Pct and eod or Ed blood pressure and cholesterol control


New Member
AnabolicLab.com Supporter
test e 500 a week 1-12
Dbol 25-50 Ed 3-9
Looking for a pct and a Ed wile on cycle help.
Also ah e win on hand would like to incorporate it on this cycle

Either Arimidex or Aromasin... Arimidex is cheaper, but from my own research Aromasin is better but more expensive. You can't go wrong with either one though, as long as its PHARMACY GRADE.

Forgot to add, if you don't want your balls to looks like peanuts throughout your cycle you can add HCG, but its not necessary.

For PCT, get both Nolva and Clomid.
Clomid 50mg for 4 weeks , nolvadex 40mg for first two weeks 20mg last two weeks. You can take either or both of them.
HCG 250 IU’s every 3 days starting week 3. I prefer adding HCG for pct, nothing better than it.

For AI, I recommend Arimidex.