(Paging Dr. Jim) - AAS use, PCT/HRT etc


10+ Year Member
I hope @Dr JIM may contribute to this thread. Anyone with a qualified opinion is welcome, but I raise some questions that are prompted by some of Jim's contributions here in the past. I am sure much of this has been discussed in the past in one form or another, but despite a lot of reading, I've not come across it, and I avoid bro-lore like you'd avoid a leper colony and prefer input from those engaged in medicine or related fields.
I am sure Doc Scally can answer as well, but Jim seems more engaged in the forum one-on-one these times. But like I said, anyone with qualified input is more than welcome.

Jim, you've stated that "younger guys" (late 20s, early 30s) seem to recover a great deal faster HPTA-wise than guys older than that. So, if a guy is in his late 20s, what is he to do, assuming he plans to continue to use AAS (in a time on = time off manner, roughly speaking) for "many" years to come, and assuming he is not categorically opposed to HRT due to aging.

Now, I understand one would cycle AAS/PCT until age 35 and then HR/AAST B&C after the fact...being 35 with a damaged HPTA OR simply anticipating that the HPTA won't recover fully from supraphys. AAS use either..but I am asking from the perspective of being late 20s...not at 35 yet.

Assuming he will use AAS from late 20s and onwards to when he's 35+ as well, is HRT and thus blasting and cruising (LEGITIMATE cruising, as in actual HRT-levels) a foregone conclusion, given the (accumulated) damage to the HPTA that that many AAS cycles will cause, and given that the HPTA will have a much tougher time recovering at age 35?

Because is that's the case...and if one plans well ahead... why not just bite the B&C (with HRT levels for cruising) bullet in the late 20s, rather than go through PCT after PCT after PCT if HRT at 35+ is the logical conclusion anyways, if this person either
- has no objections to being on HRT or
- knows he will use supraphyioslogical AAS-doses at age 35+?

I am aware of the most obvious pros and cons (I think!). Fertility being one issue. But then again, if kids aren't a priority, then fertility is less of an issue. It just seems that blasting and HRT-level cruising from the get-go may be a hell of a lot less trouble and anguishing PCT (clomid, anyone?), not to mention that PCT-meds tax one's health as well.

Cliff's - Why not just blast and (legitimately) cruise from late 20s and onwards if one plans to use AAS at age 35+ as well, and assuming that that many AAS cycles is bound to cause some HPTA damage (IF that is the case!)

I hope you guys, Jim and others, will contribute.
Hey Gman posing the questions you have in a SINGLE SENTENCE format, would really help, bc looking at your preemptive discussion is giving me vertigo mate :)
Sure thing.

Guy in his late 20s comes to you. He wants to use AAS on/off, probably until he's 40+. He knows his ability to recover HPTA-wise will suffer as he ages, and presumeably with every cycle he conducts. So he is wondering if HRT at 35+ is a foregone conclusion.So, here is the question: Shouldhbe still cycle up until age 35, with the stress and gambling that PCT involves? Or should be just accept blasting and cruising (at ACTUAL HRT levels) from his late 20s?

Basically, what's the better option? I understand people going on HRT at age 35+ after loads of cycles...but that's AFTER the fact.