Pct advice please

Yes I guess the better question would be what pct do use and when to take them. Or since it's not a crazy cycle will a test booster work
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Yes I guess the better question would be what pct do use and when to take them. Or since it's not a crazy cycle will a test booster work

Noooo...the "better question" is why dont you use your head for more than a hat rack and do some research in THIS sub-forum to educate yourself further before asking a simple and basic question that you should at least have SOME idea about, instead of wanting others to spoon feed you basic information. Do some work and demonstrate youve put some time and energy into your proposed cycle. Otherwise, you likely lack the energy required to build muscle and no one will help you.
The best way I learn is asking questions. Anyways from what I've read is that Clomid 100/100/50/50mg
Nolva 40/40/20/20mg would be a ok way to go. Please correct me if I'm wrong
Kurrick, thats what you should have done right from the start.... lay out your cycle and PCT with a timeline, as well as the drugs and doses of your PCT.
Your proposal above looks like part of a common PCT, expand on it.
Ok will do in the future
500 test c a week 250 on mondays and Thursdays for 8 weeks
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Please add advice
That is a full strength PCT, and is good for complex long cycles and a little overkill for your first cycle.
If you get pharmaceutical grade products you can probably do just fine with half the dose of each. I'd suggest you pay for the real deal, and avoid the research grade or UGL PCT products.

When do you plan to start PCT and why? Do you know how PCT drugs are going to help you recover?
Since you are playing DR with your self, it's important to understand how the PCT is doing it's thing.
There is a section here on Meso call steroid articles, read up on everything you can about SERMs and PCT.

You should also read up on some of the steroid stories of other 20 year olds. They often dont have happy endings. Sometimes it takes a really long time for your hormones to recover to your natty levels. There have been a lot of guys that looked great, were surrounded by loads of hot college girls that were horny as hell, and had no libido at all.
Think about how you will handle a situation like that, take home a hotty.... but cant get your dick hard.
At 20 your endocrine system is still developing and your natty test is the best it will ever be. You can really fuck things up with even a simple cycle. It's a calculated risk.... You decide if its worth it for you.

And wait 3 weeks after last pin to start PCT.