PCT check, timings, 14 weeks test e cycle


New Member
Hello guys,

i just wanted to check in on the PCT for the 14 weeks test e cycle:

week 1-14 | test e 250mg | e3d
week 1-16.5 | HCG 500iu | mo/th | last HCG shot 3 days prior to PCT
week 17-22 | clomid 100/100/100/50/50
week 17-24 | nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20/20

vitamin d3 5000iu / vitami c 1g AM/PM

1) i was thinking in adding tren a at 300mg week 6-12, if i would do so, i would only run test 250mg e5d thru the whole cycle, how would these dosages of test/tren affect my pct if any(?) is it then still good idea to do pct 21 days after the last shot

2) would tren really make it harder for me to recover and "surpress" me even more, even at 6weeks @ 300mg week, been really questioning this.

my last blood test:

the t levels are a bit low end, i know - but its more because of my current situation, the last 2-3 months have been rough, lack of sleep and no quality sleep. I've changed it at all, trying to recover my body for atleast a month, would check the levels in a month or more and then consider the cycle.

FSH 3.4 mlU/ml norm: 0.7 - 11.1
LH 3.8 mlU/ml norm: 0.8 - 7.6
Oestradiol 34 pg/ml norm: 0-56
Testosteron 2.53 ng/ml norm: 1.6-7.3

3) even on 500mg test e / week i start seeing some gyno issues, i've been recomended to just take 10mg of nolva from day 1(?) to be on the sure side of not getting gyno, i can't really get it working with arimidex.

4) For 12-15 week test e 500mg cycle i would start my PCT 21 days after my final shot

thanks a lot guys.
1. Don't run clomid that high! Do 100/50/50/25/12.5

2. How many cycle have you done? If the answer is not many leave the tren out focus on test e.

3. If you get gyno issues manage your estrogen better. (Since you run hcg that might be the problem that messes with most people's estrogen. And adex can't do anything against estrogen from hcg)

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk
1. Don't run clomid that high! Do 100/50/50/25/12.5

2. How many cycle have you done? If the answer is not many leave the tren out focus on test e.

3. If you get gyno issues manage your estrogen better. (Since you run hcg that might be the problem that messes with most people's estrogen. And adex can't do anything against estrogen from hcg)

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

hi, thanks for the quick answer.

1 - 500mg test e for 16 weeks and the 2nd was 500mg for even longer period of time, including dbol, which was the most stupid idea ever(the length of the cycle without HCG), won't really do this anymore, had a difficult time recovering and i neither used HCG. But it's been around 20 weeks off drugs completely including the last PCT.

3) yeah, i think tren at low dosage - i would be experienced enough to handle it, i never ran any fantasy dosages, my diet/training was very good(for me atleast) and i got the good results without those high dosages. Since my T levels are not really high, as i mentioned it should get up naturally by adjusting my sleep and so on, i'm still worrying about having hard time recovering from tren. Or wouldnt it make any difference that much since i'm running HCG?

4) well i did try arimidex, different dosages - to try and find this "sweet spot" for me but i think i'm really sensitive to it and so i always failed to do it and then i had weird mood/libido sides. When i had gyno issues i just used mid cycle 20mg nolva and adjusted as needed, it fixed my problems, i dont have any gyno currently.

I've never ran HCG yet. I guess i will stick to 10mg nolva ed from the begin to the end of the cycle.
Hcg will make it much easier to recover but if you have problems with estrogen management try the power pct protocol. That keeps hcg at the end of the cycle so it doesn't mess with your estrogen.

When you say you tryed at different dosages. Did you ever do a blood test to see where you are? That might help alot to figure it out.

If you want tren then start low. And see how it goes.

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk
1. Don't run clomid that high! Do 100/50/50/25/12.5

2. How many cycle have you done? If the answer is not many leave the tren out focus on test e.

3. If you get gyno issues manage your estrogen better. (Since you run hcg that might be the problem that messes with most people's estrogen. And adex can't do anything against estrogen from hcg)

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk
Ok... first of all tren is "okay" to run on a first cycle of done at a moderate dose and ran for a much shorter period of time. There's a whole article about it from the owner on here. And hcg messes with everyone's estrogen, it aromatizes much higher than test or tren.
Pct should be kept simple
40/40/20/20. Staying on those pct meds for 6-8 weeks isn't helping anyone you're just waiting money. And I hope the o.p is using pharmacuetical grade pct
Hello guys,

i just wanted to check in on the PCT for the 14 weeks test e cycle:

week 1-14 | test e 250mg | e3d
week 1-16.5 | HCG 500iu | mo/th | last HCG shot 3 days prior to PCT
week 17-22 | clomid 100/100/100/50/50
week 17-24 | nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20/20

vitamin d3 5000iu / vitami c 1g AM/PM

1) i was thinking in adding tren a at 300mg week 6-12, if i would do so, i would only run test 250mg e5d thru the whole cycle, how would these dosages of test/tren affect my pct if any(?) is it then still good idea to do pct 21 days after the last shot

2) would tren really make it harder for me to recover and "surpress" me even more, even at 6weeks @ 300mg week, been really questioning this.

my last blood test:

the t levels are a bit low end, i know - but its more because of my current situation, the last 2-3 months have been rough, lack of sleep and no quality sleep. I've changed it at all, trying to recover my body for atleast a month, would check the levels in a month or more and then consider the cycle.

