Pct after 4 years blast and cruise, is it worth it? Is recovery possible?


New Member
The first year I did about 200 milligrams a week to 300mg was just testosterone, year 2 between 400 and 600 milligrams a week played with deca 400 mg 3 months on 3 months off, year 3 did 400 mg of test cyp and added EQ 400 3 MONTHS ON 3 MONTHS OFF, have always done complete blood panels every 6 months, all levels normal, test sits around 850 ng/DL these days @ year 4 just cruising at 150 mg test cyp once a week, 200-350 mg the next. Want to come off, but not sure if its worth it or if recovery is possible, not worried about limp dick lol, and I know I'm a dumbass for staying on so long, but this stuff has helped me so much. Diet is clean now and I've lost 40 lbs of fat, cardio is on point and I'm just looking for solid advice from anyone willing to give it....Bashers need not respond. Happy New Year bros!<br />
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how ol d bro and why such low dose of test first time? i.mean look into power pct protocol and also do bloods to see how it goes man best of luck
The first year I did about 200 milligrams a week to 300mg was just testosterone, year 2 between 400 and 600 milligrams a week played with deca 400 mg 3 months on 3 months off, year 3 did 400 mg of test cyp and added EQ 400 3 MONTHS ON 3 MONTHS OFF, have always done complete blood panels every 6 months, all levels normal, test sits around 850 ng/DL these days @ year 4 just cruising at 150 mg test cyp once a week, 200-350 mg the next. Want to come off, but not sure if its worth it or if recovery is possible, not worried about limp dick lol, and I know I'm a dumbass for staying on so long, but this stuff has helped me so much. Diet is clean now and I've lost 40 lbs of fat, cardio is on point and I'm just looking for solid advice from anyone willing to give it....Bashers need not respond. Happy New Year bros!<br />
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I am on TRT, and don't have any kids. Talked to my doc when I went on about what we would do if I had trouble years down the line and wanted kids. He said they would give me Clomid and get my boys working again until we got pregnant. What my test levels would be during this time? I have no idea. But minimally it seems some recovery is possible even after a long period. I would say give a good PCT protocol a shot and get bloods. If you recover to satisfactory level... Great. If not... You can always go back on.
Man dude, blast that torem at 120mg for 2 weeks, come back to 60mg for 4 weeks.

Run clomid around 60mg during the whole time.

Try HCG as well.
OP I committed to blasting and cruising for 2 years (currently 8 months in). Please keep us updated. This thread will be helpful for me when my time to do PCT comes up
You will need analysis and with such dedication and patience. You need to accept you will never be 18 years old again. But recovery is very possible.
I'm also interested in this as I was on an 8month 200mg cyp e6d and gradually tapered the dosage down and came off. 6 months later I started feeling like I have Low T and took a test via saliva because in ny blood spot tests can't be done through the mail. Test came back in the medium normal range. Since coming off I have tried natty pct products like hcgenerate not sure if they have helped or caused high estrogen as I took test boosters thinking they would help and have started feeling like E is out of whack. Absolute mess. Thinking running some low dose aromasin to get e down. Either that or jumping back on and coming off with proper PCT. Def interested in what OP results are.