PCT Advise??


New Member
I am currently on my first every cycle running 500mg Test E and 250mg Deca per week for 10 weeks.
I have HCG on standby and was going to implement it from week 6 to week 10.
I will all be running nolva for 3-4 weeks after letting my body flush out for 2 weeks.

21 y/o
180 lbs
12-13% BF

Will this pct be effective?

Also wondering what your opinions are on making natural gains after pct (possible or not) as i reluctant on doing another cycle for quite some time.

Any advise will be appreciated, thanks.
Run more than Nolva. You need more than two weeks to let the DECA leave your system (4 weeks). What is your Nolva protocol (mg per day? Weeks?)
Run more than Nolva. You need more than two weeks to let the DECA leave your system (4 weeks). What is your Nolva protocol (mg per day? Weeks?)
Yeah forgot to mention I'm stopping deca at week 8. People have recommended Clomid?

Nolva 30mg ED for 2 weeks 20mg ED for 1-2 weeks
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Run your Nolva with Clomid.

With this being what I would consider a mild cycle, don't go too crazy with the PCT doses.

Nolva go
40/40/20/20 that's mg per day for four weeks.

Clomid go

If you have enough Nolva an clomid I prefer to go 6 weeks but 4 at minimum.
Deca will shut you down for a while, but you are 21 and its only 8 weeks so you might recover better than some. Deca for 8 weeks is too short to do anything major imo.

The reason for hcg is to prevent testicular shrinkage, so start it 2 weeks into cycle and run it up until you start pct.

Next time get your pct in line before starting a cycle and make sure its pharma grade.
there are different opinions on when you should run hcg during or post cycle. But one thing we all agree on is dont fuck around and make sure its pharm grade.
8wks of deca @ 250mg/wk? Am I missing something here?

I would urge you to reconsider AAS use at your age. Stay safe.

Doc is right OP. Your early twenties is the best years for a lifter. With hard work and proper diet, you will grow like crazy and most importantly you will build a solid base. I don't care what hormones you
use, without a solid base you will never look decent. More natty test may be the highest it will ever get at this point. Why on earth would you ruin agood tthing? Most of us never recover as If we had never cycled, we come close, but it taints the water if ya feel me. We urge you to seek other options at 21 than cycling hormones, you have a large window for that.