PAIN KILLERS, Narcotics, NSAIDS, Analgesics - and Men's Health


10+ Year Member
To tie everyone in here and gather hormone related validity in this thread. I recently took some Percocet (Oxycodone & Tylenol) as a replacement for my usual Norco (hydrocodone & Tylenol). I noted an improvement in erections associated for a limited time. Very limited and about long enough as the same time it took my body to identify the new opiod acting drug and go, "ehhh, ok but I see you cousin".... They are in fact very similar (as opposed to my prior belief as not very experienced). But they effect the same "Family" of opioid receptors in the body.

RAGE - One point I am vectoring on in this thread is that the ONE THING which I have discerned with over ten years of steady hydrocodone (and a few others limited), is that I can say without doubt that I get a bit "temperamental" on this drug. Flat out - It makes me hostile.... There has to be a tie-in with the action of androgen receptors as they intersect the CNS. There must be....! Last I heard it requires testosterone derivatives like androgens to experience real anger and rage. Or is that not true. Cause my wife can get pretty fucking pissed. It is rare and limited but possible. But then again that about describes the known biological component of testosterone as it relates to the female body..

It took many many years to understand that the proposed method of action of a narcotic like hydrocodone IS AT THE BRAIN DIRECTLY. Thus citing as turning off pain at the brain... I am not sure if I buy this one... I could agree that opioids are MODULATING physical perception of CONDITIONS at local tissue - but HOW??. Are you telling me that opioid receptors are ONLY in the brain? (i dont know - I am asking??) As a further distinction consider that the narcotic drug is making NO correction of FIX to the local tissue causing the pain(**Important**)

- Every seen the old bastards with shit cut off, hanging, and all fucked up over time - yet they are ok with it??

- Ever hear the old meditation thing about brain can be controlled by mere thought/meditation?

- Ever notice how while sudden trauma causes PAIN, slow action over time does not?? (**Important**)

Now / Slight tangent to conception of this thread....
I started blabbing somewhere else around here and realized I have been meaning to address this issue. Here is what I started with over there... "That's interesting timing. A buddy of mine just started on SubO apparently to control narcotics "inclinations". I always just thought of this drug as an opiate type narcotic providing pain relief type action. And for those that are not aware, or interested, Sub ox is a partial opioid receptor agonist (pain relief) AS WELL AS ANTAGONIST...!

In short, Suboxone is the "nolvadex(SERM) of opioid receptors"!!!! Meaning, it involves with the receptor, thus occupying it and technically "satiating it"(is the hypothesis here I believe), but the action is unclear. It states the drug has BOTH agonist & ant-agonist action. So what are the differences?"

** It should be pointed out the age old argument/ or recent argument of age old premise - WHERE DOES NOLVADEX EFFECT ITS RESTART ACTION? Is this estrogen like molecule circulating by the pituitary gland or hypothalamus IN THE BRAIN where its directly sensing it as "blockading action" to trick the body that there is no testosterone end product, OR are the receptors throughout the body sensing the ANTAGONISTIC EFFECTS of the molecule thus signaling the brain that there is no estrogen and thus no testosterone? The second seeming logically more correct. And YES, in lieu of Bro-Science which would have you believe that the estrogen blockade from Nolvadex is acting directly on the brain...

** I found it amusing that the pharmacological write-up on Suboxone cites CNS interaction via Opioid receptors. Whereas, none of the current literature regarding the action of Nolvadex at local receptors (Breast tissue) is effecting the body via CNS. Technically, I see this as a layman intended directive to indicate that SubOxone is working ON THE BRAIN Directly in presentation. It would appear to me that ANY drug that has a response as an adjustment of biological action via brain measurement and changed action is "CNS RELATED". I hazzard this is usually the primary method of the term "SIDE-EFFECT", but not limiting.

Its no secret I am a BIG FAN of Hydrocodone for my arthritis and more. I really don't even see much difference in Oxycodone as prepared with hydrocone and called Percocet. I think that hydro is claimed to be 1.5 times less effective than Ocycodone. Either way either one winds up back at square one - which is pain to some degree one tolerated. But there is no question I have the pain, as I have been off at times. Last year 3 alieve per day for a few days would not touch it. Totally different method of action. All what this thread is about.

A quick jump forward for now and pertaining to drugs like Alieve (Nsaids). OR NON STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUG... While I disclaim the I AM NOT highlighting "Steroidal" as accusatory of hormone/andorgen interaction of Narcotics. And I PRESUME, the statement is indicative AS a COMPARISON for laymen as (GREEK nomenclature simplicity). As Corticosteroids ('NON-ANABOLIC") are the STAPLE of DECREASING INFLAMMATION. They just have severe side effects and thus not long term solutions. Keep in mind that "INFLAMMATION" is an effect of the INJURY most times. Whether it be a local injury the inflammation is responding to as mitigatory intended, or even a histamine (source of inflammation) reaction due to a more primary INJURY or MALFUNCTION related to SOMETHING. I don't know yet is Corticosteroids turn of the histamine system or not. I assume they do. And if you read this over and over, and if there is any correctness to what I am writing - you will surely discover this massive overlap in biological systems, significant correlations in action, certain ORDERS of activity as Responses/actions; thus soon realizing "hormones in Mens Health' - IS MUCH MORE than testosterone Measurement & application..

