Ordering aromasin question


New Member
After really looking into aromasin last nite..ive decided i want to add it to my cycle and for part of pct. I read something that it's not a controlled drug and something about ur allowed to "import" 3 months worth. My guys can't get it so I'm thinkin bout ordering. Never ordered anything. Is it safe to order...theres tons of reg places that dnt cater to our kind...that sell it. What do u guys think?
Also..what do u guys think about ag guys aromasin? They used to have good products back in the day..now I'm finding mixed reviews...mostly negative.
After really looking into aromasin last nite..ive decided i want to add it to my cycle and for part of pct. I read something that it's not a controlled drug and something about ur allowed to "import" 3 months worth. My guys can't get it so I'm thinkin bout ordering. Never ordered anything. Is it safe to order...theres tons of reg places that dnt cater to our kind...that sell it. What do u guys think?
Also..what do u guys think about ag guys aromasin? They used to have good products back in the day..now I'm finding mixed reviews...mostly negative.

Just make sure it's pharma grade and not some UGL or RC..
Oh yea it will cost more for Ph grade but who ever said cycling was cheap.

You get what you pay for and AAS ancillaries are NO EXCEPTION.

Although I'm aware Aromasin is the new AI on the block for BB, it offers NO BENEFITS over Adex, unless you enjoy paying more!

Why did you "decide" to begin an AI anyway, bros in the gym, some forum mates said it was "needed", NOT.

Let me suggest you locate a reliable source for your cycling info.
It makes sense for the OP to have his AI on hand, so if he does need it he'll have it.
no point in getting bloods done, seeing E2 over a 100 and then ordering his AI.

It's pretty straightforward to get Aro or Adex pharma grade. There is the Euro pharmacist guy here, as well as places like naps.