Out of AI early, would I be able to bridge by taking Raloxifene until I get more in?


Essentially I'm mid way through a blast and I didn't realise I was so low on aromasin. I can deal with the other E2 sides for the moment but I don't want Gyno to kick me in the teeth as I tend to be prone to it.

I'm getting more Aromasin coming in but it'll be a few weeks, so I was wondering if just running Ralox would be enough in the interim to at least stop gyno until I get it in or if there's anything else I could do?
Essentially I'm mid way through a blast and I didn't realise I was so low on aromasin. I can deal with the other E2 sides for the moment but I don't want Gyno to kick me in the teeth as I tend to be prone to it.

I'm getting more Aromasin coming in but it'll be a few weeks, so I was wondering if just running Ralox would be enough in the interim to at least stop gyno until I get it in or if there's anything else I could do?
Pin ED, it will lessen peaks and lessen gyno symptoms, if possible. This has help my gyno even subside.

also yes, the ralox will not allow gyno to occur.
Pin ED, it will lessen peaks and lessen gyno symptoms, if possible. This has help my gyno even subside.

also yes, the ralox will not allow gyno to occur.
Thanks, I'll have a look at that. I currently am taking Test U e14d for my cruise and I add test E e3.5d for when I blast, so I might have to adjust the test U as well.
if the biggest concern you have is gyno, then this works just fine. I do this at times. I’ll let my estrogen go as high as it wants to as long as I don’t get gyno. Just taking serms instead of an ai until it’s necessary.

if I notice I’m getting too sensitive and emotional, I’ll take a low dose of aromasin.
Depends on how sensitive you are to elevated estrogen. Nolva for gyno only is enough, if that's your only issue. I wouldn't survive at any dose of T without AI as I'm pretty sensitive to increased estrogen.
What these guys said. Keep in mind too, gyno is not instant. It takes a while to form, usually weeks, at this point it’s reversible still. Once it’s been present for a little while it starts to become fibrous and irreversible.
What these guys said. Keep in mind too, gyno is not instant. It takes a while to form, usually weeks, at this point it’s reversible still. Once it’s been present for a little while it starts to become fibrous and irreversible.
But it can shrink