BUT THE POINT is that NSAIDS appear to try to 'FIX"/Mitigate the LOCAL PHYSICAL INJURY, verses Strict Control/blockade/turning off of PAIN SIGNALLING SYSTEMS - Tissue-to-CNS... A good study point would be to study whether or not NSAIDS help with Skeletal pain STRICTLY via increasing circulation by "blood thinnig". As even in lieu of an injury severe enough to trigger INFLAMMATION (which hinders blood flow). What is there to an Asprin a day? What is the REAL Action?

- How do NSAIDS work with PAIN Signalling systems of the CNS? Do they act on CNS at all in the short term? Or is pain alleviated by nsaids strickly via reduction of inflammation or return of circulation?? Is the action BRUTAL & CANNIBALISTIC as NON-Discriminating in Scope, or do NSAIDS pick certain tissues/receptors?(I'm thinking not). Are NSaids the equivalent to the SAW BLADE of a Civil War Era field "doctor" handing out bits to bite??

What about Tylenol? What is this exactly and HOW does it work. It Definitely Synergizes with narcotics meaning it AMPLIFIES the effect (not 1+1). But HOW. Is it purely the toll on the liver making it harder for the body to remove the narcotics, or is there more. Again, I's not sure how it works and it has been the last I have not even looked... They call Tylenol an "ANALGESIC" if you look it up. But they call all pain meds analgesic... Just what is Acetaminophen, HOW does it work, and WHERE IN THE HELL DID IT COME FROM. Really, is this one of the gifts from our Alien Masters which we started interacting with back in the mid 1900's...! Tylenol seems to me - to be the biggest medical mystery of them all..!!!!

"The word analgesic derives from Greek ?? – ("without") and ????? – ("pain")."

*** "James Roth, a U.S. gastroenterologist, advocated paracetamol as a gastric-friendly alternative to aspirin, which can irritate the stomach when taken without food.[3] Roth was also principal consultant to McNeil Laboratories. In 1953, McNeil Laboratories introduced Algoson, a preparation containing paracetamol together with sodium butabarbital, a sedative. In 1955, McNeil Laboratories introduced Tylenol Elixir for children, which contained paracetamol as its sole active ingredient. It was originally marketed mainly towards children, but soon came to dominate the North American pain-killer market."

"The Roswell UFO incident took place in the U.S. in June or July 1947, when an airborne object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico"

Interesting Timing....!:D;):drooling::eek::rolleyes:

So not to get to PARANOID this early on in this thread. Lets talk about pain medication, the actual methods of their actions, the potential health indications, and how they related to both men's and women's health.. Notably, there should be a DIFFERENT END RESULT in women taking Narcotics as opposed to men - if I am correct about a hormonal interaction or possible overlap in activity.:)

Feel free to post thoughts and contribute. I would like to know about those on pain meds long term, and what they think.

Lastly for today. Its a very interesting POLITICAL POINT that Medical Science takes the position that hydrocodone is so dangerous and would have you gobbling NSAIDS instead. And all cause a couple of dumbshits took too much looking to get attention or kill themselves. I wonder how many suicide attempts were effected via tylenol overdose? Its a lot I guarantee. So WHY is tylenol NOT on the controlled substance list and so FEARED by all. It still gets litigated. It still pays fools for being fools. This begs the point of the MYSTERY of TYLENOL as the REASON that No one has "Classified it" is because they dont know WHAT it is, much less WHERE it even came from. I challenge anyone to find out its origins. This link gives more history, but it stinks of bullshit and omission..

[ame=]Paracetamol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

The point of the last words being the DEMONIZATION of Narcotics IN LIEU of dangerous drugs and for political reasons so it seems... When you say "politics" what you are saying is what someone of influence has deemed. You are talking PEOPLE..! It MAY be a large group. It may not.. Consider one small voice, the "right voice", can be readily heard IF SPOKEN WHEN THERE ARE NO OTHER VOICES SPEAKING, you are FORCED to LISTEN/OBEY, or you have no access to the "podium"....! Or YOU happen to find yourselfGagged/Bound, Paid/bought, Ignorant/stupid, Weak/dis-empowered, Unmotivated/apathetic, or just a CAPTIVE PRISONER....!

How free are we? As free as the "powers that be/PEOPLE in CONTROL" allow us to be..! How many "freedoms" are allowed to provide for social order/contentment? And in exchange for WHAT. At least Hitler put his plan on the table for all to see..!! Right???!?

Its somewhat amusing to examine the PSYCHOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE that the small loud voice gets heard.. And thus empowers its self via the mechanics of (1) Being just one oddball, (2) APPEARING "loud", (3) Singing out of turn when all else is quiet, & (4) must be answered to get it to SHUT UP....:rolleyes:

------ THIS ------- IS -------- THE ------- FURTHEST ----- FROM ------ TRUTH ------- IN ------ REAL ------- WORLD -------ACTION ------- AND ------ PROOF ------- OF ------- MASSIVE ------- CONSPIRACY....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The failure of this point is proven every day....!:eek:

So then - what's your poison and DID you even really choose it....!?!???
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Started with viks , then Nubian , morphine , herion , methodone, now soboxone , for the last 10+ years . Some people need blood pressure meds , I need O R T . Big pharm has a hold on me !
"The Roswell UFO incident took place in the U.S. in June or July 1947, when an airborne object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico"

Interesting Timing....!:D;):drooling::eek::rolleyes:

So not to get to PARANOID this early on in this thread.

