohol and the one we know for STYYROIDZ)
2. Bacteriostatic water with SODIUM CHLORIDE (For IV flush and mixing SOME drugs.)
3. Bacteriostatic water with (Contains 0.12% methylparaben, 0.012% propylparaben)

So YES Jim I again stand humbled...:confused::mad::mad::(

More seriously, would you have bothered to properly BITCH SLAP ME as deser-ved, I might have also recently not nearly caused a DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS like I NEARLY Did...! (in another experiement).


Which BAC water is BEST for things like HCG and Peptides..? Because I am wondering if we are doing it wrong..?

FIRST VECTOR is that there ONLY APPEARS to manifest a problem if you are injecting BAC water IV with regard to various forms. They all pretty much say DON'T inject BAC water directly to vein without having something/substance/drug/hcg/whatever already diluted in it. There further appears to be an "OSMOTIC VALIDATION POINT" with these waters when it comes to IV injection. Another story involving PH, Molarity, ect.. and for another day...

Second VECOR/ Does it make a shit which BAC Water is used for HCG or Peptides??

But for example it brings to mind LONGEVITY. How long HCG will stay fresh in fridge. In that recent experiment where I was converting a pill to a liquid dilutant injectible, I ORDERED THE WRONG Type BAC water and nearly Elvis'd myself. Bacteriostatic water with (Contains 0.12% methylparaben, 0.012% propylparaben). As this particular BAC water did not "jive osmotically" with the particular drug. SO I HAD FUCKED UP AND SIMPLY ORDERED THE WRONG ONE...!! But then I realized well DID I? And because it only causes a problem when intentionally going straight to vein... And it THUS APPEARS that no matter what drugs we are combining, there may be no sudden life threatening malfunction if just administering SUB-Q or IM...! SO While I had skunked my off-topic brew for IV administration, I eventually recovered to realize I could still use it IM or Sub-Q..

Now here is the kicker. So I started wondering which BAC water is actually best suited for say HCG or Peptides. Would it make a difference as to how well the solution will remain potent in frige for Sub-Q pin? Then I look back at this site and see that they have actually BRANDED that type of BAC water for HCG use..???
http://www.mountainside-medical.com/bacteriostatic-water-for-injection-30ml-app-pharmaceuticals.html And actually one the LINK at the site describes this bac as for "HCG" and then once you click it no longer specifies..

Near as I can tell the only difference is the above discussed BAC water has a lower PH around 5.5 as opposed to the 6.7 of BAC Water with BA...? Which of course is all the diff in the world in terms of IV. But what do you think this says about the water's capacity to PRESERVE a given drug?? Would lower PH (More acetic) cause say HCG OR GHRP-6 to degrade faster, slower, no difference??

The funny thing about BAC water with (Contains 0.12% methylparaben, 0.012% propylparaben) is that WHILE it states readily and quickly expressed and removed by kidneys with no issue, THERE IS NO REPORT AT LUNGS like BA or SODIUM CHLORIDE..! Which kinda has me wondering if it is not sticking around longer if Kidneys are not currently active filling a bladder??