Oral steroids or sarms for PCT?


New Member
Oral steroids or sarms get out of your system very fast.

Would it be dumb to do this PCT below,

Dropping all test injections in exchange for small dose HCG and mk2866 or maybe anavar for 3-4 weeks while the testosterone ester clears from your system.

Dropping HCG and sarm or oral steroid in exchange for tamox and enclo combo till test levels get back to reasonable levels.
What the hell are you saying????? Stick to TRT between cycles, you don't need a dumb, harmful, long and useless way to recover between cycles, don't use SERMs.

Then, why using anavar or a sarm?

You sound like a teen that started to research three days ago, you're not ready.
What the hell are you saying????? Stick to TRT between cycles, you don't need a dumb, harmful, long and useless way to recover between cycles.
I am not talking about blasting and cruising obviously.

People going out of a test only cycle from test E or test C usually drop test then go for HCG for a few weeks till the test they injected is out or almost out of their system to start their serm recovery.

HCG is suppressive anyways to LH so I am saying why not take advantage of the time your test is clearing with another androgen that clears out way faster.
Answer is not so simple. You take orals till you start producing natural testosterone again.

If it takes 50 years, then you take orals 50 years ;)
i would say that 8 weeks of superdrol should be plenty, his natural production should be at absolute top. maybe i would try 80-100mg daily just to be sure.