Not so fast. Even MORE interesting timing is chlorpromazine was first synthesized in December 1951. ;)
Started with viks , then Nubian , morphine , herion , methodone, now soboxone , for the last 10+ years . Some people need blood pressure meds , I need O R T . Big pharm has a hold on me !

I'm on Suboxone as well. But I know what the op is talking about when he mentions erections from opiates. When I used to use Fentanyl I would get crazy ones, they also stopped me from being able to finish! But long term opiate use does have a negative effect on your testosterone, especially methadone. Suboxone isn't as bad, but I'm still handcuffed to it.
I go to a special doctor for my Suboxone and he treats other patients with methadone too. He said that at least 50% of the men on methadone, are on Testosterone therapy as well. Methadone is often refereed to liquid handcuffs.(because it's in an oral solution)
- This post is really just a political segment about Hydrocodone mixtures and how/when all the negative hype really picked up speed in the 1980's... They are even talking that it may really become schedule II next year.

I'm getting ready to delve into Lortab, Vicodin, hydrocodone APAP - WHATEVER YOU WANT TO FREAKING CALL IT. Its amazing how ignorant folks have been made to be. Or is it ALLOWED themselves to STAY?? I could just imagine the number of folks sitting on the couch poppin a Lortab on Sunday for that sore back, perhaps even by generic name, and sitting there reveling in the hype about Bret Favre in the 80's, "and what a "Druggie he was".. and all along - ITS THE SAME FUKIN drug...! L.... O.....L....... I seem to recall Favre was the first big press on narcotics as "main stream abuse", and how quick he became the poster child for drug addicts and litigation everywhere. At least that I had seen...

My doc is pretty real. He understands patients I suspect. He knows me for a long time and knows I'm not shitting about pain. He's also not a "suit-scared sissy" BECAUSE HE KNOWS HIS BUSINESS... I'm just too damn young for a set-o-hips, and I'll probably have to loose a ball joint pop off the top of a femur before I accept the loss of marrow in two major bones in exchange for some nice custom steel and cement... I actually stumbled on to Lortab as liquid for the first time when I had a fractured mandible and all wired up for 12 weeks. I DID NOT want to take it. I was 30/ I never got anything from it before other than the tendency to barf. I had not been offered one recreationally since 24. They never seemed to do anything for or to me back then on occasion maybe 5 times in my life. But I drank the shit down cause I did not want a bunch of pain and had 4 surgeries over 5 weeks. Amazingly it did not make me puke. I could not really tell I was taking it till the surgeries were over and then went thru a little bit of euphoria honeymoon on and off for about a year or two. I'd take it and go play racquetball all wired up still even. Was I abusing?? I can tell you the pharmacist stated that he had to order out cause he had never seen that big of a script at once (imbecile docs at trauma center that coerced me to do surgery there so they could get my insurance $, and probably trying to drug me up so good I did not even think of coming back...). It was like 3 of the bomber size bottles( for what SHOULD have been 1 surgery) ... It took me a while to realize I kept taking it for a real reason. My hips had been hurting since I was 19. Its genetic with me just inherited. As long as I am moving I'm fine, but try to stand in place and I'm screwed. It finally dawned on me that I was continuing to take the stuff cause it had made my hip pain go away. I still felt guilty about it back then and for many years. But a few beers and I was over the guilt pretty quick..:D;) But on the level, WHAT IN THE NAME OF HOLY FUCKS SAKE IS WRONG WITH WANTING TO LIVE WITHOUT PAIN...!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? Back to Brett Favre.....(anyone ever notice they started mis-spelling is name on his Jersey as "FARVE" around that time?!??!!!).. Whats up with that!!!! No one said a word...!

Did anyone notice that this man SACRIFICED HIS CAREER DUE TO DEMONIZATION OF THIS DRUG. And all due to political witch-hunt related risk. And all cause a couple of assholes decided to attempt suicide with Lortab overdose gathering the right and wrong attention thus making it such a hot potato that docs are scared to write it...! (funny part being they probably did more damage with the tylenol is taking weak-ass 5-500's or less... BUT thats not to say 30 -50 mgs of hydro would not cause a life threatening condition to someone with no experience) So now medical practices discourage their docs from writing even Lortab, and Im sure cause their insurance is probably advising them to and limiting the coverage same. I bet even eliminating malpractive liability coverage as severe limitations dependent upon the CRITERIA for any given case and patient history. I would really like to see one of these policies and go to town on the language. Got to be the most ambiguous arbitrage or servitude you could imagine.!! Really then WHO's the most powerful insurance adjuster now? The Physician who controls your future health in many aspects, or the carrier which is FORCING him to think a certain way??!! I DIGRESS/ TANGENT... Snap out of it champ...!!!! :drooling::drooling::p

