Over 50.. Low Test... PCT ??


New Member
Hi Guys... I have been away for a couple of years and training hard. I asked a few questions when I started training again and as expected... I have learned a few things over the past two years... one of them is... its a marathon... not a sprint.

I will cut to the chase.

I have run three cycles in the two years. Mainly Test 400, Tren E and EQ. I have done PCT on all cycles, mainly Nolva, Clomid and Letro for gyno and estro control ( I had some lumps after the first cycle and now with Letro use... all gone.

I have had bloods done... and when I am NOT cycling... my test is through the floor... which is to be expected in a 51 year old man. In Australia... the acceptable level is 25-30 (forgot units)... mine is 5...

On cycle... it is around 75 and I think about pegging my wife ALL THE TIME... so the test is working and on point

I have had a vasectomy... so sterility is not an issue... I am natuarally bald.... so hair loss is not an issue...

My question is... if PCT is designed to restore test levels to normal... but... my "normal" is never going to be normal... so whats the point of PCT for me. Apart from reversing the shutting down the HPTA ... what other advantage does PCT have for me... ??... as my test is always going to drop WAY down off cycle.

Should I just stay on and cruise ???... (Clinically.. I should be on TRT...).

PCT seems to be aimed at young healthy males that have normal test levels and enjoy sex all the time. I am married with two kids, run a biz and hold another job. I am QUITE happy to fit is a "session" once a week.. so this side of the equation is a no brainer for me.... God... Once a week is PLENTY.

Interested in thoughts.

Thanks in Advance
You should be on dr. Prescribed trt.
If you want to add the occasional blast here and there you can do that. But first get your baseline from a doc.

No point In pct for you as you said your "normal" levels are to low. Which is expected.