PAIN KILLERS, Narcotics, NSAIDS, Analgesics - and Men's Health

what doesn't kill me makes me stronger

I refuse all pain killers

bring on the pain, I will defeat the pain with the power of my own mind

You haven't experience real pain then. Chronic, non-stop, never ending pain with no periods of relief will grind your ass down. It will make you retreat from life.
As far as ketamine goes (and I have been "focusing" in that aspect of the cream... It does not appear to be any dimensional gateway of any sort/short of o/d'ing.. Which is what I suspect is the case with Anyone experiencing body departing flight - is that ketamine being a general anesthetic perhaps brought them close to death... Still, I won't discount whether or not this type experience is more accurate than a hallucinogen based drug that does not intend to "anesthetize".. I don't know if I would be willing to take it that far unsupervised. And no, I'm not talking about running it on..(where's my emoticons when I need them). So far I just find an "amusement park" of sorts. That MAY. Change..

In the pain side there is a lot to be explored as pertaining to any potential for ketamine to assist the brain in reprogramming what it thinks pain is. There is apparently a big line if thought going on right now and pertaining to this. At least as PRESENTED...

Keep in mind there are other drugs in this cream as well which are potent and limit from my ketamine analysis as in terms of "purity"... I have a bad feeling one could get dosed to the gills on the cyclobenzoprine if applying it in non-directed fashion and wind up flopping around on the floor if discontinued abruptly..

There also appear to be some ripoff artists out there charging folks 30k for some kind of ketamine treatment which is brief at best. There also appear to be a number if folks out there with more $ than SENSE.. Lol