So Brett gobbled 20,40, or 60mgs of tabs a day - who knows. HELLO, HE'S A FUCKIN GLADIATOR....!!!! I'd like to go realist on this one and say BULLSHIT, the guy was all the way up to drawing up Fentanyl out of patchez and pinning it. BUT I JUST DON'T THINK SO.. Usually, drug use for destruction folks like that quit everything, and just start stealing doorknobs to pawn - going straight to hell NEVER to return. Brett was servicing a legitimate call for pain relief and for good reason. He was further doing it to maintain an expected HIGH level of professionalism. Which was throwing the fucking ball and taking a lick too(which he was good at man would he stand in there or even go take em on...!) I really think he was only on Hydrocodone and maybe graduated to Percs in denial at best.. So where did the GUILT TRIP come from?? Someone close who was affected by all the hype...? His own social filter of programming. I'm sure his momma taught him to do the right thing - right??

So hmmm. I'm Brett Favre. I'm in real pain. I make 10 million bucks a year. Sure, my brain thinks a bit different now for years of tabs, and perhaps I cant even toss the ball the same without now. OR.... Could it be that my arm is old and signalling my brain not to work as well as a biological safety, and the truth is that I cant perform without the drug at this age... OR those fucking pops from those line backer blitzez are starting to sting a bit more these days... DON'T MATTER!!!. 10 Million and sleep pain free at night. OR.... Suck at career and go out ugly and no more megabucks... Hmmmm.. Hmmmm.. WHAT.... THE .... FUCK.....! The best part of all is that he probably still takes them, now more than ever as he has GOT TO HURT....! But that was the start of all the big time politicing against the front line narcotic hydrocodone - to my recollection.

Funny how NAME BRAND - VICODIN Got the black eye. Wonder how that played in?? I am betting his bottle said "Hydrocodone APAP"!!!!! I wonder if anyone thought to look.? Was it the script writer's syntax? Do they like the word "Vicoden" up in CHEESE COUNTRY cause it sounds like VIKING?? LOL Was there an AGENDA no one is aware of....? Really, WHO THE FUCK HAD HEARD OF VICODIN?? Perhaps he was protecting "Lortab"?? and "Hydrocodone"....?? Perhaps the PRESS was? Me wonderz.... :rolleyes:

Did you know all forms of hydrocodone mixtures MAY very well move to SCHEDULE II in 2014?!!!! Currently, only mixtures (hydrocodone and tylenol, asprin, advil, etc..) ABOVE 15 mgs per pill are schedule II. Straight up Hydrocodone is Schedule II. But all the rest is a simply Schedule III controlled as for many years.. What will it mean for me?? Not a damn thing, cause I already drive every month to hand pick another script. But for everyone else it means NO MORE CALL INs....

Fuking Dusche bag society of hypocrites we live in...

And I dont know about all the hype about "Addiction". Hydrocodone has already now recently been proven NOT "physically addictive". Clearly there is a drug tolerance action going on, but i'm not running down to the street corner to suck cock if I run out...! Nor will I go crazy. BUT I WILL HURT LIKE A BITCH. That subsides to standard "pain regulation" in about two weeks and after ten years of 20-30 mgs/day. So no long term tolerance but I will say that getting back on the horse after a holiday- it don't take a year or two to become accustomed any more. Perhaps the beers are keeping it effective in synergy? I guess I'll have to show up at the hospital with some Rasputin for pre-op if I get paranoid they can't keep me down in future broken jawl ops..... LOL
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So then they gave us Tylenol to deal with all the stress headaches of the KNOWING they were here and having to bite tongue, and then they gave us Thorazine to shut all the others upwho knew up and could not handle the information and thus branding them as CRAZY....


** Interestingly enough. I always thought there was a drug branded "Thorazine", but began to think not as I kept hearing the term "Thioridazine"> Oddly while the SOUND alike, and are used for similar circumstance, the "thior" being the NEWER Atypical Anti-psychotic and apparently not molecularly similar to basket together...?

Are they getting pissed we are tinkering with their toys cause we figured out the snuff us out too usually?? LOL Or did the Lizzard brand come in, bust em, and put the fix on it OR visa-versa...? LOL:D:rolleyes::drooling::p;):)

Not so fast. Even MORE interesting timing is chlorpromazine was first synthesized in December 1951. ;)
And I dont know about all the hype about "Addiction". Hydrocodone has already now recently been proven NOT "physically addictive". Clearly there is a drug tolerance action going on, but i'm not running down to the street corner to suck cock if I run out...! Nor will I go crazy. BUT I WILL HURT LIKE A BITCH. That subsides to standard "pain regulation" in about two weeks and after ten years of 20-30 mgs/day. So no long term tolerance but I will say that getting back on the horse after a holiday- it don't take a year or two to become accustomed any more. Perhaps the beers are keeping it effective in synergy? I guess I'll have to show up at the hospital with some Rasputin for pre-op if I get paranoid they can't keep me down in future broken jawl ops..... LOL

I would not trust that study! Hydrocodone is physically addicting. You may not experience the mental addiction because you don't take enough to get high. But someone who abuses it will :p
I'm on Suboxone as well. But I know what the op is talking about when he mentions erections from opiates. When I used to use Fentanyl I would get crazy ones, they also stopped me from being able to finish! But long term opiate use does have a negative effect on your testosterone, especially methadone. Suboxone isn't as bad, but I'm still handcuffed to it.