FSH 3.4 mlU/ml norm: 0.7 - 11.1
LH 3.8 mlU/ml norm: 0.8 - 7.6
Oestradiol 34 pg/ml norm: 0-56
Testosteron 2.53 ng/ml norm: 1.6-7.3

3) even on 500mg test e / week i start seeing some gyno issues, i've been recomended to just take 10mg of nolva from day 1(?) to be on the sure side of not getting gyno, i can't really get it working with arimidex.

4) For 12-15 week test e 500mg cycle i would start my PCT 21 days after my final shot

thanks a lot guys.
Test E has a half life of 10.5 days. You should wait minimum 3 weeks before starting pct
Ok... first of all tren is "okay" to run on a first cycle of done at a moderate dose and ran for a much shorter period of time. There's a whole article about it from the owner on here. And hcg messes with everyone's estrogen, it aromatizes much higher than test or tren.
Pct should be kept simple
40/40/20/20. Staying on those pct meds for 6-8 weeks isn't helping anyone you're just waiting money. And I hope the o.p is using pharmacuetical grade pct

hi, thanks for joining and helping first of all.

1) so if i put it like this:
test 1-14 250mg e5d
tren ace 6-12 300mg/week

would this really have any difference on the PCT? I'd still start 21 days after my last shot, right?
about tren, since its tren ace i'm alright by backing off it 4 weeks before the PCT?

--- ill try to find the article but could you maybe drop a link to it, would appreciate it!

2) i've never did the HCG before, my cycles were alot longer and my PCT timing was completely way off and of the research i did, one of the most important things are the timings in the PCT.. so like running 20weeks of test e and starting clomid/nolva 2 afters was just not a good idea. Thats why i had the really hard time recovering, right?

3) I did test my E2 back when i was mid cycle on test e-500mg week, my e2 was like 200+ whyre the normal range is till 55~, i had gyno issues there, i started dosing nolva at 20mg and then adjusted as needed and i diddnt have those problems no more. So i guess it's a good idea to just go for 10mg ed during the cycle week 1-14 14-17 and then i'd adjust it to 40mg/20 as in the protocol, or do you think it would be bad if i used it it all the time, even when the test is about to go out from my system before the PCT?
Hcg will make it much easier to recover but if you have problems with estrogen management try the power pct protocol. That keeps hcg at the end of the cycle so it doesn't mess with your estrogen.

When you say you tryed at different dosages. Did you ever do a blood test to see where you are? That might help alot to figure it out.

If you want tren then start low. And see how it goes.

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

well i tried like 0.25mg arimidex e2d or like 0.5, it just usually fucked me up and even if i was mid cycle i was completely not in the mood for anything, so then i just used nolva 10mg ed. for the whole 22 weeks plus including PCT.

i tested e2 mid cycle, it was up to 250+, way off the normal range, this is where i got the issues, nolva fixed it.
But nolva just blocks the receptors.
It doesn't do anything against estrogen build up.

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk
hi, thanks for joining and helping first of all.

1) so if i put it like this:
test 1-14 250mg e5d
tren ace 6-12 300mg/week

would this really have any difference on the PCT? I'd still start 21 days after my last shot, right?
about tren, since its tren ace i'm alright by backing off it 4 weeks before the PCT?

--- ill try to find the article but could you maybe drop a link to it, would appreciate it!

2) i've never did the HCG before, my cycles were alot longer and my PCT timing was completely way off and of the research i did, one of the most important things are the timings in the PCT.. so like running 20weeks of test e and starting clomid/nolva 2 afters was just not a good idea. Thats why i had the really hard time recovering, right?

