One Week left of a TEST E


New Member
I have been running Test E at 500 mg and I'm on week 11 of a 12 week cycle. About week 6 I started getting sensitive nipples, so I started .5 ml of a liquid armidex ED. until the symptoms stopped. Then I tapered it to EOD .5ml. Well yesterday I noticed a small lump under the left nipple not noticeable by looking only by touch. My question is should I stop my cycle at week 11 and continue the Armidex at .5 ED or EOD and in 2 weeks start Novadex, or immediately start Novadex, or continue cycle for the last week and up the Armidex dosage? Also what should I start and how long should I use the Novadex to ensure these symptoms go away? Im 37, 5' 10" 190lbs with 7% BF have been training since I was 22. Have taken 3 cycle previously this being my 4th started using ASS at 27. Thanks for the help.
I'd stop and start the nolva bro. One more week won't bring much more in the way of gains but could make the gyno worse. I'd start the nolva immediately either way.
Should I continue to run the Armidex along side the nolva and what dosage should I run the nolva? Thanks for the help
Should I continue to run the Armidex along side the nolva and what dosage should I run the nolva? Thanks for the help
If you're going to continue the cycle then yes, run the adex and the nolva. Nolva at 20mg/day...Some like to front load at 40mg/day for a week or two.
Op not too sound pessimistic but are you sure this liquid adex is legit? I question the integrity of the product because lumps dont develop that fast as in you thought you were trating the gyno when in fact the med may have been bunk and this allowed the lump to progress. Just a thought. Go to your doctor and have him prescribe some adex (legit) nolva. If your nolva is bunk then you are in trouble. Sorry man
Its all good now everything is back to normal, the Nova worked. Think the Adex was legit just under dosed. I messed around with the ml dose .5ml Ed should do the trick but I had bumped it up to 1.5ED and stopped anything else from forming. Anyways cut the cycle by 1 week which is no big deal and started Nolva right away, so everything is back to normal. Planning my next cycle for Dec time frame.