Have you had your T tested while on subs? I was on that also and ended up on test due to it completely tanking my levels, even though the PI sheet and other studies said suboxone didn't lower levels. The literature now says otherwise. Get yourself checked if you haven't.
what doesn't kill me makes me stronger

I refuse all pain killers

bring on the pain, I will defeat the pain with the power of my own mind
what doesn't kill me makes me stronger

I refuse all pain killers

bring on the pain, I will defeat the pain with the power of my own mind

I agree with you 100%. I have 3 disc herniations in my spine and wont take the oral drugs. I have a teeter hang-up, a portable electric stimulator, and topical cream. Originally, I went to pain management and received a script for 90 norcos/month. I usually ended up taking 2 or less/day. Stayed on them for about a year. After awhile I was wondering if I was taking them for my head or for my back. I craved my next dose during the day. Got moody as hell during that time also. I never exceeded my dosage, but I could see someone getting out of hand with them real fast.

That being said, there are certain types of pain I see the meds being useful. Pinched nerves, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Aches and pains from daily activity and getting older are not a good reason IMO.
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YOU MUST Consider the difference in the terms RECEPTOR TOLERANCE/REGULATION and ADDICTION... They are the same and they ARE NOT. This depends on the forum which these words are held to trial...

** PERHAPS..... - "ADDICTION" could be TECHNICALLY STATED as "The Vector, ASPECT, Degree, & Duration" to which a particular drug AFFECTS Tissue Receptors".

Don't take enough to get high??? 5mgs of hydrocodone gives the average person who is not in pain and never had it a good buzz I UNDERSTAND. I recall a few times early on that 10mgs worth of liquid would give me a nice feeling. And consider I AM WELL VERSED IN ALCOHOL ABUSE...

20mgs ON ANY DAY WHICH I HAD LAID OFF A FEW AND WAS NOT IN PAIN AT ANY TIME WOULD FUCK ME UP (back when still on and off about 07)...

EARLIER THIS MONTH I ATE 30mgs of Oxycodone and 20mgs of Hydrocodone within a 4 hour window cause I forgot I had taken the two hydros earlier and got a wild hair to see what 3 percs would do at once.... I WAS FUCKED UP AS A TURDLETT, DID NOT LIKE THE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS ASSOCIATED, AND WOUND UP BARFIN MYSELF JUST TO SLEEP BETTER.. AND FUCKIN PISSED i wasted whatever did come up (very little as I had not eaten all day and polished them down with a "beer before bed" (seriously two drink norm) - LOL)

POINT: While I don't take enough to get "high" / Usually. I take enough to develop/experience addiction - If possible. 20- 30mgs/day of hydro for 5 years solid, up to ten years intermittent would qualify as "addiction" if it exists...

I have quit before, in fact back to 2011 summer for 3 weeks. Did not like the first week or second really, but then any changes were over(other than normal pain returning unmitigated). And that was me with nothing to keep me busy. Consider I quit amphetamines, alcohol, and something else I dont even recall at that time. Why did I quit? I unleashed the powers THAT BE on me by INCIDENTAL CONTACT, and would up with BRIEF IMPERIAL ENTANGLEMENT.. LOL That Hiatus lasted about as long as feeling myself returning to this mental feeling/CONDITION of COMPLETE DYSFUNCTION (now described post ADD med experience)... Which IF... I had to write a paper at this date on what ADD type dysfunction actually is...; I could spend a year (minimal) deserting that THESIS PAPER, which would probably put 90% of today's professional psychology field to SHAME if they could even comprehend..... . (Humbly stated):D;)

** A NOTE ON THE FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGY. Ain't it funny how one of the MOST PROFOUND ASPECTS of Human Development and Gowth(essentially a CORE foundation of survival of species), is POPULATED by the LAZIEST OF COCKSUCKERS who were just looking for a reason to hang out at a university and keep their worthless asses' OUT of the the WORKFORCE, and HIDE From reality a bit longer. A True Haven for the Most Incapable of Our Species...! WHICH CLEARLY are the WORST of OUR Populous as "people" in that they don't even have the capability of the foresight of this ERROR, - Even worse ENOUGH OF THEM now having controlling interest in the field that they ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO DISCERN the real thing on ANY LEVEL and thus COMPLETE CONTAMINATION OF THE FIELD HAS OCCURRED...! Fundamentally flawed and irreparable short of a "House Cleaning on a magnitude of DIVINE INTERVENTION....! Worthless and completely lacking any understanding of what they do, and any CAPABILITY of even catching the scent...!:mad:

*** But that's where we are now ain't it - so i just chuckle and eat pies...:drooling:

As far as ADDICTION and OPIOIDS R CONCERNED... I had a recent experience with the Hydromorphone Family (Dilaudid) cause I raised a flag about ten years experience with hydrocondone, and with relation to a 45 minute general anesthesia imminent/pending... Needless to say I have a completely new understanding of narcotics and now further realize why I have heard so many intellectual medical folks talk about what a 'Joke" hydrocodone really is (so I now see comparison).. I probably sounded the alarm a bit early, but I just did not want to say nothing and have the anesthesiologist walk off leaving me coming out of it with a belly full of air while they were patching my gut, although I DOUBT it would have hurt past the initial incisions.... I really even wonder did the anesthesiologist think I was BULLSHITTING and "Shooting low" with my broadcasted concern as I explained it, and thus ASSUMING I was your TYPICAL GUTLESS LYING-ASS Junkie...! And then Dosing me me good ...????!??! LOL *** But as far as the stories about the folks that "wake up in surgery and cant even speakk to tell - that's how that happens you know, it ain't no magic trick where some folks are just "magically incompatible with a narcotic.. Is the fact that patients are secret junkies and don't tell before surgery that causes this... So anyway, they sent me home that day to pass out for another 24-36 hours not even slightly cognizant, and not even needing a pain meds for 3-4 days.. Shit, I trashed the 40ct hydro scipt he wrote post surgery cause I already have what i require... As far as the longer term reaction to a REAL NARCOTIC... Forget the colon - IT WAS DEAD for all intensive SHITT'n Purpose. Hell, I could not even get my bladder open to piss for 3 days without a bunch of grief and self induced HEAD TORTURE... :eek::D NOW- Consider I have never missed a shit on hydrocodone for ten years. I do recall some urinary retention back around 07 which I though was prostate inflammation, prior to understanding the CNS implications of narcs making tough to control the piss valve.. That was SLIGHT and no worse than from taking an anti-histamine and I was a Young Healthy Pussy...! Hell, I wound up eating some amphetamines by day 4 just to shit again and only cause I was afraid I was going to have one of those turds that turns to Kryptonite in the shape of your colon while STILL INSIDE ya know.. LOL They don't pass easy I hear.. I will also say for the record that the Adderall COMPLETELY REVERSED the CNS effects on the colon on a dime... Just for the record as I really don't how similar or related those CNS pathways and receptors are. I'm sure Politics would tell you its limited, and that amphetamines don't interact with narcotics - If I had to guess.. Either NOT TRUE or a product of MY EXPERIENCE CULMINATE...

Addiction on ANY LEVEL with "Codone" type opiods IS A COMPLETE CROCK OF HORSE SHIT......! "Tolerance - yes/definitely.. / "Addiction" in any serious form - NO.... - Just pussies whining about horse shit and how their lives are fucked cause their mommies and daddies did not have the fortitude and foundation to supply them with SPUNK & the Super Powers of GET FUKED & EAT ME BITCHEZ... LOL

I would not trust that study! Hydrocodone is physically addicting. You may not experience the mental addiction because you don't take enough to get high. But someone who abuses it will :p
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I got addicted to pills when I broke my leg when I was 12 years old over 13 years ago and have took them for 9 years of the 13 along side many different hard drugs, they will grab ahold of you by the balls and won't let go... I have o/d so many times I can't even count, pills will give you good hard ons for the first week maybe a couple depending how much you are taking, how you are progressing your dose as well... Like said before you won't be able to nut that easy than over time and or the amount you are taking, witch ever comes first, you won't be able to cum at all.. You will be fucking for hours, sweat poor, your dick swollen, and her pussy swollen dam near shut and all you will get, maybe, close to than you go limp... Lol not to mention the withdrawals, that will send your nuts into a squirting frenzy after physical withdraws if you don't start back up before that... They are awesome, they are the devil, they will kill you, I have had many Friends die and not be able to come back... proceeded with caution, and know you are slowing being walked hand and hand with the grim reaper if not taken seriously...
I ABUSE EVERYTHING I CAN.. That way I AM THE ONE doing the Abusing. Butter to be the AbusOR than the ABusEE.. :Dv .. .. . . . .That's life.. Or at least a good one.

"Did you use excessive force Cobra?? - I USED EVERYTHING I HAD..."...!;)

I would not trust that study! Hydrocodone is physically addicting. You may not experience the mental addiction because you don't take enough to get high. But someone who abuses it will :p
SOunds to ME like you lived a good life...;)

I got addicted to pills when I broke my leg when I was 12 years old over 13 years ago and have took them for 9 years of the 13 along side many different hard drugs, they will grab ahold of you by the balls and won't let go... I have o/d so many times I can't even count, pills will give you good hard ons for the first week maybe a couple depending how much you are taking, how you are progressing your dose as well... Like said before you won't be able to nut that easy than over time and or the amount you are taking, witch ever comes first, you won't be able to cum at all.. You will be fucking for hours, sweat poor, your dick swollen, and her pussy swollen dam near shut and all you will get, maybe, close to than you go limp... Lol not to mention the withdrawals, that will send your nuts into a squirting frenzy after physical withdraws if you don't start back up before that... They are awesome, they are the devil, they will kill you, I have had many Friends die and not be able to come back... proceeded with caution, and know you are slowing being walked hand and hand with the grim reaper if not taken seriously...
You WERE Taking them for your head. I am starting to think this is the only place they have an effect. Thus the DOUBLE EDGED Sword...:)

I agree with you 100%. I have 3 disc herniations in my spine and wont take the oral drugs. I have a teeter hang-up, a portable electric stimulator, and topical cream. Originally, I went to pain management and received a script for 90 norcos/month. I usually ended up taking 2 or less/day. Stayed on them for about a year. After awhile I was wondering if I was taking them for my head or for my back. I craved my next dose during the day. Got moody as hell during that time also. I never exceeded my dosage, but I could see someone getting out of hand with them real fast.

