Paranoia from deca?


New Member
I'm on 300mg test cyp and 200mg deca /week. The day after my deca I'm getting paranoid. Anyone else experience this? I'm wondering if I'm taking a different compound mislabeled. Or maybe it's just me. I have a different vial at 250mg/ml opposed to the 400mg/ml ive been using. maybe I'll switch over and see if there's a difference. Thanks for any replys.
Paranoid in what kind of way?

Is it maybe some kind of anxiety reaction? Pretty sure deca influences seratonin, dopamine, and potentially gaba? Which is why some people get depression on it, and anxiety?

I'm not highly versed in deca, not a fan of the water bloat and ive only ever used ir once for a pretty short duration, but I've seen countless reports of people getting mental sides from it, so there does seem to be some impact on the chemicals in the brain.

I would like to understand what you're experiencing more though, from an anecdotal data perspective
I guess anxiety. Overthinking looking out my windows. Thinking the police are after me or investigating me. All things I know better than to believe and yet when I see a cop drive by it feels intentional. I get paranoid and pissed off. Like I think people are watching me. Over thinking at night when I lay down letting shit from 20 years ago keep me from sleeping. Thinking my partners cheating on me or was in the past. I can think my way out of it and overcome it. Just a miserable feeling to have. I'm use to the feel good confidence not giving a fuck the test cyp gives me lol. Hopefully it'll go away when it balances out and my body gets use to it. Definitely feeling stronger and joint pain I've had for as long as I can remember is gone.
I guess anxiety. Overthinking looking out my windows. Thinking the police are after me or investigating me. All things I know better than to believe and yet when I see a cop drive by it feels intentional. I get paranoid and pissed off. Like I think people are watching me. Over thinking at night when I lay down letting shit from 20 years ago keep me from sleeping. Thinking my partners cheating on me or was in the past. I can think my way out of it and overcome it. Just a miserable feeling to have. I'm use to the feel good confidence not giving a fuck the test cyp gives me lol. Hopefully it'll go away when it balances out and my body gets use to it. Definitely feeling stronger and joint pain I've had for as long as I can remember is gone.
I would just drop the deca honestly.

A little bit of extra gains, or joint fluid and collagen synthesis isn't worth the plethora of sides you seem to be describing. I'm guessing some of these existed (to a lesser extent) before you started the deca, and that the deca probably exacerbated the problem. Again, drop the deca, maybe up the test, or add some masteron if you want to get back to a feel-good cycle and hopefully mindset. I think having a good mindset is more important than any compound, muscle, or strength gain, and I think you can achieve this with just testosterone even.

Do you take caffeine or stimulants? Any anti anxiety stuff? I know its a personal question but if youre already taking stuff that impacts seratonin, dopamine or gaba, then you have deca impacting the same chemicals, it could be compounding the problem in the wrong direction. If so maybe drop the caffeine for now, And maybe add a beta blocker to calm down the heart rate, adrenaline response, and physical symptoms of anxiety. Would also be beneficial for sleeping. I definitely wouldn't reccomend anything addicting, but I think you need something to calm you down. A beta blocker would help a lot with this

Sometime the best solution isn't to try to think yourself out of the problem (seems counter intuitive i know), when overthinking is causing the problem to begin with. I'd work on trying to shut down the overthinking, rather than fueling it and trying to beat it. This will take months if not years of mindful practice. It's not easy, and it wont be instant, but it sounds like overthinking is doing more harm than it is being productive for you. Easier said than done though, but start trying to catch yourself in these overthinking modes and gradually decrease it, until you can eventually turn it off (or significantly reduce it).

Blooodwork would be good to see where your estrogen and prolactin are at. Maybe they're out of range which could be fueling this feeling?

Just throwing some ideas out there. I hope you find some peace, but I'd start by making a few small changes. I wouldn't try to power through the deca feeling if that's what you're experiencing. That doesn't seem healthy
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Deca has always turned me into an emotional wreck with depression, which comes with overthinking and destroys motivation - My bodies chemistry just does not work with it, so I avoid it. I can use NPP for short bursts with no problems but around the 6 or 7 week mark it kills my motivation, so I drop it and move to something else.. I asked a question a number of years ago about this on a couple of forums and what caused it - the thinking was prolactin related. Suggestions came of different ancillaries to try, but I just decided it's not worth it for me.
My opinion, with having experienced the mental sides would be to not use it - It's not a nice place to be. Be well my friend and take care of yourself.
After one day on Deca? Doubt it. Takes weeks for deca to become noticeable. You've heard horror stories about Deca, and were expecting the worst. I would say you're a victim of placebo. And yes, I've used Deca many, many times over a lot of years and i've never had any emotional issues with it.
After one day on Deca? Doubt it. Takes weeks for deca to become noticeable. You've heard horror stories about Deca, and were expecting the worst. I would say you're a victim of placebo. And yes, I've used Deca many, many times over a lot of years and i've never had any emotional issues with it.
I've been on it for for a few months it's just mostly noticeable the day after my injection. I'm hoping it'll clear up. The joint pain relief is excellent.
Thank you for all the information guys. I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to give it a week or two and if it doesn't clear up I'll switch to something else. I hadn't heard of it before so I was almost thinking I may have a mixed up bottle of tren or something bizarre like that.
Deca turns me into this weird zombie where I’m constantly conflicted as to why the things that should bother me don’t bother me at all and then in realise how numb I get. It’s called Anhedonia.
Deca and NPP are known to cause anxiety in some people. I'm fortunate to not be one of them. If you're only using it for joint relief maybe consider dropping the dose by half. 100mg/wk of deca does wonders for my shoulders and elbows. Unfortunately because of how long the ester of deca is it will probably take a few weeks before your levels are down enough that you might notice a decrease in the anxiety.
Bro, you are just schizophrenic. That's all very normal for someone with your condition. Probably because you're so good at mathematics the cops are trying to get your partner to cheat on you that way you get distracted and don't notice the people that are watching you are switching your test out for covid vaccines.
Well, that got me thinking.

As long as you used standard counter surveillance tactics to throw off any tails on your drive to-and from the drophouse. You know, like making 2 u-turns in a row, etc right?

You did use a vacant drop house for delivery, right???
Update. Switched vials symptoms all vanished. Now I don't know what to think. Do I think my original vial was something else or do I think my current vial is bunk or under dosed? I don't know what the original vial could be so I don't know if they can mix. I also wouldn't know what type of cycle I'm on. I'm going to drive myself crazy. We'll I guess the original issue was resolved at least.
Update. Switched vials symptoms all vanished. Now I don't know what to think. Do I think my original vial was something else or do I think my current vial is bunk or under dosed? I don't know what the original vial could be so I don't know if they can mix. I also wouldn't know what type of cycle I'm on. I'm going to drive myself crazy. We'll I guess the original issue was resolved at least.
from the same brand? I don't think its the vial

sounds like you had some kind of episode or something. Glad you're doing better though
from the same brand? I don't think its the vial

sounds like you had some kind of episode or something. Glad you're doing better though

An episode of paranoia?

I see that in reruns all the time here in Meso for some reason lol.