3) I did test my E2 back when i was mid cycle on test e-500mg week, my e2 was like 200+ whyre the normal range is till 55~, i had gyno issues there, i started dosing nolva at 20mg and then adjusted as needed and i diddnt have those problems no more. So i guess it's a good idea to just go for 10mg ed during the cycle week 1-14 14-17 and then i'd adjust it to 40mg/20 as in the protocol, or do you think it would be bad if i used it it all the time, even when the test is about to go out from my system before the PCT?
Yeah so test 500 a week and tren 300 a week would be fine (inject test Sunday mornings and wed. Nights) tren a I would inject mon,wed,Fri. It won't make for the best stable levels but it'll do. If you can get hcg, and use it at 250-500 iu per week. You said you can't get it but @pharmacist sells hcg. He's very reliable.if you aren't planning on running and ai such as arimidex or aromasin I would buy some (again. @pharmacist sells this pharmacuetical grade). If you run arimidex you could dodge it at .5mg ed/eod and go up from there on cycle . Or aromasin at 12.5 mg ED or eod and go up from there depending on how you feel. Stop the tren and test at the same time. The long ester test will carry you for those 3 weeks. If you do run hcg stop it before pct at least 1 week and stop taking your ai when you stop your test. You dnt want to crash e2. Nolvadex on cycle will only prevent gyno and not estrogen build up. Now an AI can prevent gyno and estrogen build up so I would use that. Any other questions??
Yeah so test 500 a week and tren 300 a week would be fine (inject test Sunday mornings and wed. Nights) tren a I would inject mon,wed,Fri. It won't make for the best stable levels but it'll do. If you can get hcg, and use it at 250-500 iu per week. You said you can't get it but @pharmacist sells hcg. He's very reliable.if you aren't planning on running and ai such as arimidex or aromasin I would buy some (again. @pharmacist sells this pharmacuetical grade). If you run arimidex you could dodge it at .5mg ed/eod and go up from there on cycle . Or aromasin at 12.5 mg ED or eod and go up from there depending on how you feel. Stop the tren and test at the same time. The long ester test will carry you for those 3 weeks. If you do run hcg stop it before pct at least 1 week and stop taking your ai when you stop your test. You dnt want to crash e2. Nolvadex on cycle will only prevent gyno and not estrogen build up. Now an AI can prevent gyno and estrogen build up so I would use that. Any other questions??

if i would run tren then i would keep my test at 250mg e5d, not quite 500mg a week.

I'm from europe, i get my legit gear in here but thanks anyways, haha.

arimidex at 0.5 ed eod is way too harsh on me at 250mg test e5d.. i think i'll use it at 0.25 e2d, that should do the job, its not like i'm running 1g test a week.

If i started nolva at the start of the cycle, wouldnt it keep the estrogen in check aswell? saying i use it from the start.

week 1-14 | test e 250mg | e3.5d
week 1-16 | hcg 500iu | mo/th | last HCG shot 7 days prior to PCT
week 1-14 | arimidex 0.25 | e2d
week 17-22 | clomid 100/100/50/50
week 17-24 | nolva 40/40/20/20/20

or if tren included:

week 1-14 | test e 250mg | e5d
week 8-14 | tren ace 300mg / week
week 1-16 | hcg 500iu | mo/th | last HCG shot 7 days prior to PCT
week 1-14 | arimidex 0.25 | e2d
week 17-22 | clomid 100/100/50/50
week 17-24 | nolva 40/40/20/20/20

i think it sums it all up
if i would run tren then i would keep my test at 250mg e5d, not quite 500mg a week.

I'm from europe, i get my legit gear in here but thanks anyways, haha.

arimidex at 0.5 ed eod is way too harsh on me at 250mg test e5d.. i think i'll use it at 0.25 e2d, that should do the job, its not like i'm running 1g test a week.

If i started nolva at the start of the cycle, wouldnt it keep the estrogen in check aswell? saying i use it from the start.

week 1-14 | test e 250mg | e3.5d
week 1-16 | hcg 500iu | mo/th | last HCG shot 7 days prior to PCT
week 1-14 | arimidex 0.25 | e2d
week 17-22 | clomid 100/100/50/50
week 17-24 | nolva 40/40/20/20/20

or if tren included:

week 1-14 | test e 250mg | e5d
week 8-14 | tren ace 300mg / week
week 1-16 | hcg 500iu | mo/th | last HCG shot 7 days prior to PCT
week 1-14 | arimidex 0.25 | e2d
week 17-22 | clomid 100/100/50/50
week 17-24 | nolva 40/40/20/20/20

i think it sums it all up
He doesn't sell gear he sells ancillaries and pct meds.. .. I'd say looks good go for it. Post before pics
He doesn't sell gear he sells ancillaries and pct meds.. .. I'd say looks good go for it. Post before pics

ye, i get it! anyways im not abroad haha

i'm not sure about tren and the recovery afterwards.. my levels are not that good alrdy and if i won't recover from that, thats fucked up.. thats the only thing, was thinking to only add it for4 weeks and see how my body takes it.. hmm, not sure

you got any experience by yourself? recovering with tren use before and without?

anyways, thanks u 2 for the help, appreciate it!
ye, i get it! anyways im not abroad haha

i'm not sure about tren and the recovery afterwards.. my levels are not that good alrdy and if i won't recover from that, thats fucked up.. thats the only thing, was thinking to only add it for4 weeks and see how my body takes it.. hmm, not sure

you got any experience by yourself? recovering with tren use before and without?

anyways, thanks u 2 for the help, appreciate it!
I'm sorry but you're a dense mother fucker. There's a mail delivery system and he's had a 100% success rate with no seizures... leave the tren for later cycles.