That being said, there are certain types of pain I see the meds being useful. Pinched nerves, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Aches and pains from daily activity and getting older are not a good reason IMO.
Daddy's got a new toy. Doc prescribed a compounded rub to try on hips. Its Non narcotic and interesting concept / more so than on initial thoughts. Interestingly it presents the notion of treating pain and somewhat CNS pertaining from the signaling sending side (local), as opposed to primarily the brain - at least with some of the ingredients. It appears to include some Ketamine (special k:rolleyes:), baclofen (Skelaxin that actually works:eek:/ gaba related I think), gabapentin, flexeril, a funky old school aspirin, and a couple more. Yes he left out the full psyche portion (amytryp), but four of the ingredients are psychoactive. Personally I dont think it will do squat, but we will see. I have read that the rub-on Ketamine basically does not transfer to blood serum much at all, and some of the the others like Flexeril will reach as much as 15% of concentrations if otherwise taken orally. There is a lot of reading out there about folks being prescribed these type creams these days, and in conjunction with other narcotic pain medication. I am not linking that stuff here, but the creme I got operates by similar concept as for intended delivery target.

MOSTLY as pertaining to this thread I found an interesting article about pain medications, methods, etc - and how they may act when applied topically. Thus the point being noteworthy that these administration methods as primarily NOT being ON-SKIN/TO BLOOD, but more like IN THRU SKIN-TO LOCAL TISSUE Best Possibly achieved (at least the way I interpret) - Docs can tell me if wrong. But anyway its some interesting information about drugs applied locally and their effects, as opposed to their more common systemic oral administration. Not all the drugs mentioned as local use are intended as thru skin as they discuss direct local narcotics/opioid application to local areas and similar as well.

Anyway attached as PDF and fun read..


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This freggin rub is CLEARLY the LATEST and GREATEST Drug to get a "drug suspect" off drugs.. I don't know what its doing for my hips. But my mind TRIPPETH.. Give a glutton a product with 100mgs of Ketamine in a single pump, and 2-300 pumps in a bottle.... Right... LOL Cant tell you how many showers I've taken now... LOL This trip is getting so wild now I might actually quit rubbing some on my cock and ass each time, cause I really don't think it would change a damn thing.. I don't think this stuff is meant to be used without a systemic MIND ALTERING EFFECT REGISTERED... Then again, that what hydrocodone is right?? So why am I complaining. As it may be another viable vehicle to DISRACT from PAIN. But is it worth swapping out ONE Psychotropic for FOUR?? Just don't know yet. Amazingly, I have not stubbornly just put it down in Lieu and disserting the "Coiodone Act".. Strange indeed...

Definitely the ultimate Stay Hard cream.. LOL
*** Keep in mind with pertinence to the REASON for the addition/application of pain rub to my arsenal - The doc had been focusing lately on the concept of
"Pain borne from Pain" (as I am interpreting/speculating). I could be off target. Oddly I don't know that I care if I am...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D LOL

I Suspect from some of the reads and conversations I have had with folks, which have been prompted by this pain rub/cream, that there is a NEW PHILOSOPHY IN PAIN MANAGEMENT DEVELOPING.. A combination or Parallel application of a bio-psychological reprogramming of the brains INTERPRETATION of pain, as well as a form of "Social Harm Reduction" - which is ensuing now in mainstream medical application (and not necessarily the same thing).

*** In short, the implications of walking around living in pain Potentially IMPLY that one becomes a grumpy DEPRESSED fuker. And which then just appears to simply locate the nearest DEMON, and start making out like two 16 year old kids in a movie theater.

FYI- After a week of dicking around with this cream I woke up today with NO PAIN in the hips. Whats interesting about the concept is that usually (as anyone in pain knows), lying in bed it the worst thing you can possibly do for pain.. As it hinders circulation, increases inflammation, and promotes muscular atrophy as associated. So to climb out of bed after a long slumber and NOT have my hips hurting is pretty amazing.!!! And especially when you consider that the pain has become so unbearable, that I am forced to "roll" every 30 mins to prevent circulation/pressure related pain escalation / or simply that the PAIN makes me "ROTATE".. Consider not only do I take Hydrocodone to cut the pain, but I have even stopped using as abusive fashion and take one every 8 (Norco 10/325) hours in order to avoid receptor SHOCK/Down regulation which may occur from this type application. In short, I realized that my pain is a curse, and not only is there no buzz with narcotics when one is in pain, MITIGATION in APPLICATION as pertaining to TIME becomes important..!

