PCT advice


New Member

I am doing a 20 week tren/test/mast cycle this spring and am building my pct. Need some advice please.

Arimidex throughout and caber at hand.

Nolvadex and chlomid? What dosages and for how long?

Cheers bud. That all there is to it? Thought a 20 week cycle would require some more firepower.

How about the adex, run it through cycle and to the end of pct?
Cheers bud. That all there is to it? Thought a 20 week cycle would require some more firepower.

How about the adex, run it through cycle and to the end of pct?
I run aromasin 12.5 ed much better whole cycle..it's No just for estrogen
But the adex it's fine...just need to find your sweet spot..

And this it's the protocol we use if we been on for long time
Only when needed I always recover fine
There is an article you should read about serms not needing to be ran to high when paired together. I would research and do what you feel is right but I personally don't think any cycle will ever call for a stronger pct than what Frand had posted.

I would also use hcg before the end of the cycle or while waiting for esters to clear (assuming you don't switch to short esters before the cycle ends) and not include it into pct unless you are not recovering from Nolva and clomid together.