Ovitrelle 250 - complete shot


New Member
Hi everybody,

Im a natural lifter and i always had good natural testosterone.
Few months ago i took one shot ovitrelle 250 at once ( it’s about 6500 iu hcg… ). I wanted to make a boost at my endo testosterone.

It was not a good idea, no benefice and it’s suppressive.

My question is : do you think i did damage to myself ? Desensitization in leydig cells ?
Or just one shot is not a big deal ?

Thanks !
Try low dose ai to raise your testosterone as a natty .
Hcg should work as well but you have to take it longer with more frequent and lower dosages and might still need an ai.
Try low dose ai to raise your testosterone as a natty .
Hcg should work as well but you have to take it longer with more frequent and lower dosages and might still need an ai.
What? No not do this!!!

All that's going to do is crash your estrogen. I imagine you mean a SERM, very different to take clomid vs arimidex
What? No not do this!!!

All that's going to do is crash your estrogen. I imagine you mean a SERM, very different to take clomid vs arimidex
No i mean aromasin .
It lowers estrogen and raises testosterone .
Low dose does not crash estrogen i have done this many times .
Two times per week and adjust dosage according to bloodwork .
This is the best way to raise testosterone as a natural so i think you don't know what you are talking about .
No i mean aromasin .
It lowers estrogen and raises testosterone .
Low dose does not crash estrogen i have done this many times .
Two times per week and adjust dosage according to bloodwork .
This is the best way to raise testosterone as a natural so i think you don't know what you are talking about .
And what do you thinks guys with low clomid cure, like : 50 mg 10 days then 25 mg 10 days the 12.5 10 days ?
And what do you thinks guys with low clomid cure, like : 50 mg 10 days then 25 mg 10 days the 12.5 10 days ?
Clomid does the same thing but differently with more side effects .
It tricks your brain that you have low estrogen to produce more testosterone and blocking some estrogen receptors .
Aromasin is cleaner it lowers your estrogen but not taking it every day and the higher testosterone levels make your body catch up with aromatization . If you had estrogen 35 you will have around 25 and higher testosterone levels by like 200-300 on blood test.
Dosage is very individual and needs testing but 12,5 x2 week is a good starter and bloods in 3-4 weeks and adjust based on results .
I have ran clomid also and found the mental and visual sides not that great but i did it at low dosages 25mg 2-3x per week and sides where manageable till 3-4 months in .
Im not the guy to post and reference studies and had no knowledge of this as i base my knowledge on the experiments i did and others i followed do the same mostly online but i searched a little and found something.
Keep in mind this guys took it every day and that might not be sustainable long term.
Pharmacokinetics and Dose Finding of a Potent Aromatase Inhibitor, Aromasin (Exemestane), in Young Males
No i mean aromasin .
It lowers estrogen and raises testosterone .
Low dose does not crash estrogen i have done this many times .
Two times per week and adjust dosage according to bloodwork .
This is the best way to raise testosterone as a natural so i think you don't know what you are talking about .
The chances of aromasin pushing estrogen down into a sub optimal range are real.

He stated he has good natural testosterone levels. We dont know exactly what that is. What if that means his test is 900 and his estrogen is 30? You think having his estrogen lower than that is going to be optimal for muscle growth? I disagree. Blood work needs to be done prior to blindly taking things.
The chances of aromasin pushing estrogen down into a sub optimal range are real.

He stated he has good natural testosterone levels. We dont know exactly what that is. What if that means his test is 900 and his estrogen is 30? You think having his estrogen lower than that is going to be optimal for muscle growth? I disagree. Blood work needs to be done prior to blindly taking things.
Do you think it’s possible that after my ovitrelle shoot i had a little crash ?
I mean probably my test were high and then my body shutted down…
The chances of aromasin pushing estrogen down into a sub optimal range are real.

He stated he has good natural testosterone levels. We dont know exactly what that is. What if that means his test is 900 and his estrogen is 30? You think having his estrogen lower than that is going to be optimal for muscle growth? I disagree. Blood work needs to be done prior to blindly taking things.
So your saying any dose of aromasin pushes estrogen to low?
How do you determine that ?
You make no sense you know that right ? Can you bring proof to what your saying?
Do you suffer from ai phobia ? Do you have nightmares of crashed estrogen ?
Stop spreading this nonsense that any dose of ai crashes estrogen!
So your saying any dose of aromasin pushes estrogen to low?
How do you determine that ?
You make no sense you know that right ? Can you bring proof to what your saying?
Do you suffer from ai phobia ? Do you have nightmares of crashed estrogen ?
Stop spreading this nonsense that any dose of ai crashes estrogen!
You're quite the character huh?

As I said, "blood work needs to be done before blindly taking things". Simply stating that a negative outcome is possible and that the decision to implement certain compounds should be based off blood work.
You're quite the character huh?

As I said, "blood work needs to be done before blindly taking things". Simply stating that a negative outcome is possible and that the decision to implement certain compounds should be based off blood work.
Did you see what i posted?
50 mg aromasin a day every day did not crash estrogen so what negative outcomes are you talking about?
Aromasin works different with a functioning HPTA because of the negative feedback loop of estrogen .
Its not like when you take it with testosterone .
And there is no proof that high levels estrogen are better than in range estrogen .
So i was right with what i sugested for a natural to increase testosterone .
Its not a replacement for injections testosterone just a step above natural.
Its the most simple and effective way becouse the other methods result in high estrogen.
Its all good but you came on very aggressive in the beginning but no biggie.