My Doc had been mentioning lately to me that "Oral opioid modulators"(my words in his mouth) have a limited effective PERIOD of application, at which some point they just cease to be effective. I am guessing this is the principle that the narcotics are dulling the pain at the point of the brain, and the brain is compensating ultimately. I do believe that he KNOWS I am in pain, but I have been off target as to his POSITION. He has had no problem simply running this gauntlet of codon use as mitigatory, and to the point that I am not like ( I don't like the lethargy/ I find no pleasure / I now find only a crutch I MUST Have to tread water/ "Its not working anymore") So he has let me run this out to sift out for myself - I SPECULATE..

** There becomes a REAL QUESTION as pertaining to Opioid Receptor Down Regulation as it applies in real world use I suspect. Which is the premise of the medical movement which I discern to change the game. It appears novel in that "SOMEONE HAS CLIMBED OUT OF THE BOX....!" And what it appears is that they are working to REPROGRAM the way the brain is perceiving things via some of the methods I will discuss.

A buddy of mine I was discussing with the other day pointed out that they are now bringing back MDMA or some hybrid as a "pain re-programming method", and made an example of Post traumatic stress syndrome. In a military example, take a soldier how is physically injured and in pain / as well as the psychological implications. You have a STRONG BIOLOGICAL STIMULUS regarding the physical pain, which is PAINTING NEGATIVE "PERSPECTIVE" and Ruining Worlds for folks. It further casts illumination of the positives of having someone in your own military now coming home to ultimately wreak havok on his own society - as he made an example of a guy that was not properly treated and wound up inadvertently injuring others thru a LEMONY SNICKET of sorts and in SUM... The long and short being the MDMA applied to make the subject associate "Feeling good" under certain physical and psychological conditions. The NET RESULT Now being that these feeling are NOW REPROGRAMMED as associated with HAPPY/GOOD. It parallels/Intersects with "The GOOD Drugs Guide" which Hebsie posted recently/in some ways.

Back on target with the Pain Cream which I am applying. It has meds in it that are targeting BOTH Local pain, as well as the brain from a Systemic Standpiont. In a Part ATypical usage, as well as the obvious net result of systemic drug application. In short..:
1. The cream is killing pain, or at least localizing /DIRECTING the brain the the area in pain VIA APPLICATION.
2. That's a Double pronged mind you & SQUARED so to speak.. In that its focusing the mental aspect pertaining to LOCAL, while at the same time attacking SYSTEMICALLY, and all along applying the agents in alternative manors which MAY synergize to great results.
3. Is the full application just Gross Systemic and Local? Net Effective "Distraction"? Net Concomitant effective Physical PARADIGM CHANGE Thru Biological NEURONAL as applied psychologically pertaining to physical?, or Net sneaky med change? - I DON'T KNOW. It IS intended for concomitant application with existing opiod modulating drugs. But for all I know the Flexeril in the drug is making the difference as sytemic low concentrations.
4. The bottom line is that my hips are somewhat "numb to any pain right now".
5. note that it is there if I TOUCH THEM... Or think HARD About it. BUT THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT....
6. Oddly, I will point out that the one oddity that I noted when first applying the cream is how the soft tissue around the hip joint just feels/felt like it had been BEATEN WITH A BAT..:eek: Make no mistake, the hip arthritis is REAL. So perhaps a medical doc could expound on WHY it presents in soft tissue on top of hip joints so badly? Is that an indication that the pain is more soft tissue related ("hip flexor/I-band, etc"), or is this normal with osteo type hip degradation?
7. Doc has been harping on Physical therapy in conjunction with the cream. Could it be that simply being forced/BAITING into self massage of hips is making all the difference - and via physical stimulation of circulation/inflammation reduction as primary healing vector?? I wont speculate that yet. While I know my doc well, he retains that nasty habit of "Not sharing trade secrets":rolleyes:;) (probably for the best with me:))
8. As far as any "trip" experience related potentially to the ketamine and other topically applied psychotropics, I seem to be "normalizing" into some NEW STATE psychologically- where at first I was thinking I would not even be able to focus on work.
9. From a psychological stand point; I could not help but notice what a great day it was yesterday, Alcohol is reduced from the "required bolster" standpoint, and I seem to even have some strange "rejuvenated" feeling all over. I was walking up the steps to enter the casa yesterday and was overwhelmed with some unclear/unknown past feeling of general comfort with life as a de-ja-vu of sorts, or realization of sensations I have not experienced in a long time.

A Final Note on what I am sensing as a social move to nip this devil of PAIN in the bud, and before is cascades into social epidemic synergizing to HORROR you cant imagine which radiates out even on to those not in PAIN.... Is that the concept is so socially profound, we are talking the difference between to COLLAPSE OF SOCIETIES or NOT....

That's all I want to muster for now...:) I did find some very interesting .Gov medical study data pertaining to Pain, meds, and application vectors - but did not save them yet. The field appears to be emerging into some new light now being applied...

I edited just to addend a note that ODDLY I just remembered the entire sequence of numbers to Validate the web post after not having the NUM LOCK on. Strange indeed...
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