Opinions, High dose test or mix of compounds?

Depends on the person. That is what trial and error comes in. Have you found your ceiling with test only? The dosage that you can not control sides anymore. Do you grow like a weed there or just suffer? Personally I can go up to 1.5gr of test and be happy as a pig in the mud. A bit ai and grow like a mf. BUT 750mg test and 1gr EQ with some nandrolone is far better, tolerable and fun.

You need to try

Start with what is your upper limit before CT or water retention becomes a problem. Stay there for 3 months and then up the dosage slowly until any added iu gives more sides than gains.
to be honest sides are tolerables in both cases test and tren, some letrozole and i can go...but yes i'm a test lover, cheap and effective, but the tren gave me real and effective dry gains
to be honest sides are tolerables in both cases test and tren, some letrozole and i can go...but yes i'm a test lover, cheap and effective, but the tren gave me real and effective dry gains
Tren is fucking toxic though. I like it, but low dosages and not for the gains but for the fucking sex effects. I become a ravenous Humpty Dumpty fuckbunny (a 260lbs variant) that has my SO carrying a tazer in the house to defend herself.

I wouldn't use it as a main anabolic due to its harshness. Maybe sprinkle it in when doing a hard cut.

Load up on test
Tren is fucking toxic though. I like it, but low dosages and not for the gains but for the fucking sex effects. I become a ravenous Humpty Dumpty fuckbunny (a 260lbs variant) that has my SO carrying a tazer in the house to defend herself.

I wouldn't use it as a main anabolic due to its harshness. Maybe sprinkle it in when doing a hard cut.
appreciated your serious approach and your serious answer, 260 lbs? What height? ahahahha crazy weight, at least 6'1 i imagine
@strangegenericguy I would say at 5,6 and 180lb, you can drop your dosages right down. I know it’s fun to run a ton of drugs but where are you going to go after 3.5g cycle? 4g? Then what? Think of these like cards, you can only play each hand once. Be strategic, don’t go all in right now.

My advice would be to get a coach who can help you. If you’re not deciding your cycles, it makes running a ton of unnecessary drugs a lot less tempting. I know this from experience.
You are not helping me you are insulting me, in Italy we are tired of you old guys just thinking that when you were young you had a good physique and pretend to act like the big guys everywhere, but when someone like me comes and bench 150kg for fun than you all shut up so fast, space to the Young guys!
no I'm inviting you to think that it's different, that said if you want to compare or ask for help write me in DM
@strangegenericguy I would say at 5,6 and 180lb, you can drop your dosages right down. I know it’s fun to run a ton of drugs but where are you going to go after 3.5g cycle? 4g? Then what? Think of these like cards, you can only play each hand once. Be strategic, don’t go all in right now.

My advice would be to get a coach who can help you. If you’re not deciding your cycles, it makes running a ton of unnecessary drugs a lot less tempting. I know this from experience.
I'M NOT ON 3,5G, this has to be clear
You’re on almost 2g right? At 180lb you could run half of that and make great progress. I recently dropped down to about 1g from 1.5g, increased the food and changed the training style - I’m now making even more progress than before.
At 180lbs he could make gains on 300mg test
You’re on almost 2g right? At 180lb you could run half of that and make great progress. I recently dropped down to about 1g from 1.5g, increased the food and changed the training style - I’m now making even more progress than before.
this is what I have seen many important guys and athletes do

in the past they had a "waste" system, a lot of chemistry, a lot of food and a lot of training, but without growing that much (everything they ate and took was only to avoid catabolism from too much training)

by switching to a Top Set / Back Off training, a diet richer in noble proteins, and a reduced training frequency with less chemistry they improved a lot

less chemistry and more results, it seems absurd but it is so, and above all more health

let's stop believing the stories that all the biggest athletes use 5/6 grams, ok the crazy ones are there, but most of them in Off season to grow use a simple combination of

medium/high Testosterone + GH + Insulin + Masteron or Primobolan
Tren for sex, deca for joints, next time we'll see peoples using cyanide for it's benefits on LDL?
Poison is in the dosage. We use warfarin to prevent strokes, but it can also kill you. Tren is a sex potentiator when you are using it, I like that "side effect"
let's stop believing the stories that all the biggest athletes use 5/6 grams,
Not all, but most of them. Some even more. That's why bb and pl will never be mainstream. Drugs dictate the outcome by a factor of 10 compared to anything else. It's a chemical warfare out there. There is nothing that you can do about diet/training and sleep that is radical. Drugs on the other hand....
Not all, but most of them. Some even more. That's why bb and pl will never be mainstream. Drugs dictate the outcome by a factor of 10 compared to anything else. It's a chemical warfare out there. There is nothing that you can do about diet/training and sleep that is radical. Drugs on the other hand....
This Is the real Truth...